
No title.....

Jenna's POV
I guess the week was good. I felt a little awkward but not really so much anymore. I feel so good to be a part of a family again. Just being with dad was like being alone with the monster you thought lived in your closet until you were seven. It was kind of like living in a modern Leave It To Beaver. I don't really remember ever feeling loved, but I can't remember all that much about mom. Its confusing, I guess.

I was sitting in my room, petting the cat. I learned her name was Mimi, later on. The was a knock on my door. "Come in"

Mr. J walked in. Forcive habit, because of school. "A letter came for you. I'm not sure who its from but here."

"Thanks," Who was sending me mail?

I tore the envelope open. Before I even read the letter I looked at the signature, it was my Aunt Lynn.

She told be about my cousin getting married and my aunt having a baby.I missed so much. She asked where I was and what happened and why I hadn't talked to anyone.

I looked at the pictures she sent me. School pictures, wedding pictures, baby pictures.

Mr. J was still standing there. "Who's it from?"

"My auntie." I refolded the letter and put that away in my drawer with the pictures, until I got frames.

"She sat anything about your mom?"I shook my head. "You should ask."

I nodded. I opened another drawer in my desk. HAH! I found the empty notebook and started writing.