

Dear Auntie,
I tried often to talk to you. But you see, dad wouldn't let me. I don't know if you know but he abused me. Since I was six. I wasn't accident prone like he said. I guess he thought that you were getting suspiscious and decided that he should just eliminate the possibilty of you finding out.

So much happened. My teacher found out and he asked me to tell him about it so I gave him a story. There's a copy enclosed. Once, dad broke my arm. He wasn't drunk either. I just got the cast off.

My teacher reported it to child services and they came and arrested him. Then my teacher offered to foster me until they could trace mom. Its pretty nice here. I miss you all so much.
I'll send you pictures of me now.

I love you and miss you, keep me posted.


I pulled out my camera and stood in front of the mirror. I positioned the camera to take pictures of myself. I went downstair and printed them out. The search for stamps went on for over a half hour. I finally found some with Ronald Reagen on a half-used sheet. I stuffed the pictures, story, and letter into a big yellow envelope and jogged to the convenience store's mailbox.

Dropping it in, I thought of how much I really did miss them. Then I jogged right back.