
Piercing Screams

The sky's brilliant blue changed colors, fading into a serene blackish blue. The activities of the day slowed faded into the nonexsistence and streetlights came on, illuminating the asphalt and endless spread of lawns.

Jenna sat in her room on her laptop, reading myspace bullitins and watched a video that mocked Michael Jackson that her friend sent her. Then she turned off the computer and put it on the charger. She sat on the edge of her bed thinking. It took around 2 hours to fall asleep, so it was around 11.

Mr. J's POV
Its about twelve. I'm watching TV with my wife. Its some stupid show that I'm not really paying attention to.We began talking quitely when we heard a loud, piercing scream after another. We both jumped from the bed and ran up the steep staircase. It seemed to take forever to make it to the top of the tan-carpeted stairs. We heard the screaming pause breifly but start again. We opened Jenna's door, expecting someone to be there or something horrible that would cause her yelps of terror.
Lisa sat down on the bed beside her.

Jenna's POV
I woke up from a freaky dream and felt myself being pulled into a hug and someone stroking my hair. I knew I was crying, even though I wasn't fully aware of what happened. After a while, I fell asleep again.

My dream wasn't surreal like most. It was actually extremely real, vivid as if it were happening. I was with dad again. He was pissed I left and left me near death by the time he was through. It was a sequence of flashbacks. Occuring over and over.
It was traumatizing, or close to it.