Just The Worst Kind.

Don't Run Away.

You're captivating while evading
all the questions I have for you like,
"what exactly makes you tick?"
When the guilt sets in tell me
what exactly are we going to do?
Himerus And Eros, The Spill Canvas

The sunshine was almost unbearable, as it hung in the sky lazily from an invisible string. Heat waves radiated downwards, almost visible in the humid weather. The ground glistened, tiny drops of pool water sparkling like clear glass, making the ground seemingly sizzle in the dull heat. Different thoughts ran through her mind, coincidentally all relating to the same person. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach at the mere thought of it all. It was unbelievable, every part of it. A complicated story, for sure.

Sticking a tentative toe into the still water, Sage ran over everything that had happened in the almost full year since they'd met. Casual flirting, constant reassuring, complete and utter randomness. It was wonderful, reminiscing about it all; A smile played on the corner of her lips, auburn eyes going out of focus. With a leap, Sage felt the cold water against her warm skin, the surface broke open, small waves going over the edge and, once again wetting the concrete with a small sizzle. Dark strands of hair drifted in different directions, the water giving off an aqua tinge to the bright white pool walls.

Sage broke through the surface again, gasping for oxygen as if she hadn't taken a breath in ages. Hair plastered to her face, the dull throbbing returning as soon as she took her second breath. The water had temperately distracted her from what she had been thinking about, but now it all came back in a flurry. The pain, the love, the absolute adoration. It all rendered her speechless. Even thinking back to the very beginning, what had been running through her mind. Eyes closed, Sage began to float onto her back slowly as she began to recall it all.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Feet hit pavement effortlessly, a slight tapping noise left in with the background noise around her. The night had been extremely boring, considering she'd hardly touched a drink that had been offered to her, surprisingly. Arms wrapped around her chest tightly, trying to ingore the cat calls that echoed around her. They blended together, running continuously into white noise. A sigh vibrated off Sage's lips, her eyes focused entirely on the pair of shoes that were carrying her away from it all, away to the silence of her bedroom.

Why she even came, it was pretty unclear. Her friends had come over a few hours earlier, invited her to go have a few drinks with them. Of course she'd agreed; Sage hardly ever said no to free beer. But, once she'd gotten there, it all seemed disgusting. Revolting, even. Hateful; She could hardly force down the few drinks she had taken. Maybe it was a sudden revelation, maybe she'd finally gotten over the constant late night drinking she did. Maybe she was finally growing up, if just slightly.

A smile twisted on her mouth -- of course she wasn't growing up. God knows that would never happen. At least, not now. Maybe never. Who could tell?


Taking a deep breath, Sage blew the hair that had fallen in front of her eyes with the fall. Her arms were behind her, twisted backwards to hold her upwards while she tried to regain her composure as well as balance. Looking up at what had caused the fall, Sage found a pair of clouded, bloodshot eyes. For the moment she was dazed, her eyes trying to take in who was standing over her with drunken apologetic look. An embarrassed smile, mixed with her dark cheeks blushing uncontrollably. Lifting herself off the ground, Sage brushed off the front of her outfit, trying to avoid his eyes as much as she could, in fear of saying or doing something incredibly idiotic.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you, are you okay?"

The smile played on her mouth still, a small shiver went down her spine at the sound of his voice.
"Y-Yeah. I'm as fine as I'll ever be." Letting her arms rest by her side briefly, it wasn't too long before they began to fidget with a loose strand hanging off her shirt. "What about you? I didn't bruise you with my boney-ness, did I?"

Butterflies flew rapidly in her stomach, as the grin stretched with quiet laughter. "No, I'm fine. But, do you want to know a secret?"


With a few steps, he closed the distance between them. Sage's breath hitched in her throat. "I think, I'm really quite drunk."

The words somewhat ran together, slurring with the dull stench of multiple beers. Her turn to laugh, Sage didn't take her time to let a few giggles slip. His grin widened at the sound of her laughter, sending a slight chill down his spine.

"I'm Will, by the way."

"Sage. And I know."

His head tilted to the side, a quizzical look playing on his features. Seeing it, Sage rushed to explain herself. "Your Julia's ex, am I correct?" Trying not to let her emotion take over, not letting any sort of horrible name-calling come out of her mouth. Looking back towards his face, Sage watched as a twinge of pain passed over it. She bit her lip regretfully, of course she shouldn't have mentioned her. God knows they had a pretty messy end. Something that made her somewhat happy, but extremely ashamed about it. Chewing on her lower lip, Sage tore her eyes from his, instead turning her gaze down to her extremely dirty sneakers.

"Yeah. In fact, thats kinda why I came out here tonight." His grin had grown smaller, but it still lingered briefly before disappearing into a complete frown. Sage silently cursed herself, way to bring up an extremely touchy subject, women. Jeez.

Fingers still fumbled with the loose strands of thread, something to distract herself from the awkward silence. Finally, what seemed like ages later, she spoke. "I know it was messy; I've heard the story more then once. Hell, I could probably go into extreme details about it. I'd rather not, though, of course. Hearing it all once was painful enough." Sage said the last sentence under her breath bitterly, hoping that he wouldn't hear her. But, just her luck, he did.

"Why would it be painful enough?"

Frick. Grinting her teeth together briefly in self-annoyance, Sage stopped fumbling with the threads. Still looking at the ground, though, she replied. "Because I can't believe she was such a freaking idiot to ever lose you." Biting her lip, she slowly raised her eyes to see his reaction. Suprise? Confusion? A mixture of both? She could tell. Maybe it was the drinks finally hitting her, or maybe it was her natural blindness at being able to read someones face.

Once again, Sage was relieved to figure out that he wasn't totally uncomfortable by her statement. Well, that was good at least. Maybe if it didn't get worse super soon, she wouldn't have to crawl into a hole somewhere for the rest of her life.

"Hey, Do you wanna go somewhere...and talk? Just talk, I swear."
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(: !