Sequel: I Want To Love You

Hook Me Up

Last Train Home

It has been three hours on the plane, only five left. So far I have talked to Kirsten, read one of the magazines, listened to my iPod and had a meal from the flight attendants. I opened the second magazine, it was Seventeen, and looked at the contents to see if there was anything overly interesting. Page thirty-four, Trace’s new girlfriend? What? I knew it was paparazzi, how did it get out so quick though, it was last night! I looked at the date, the issue was meant to come out tomorrow, great. I flipped to the page quickly, there were three pictures, one of me and Trace walking, holding hands, one of us hugging and then the picture I knew they got, the one of us kissing last night. I read the article, it was only short but it was quite interesting what they assumed.

‘Trace has been seen recently with a mystery blonde girl. We have not been able to find out much information about her other than she has been with him for the whole of the Vans Warped Tour and her friend. Apparently she has been singing with the English band ‘You Me At Six’, can we find a music MySpace for her though? Not a chance.

Well, we like this girl and Trace as a couple. The look cute and very in love to us. Hopefully she will treat Trace better than his last girlfriend, that Amy girl. She looks like she will be big in the music industry if she carries on with what she is doing. As soon as we get any information on her, you will be informed. Check the website for updates.’

Great, just great. I am now going to be horded by the paparazzi. Never mind, I had to expect it. I showed it to Kirsten and saw her eyes widen. She didn’t know about last night, meaning I had to explain to her. After that, and finally getting her to be okay with it, we only had about four hours left. I took these hours and used them to sleep; it seemed like a good idea at the time. I put my earphones in my ears and opened my playlist on shuffle. Remembering Sunday by All Time Low came on, what a great song to go to sleep to, not.


When I woke up, thanks to the turbulence of landing, I was jolted out of my dream. Of course it involved Trace. I was back at Warped, I hadn’t got into Cambridge and I was still doing the tour, I was still with Trace, I was still stupidly happy. Now I was in rainy England, making my way off of a crowded airplane, bumping into everything in sight. When Kirsten and I finally got off of the plane and went through security, we looked for where our luggage was. It had not even been taken off yet, how fun. We sat down on one of the long rows of seats and waited. The clock above us ticked every second, tick, tick, tick. It was half four in the morning, it would probably be about half five when we got out. I couldn’t expect either of our parents to come out and get us at this time in the morning. I shoved my iPod in my ears and waited for our luggage to be taken off of the plane.

After half an hour, we got our luggage and made our way through customs and to the walk way where there were many people standing on one side of the barrier, looking for their loved ones. Neither I nor Kirsten had someone. I was absolutely exhausted, I needed sleep, I probably had dark circles under my eyes and bloodshot eyes at that. I quickly went to Costa to grab a caramel latte then making my way to the train station with Kirsten. It was a two hour train journey to London, then another hour from then. It wasn’t too bad, longer than driving, but it was better than nothing. We purchased our tickets and got on the next train, leaving within ten minutes.

I looked at my phone, changed the time back to English time and texted my mum saying we were in England and on our way back. I looked back at my wallpaper, a picture of me and Trace we took last week, I looked so happy, so did he, and just looking at it made me smile. I chatted to Kirsten for a while but she then decided to get some sleep, she needed it more than I did. Somehow I can manage on having only three hours of sleep. However, Kirsten is groggy if she doesn’t have seven, and believe me it isn’t pretty.

I was lying back, looking at the page of Trace and I in Seventeen, relaxing. Cambridge was going to be great; it was where I had always wanted to go, apart from New York of course. Apparently my apartment had been sorted out and my mum had sent over quite a lot of my stuff from home as soon as she got the letter. Thank god she was thinking straight. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket; I slid it out and looked at the screen. One new message, I opened it expecting it to be my mum. It wasn’t though, it was Trace. I smiled and opened it, reading it over and over again.

‘Hey beautiful, I hope you got back to England okay. How was your flight? I really miss you, it has only been about ten hours and I need to talk to you. In fact, I need to see you. I love you Sadie, I know I have said it so many times before but I really do. How is England so far? It must be nearly as sunny as the whole of the tour. The guys, including ymas, say hi by the way. Where are you now? Home yet? I love you so much. Trace xxx’

That couldn’t make me do anything but smile. It was so sweet, even though we were thousands of miles apart from each other; he still took the time to text back. I missed him so much, why did I have to leave so early?

‘Hello Trace, yeah I got back to England fine, and it is rainy as ever, in August. It is nothing like the Warped weather, really, I miss it already. Say hi to the guys for me, I miss warped too much lol. I am on a train on the way to London at the moment, then when I get there getting a train to my house. Fun eh? I really miss you too, it has only been ten hours, that is slightly pathetic ;] I love you Trace. Sadie xxxx’

Eventually the train came to a halt, I woke Kirsten and we made our way off to the courtyard of Liverpool Street station. We found the next train to Southend and grabbed a coffee before making our way onto the train and making our way back home. We searched through five different carriages before we found some seats. After forty minutes the train came to our station and we left, getting a bus back to our houses. I walked through the front door left my suitcase by the door and sat on the sofa, back to square one. There are only three differences from less than a month ago.

1) I had got into the college I had wanted to go for since I was twelve.
2) I had met many bands, performed with one of them and had the summer of my life.
3) For the first time ever, I had actually fallen in love. I was absolutely head over heels love with the rock star Trace Cyrus.
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The end. There we go, it is finished. She is in England, away from Trace and starting school in a week. Hopefully the sequel will start soon, depends whether I do this or do more of my other story I only have two chapters of at the moment.
I am quite sad this is over, but it is only just begining ;] loads of new characters will be in the sequel me thinks. I might start it tonight :)

Thanks to everyone that commented and subscribed and read this, I really do appreciate it. You do not understand haha

love youu guys xoxo