Drive the Nail and Let Him Rot

Wild for the smell of blood.

Zacky's POV

I had taken off my hat and bandna, giving it to Saskia for her neck. It was bleeding well bad considering the size of the wound, like two small rectangular sized marks about 2 or 3 cm apart and some light scratches. The blood was ousing through the material, and her face was becoming shinny and pale, like the blood was literally being drained from her. I looked on as she began to deteriorate. I began to panic as her eyes started to glaze over and her legs violently shook.


We pulled up at the hotel she had told the driver to go to. There would be medical staff here surely. I didn't know whether there was time to go to a hospital. I gave a handful of notes to the driver and jumped out of the car, running round to Saskia's side, shouting for someone to help me. The driver got out and help me lift her limp body out onto the pavement. Her limbs was covered in a cold sweat, and her skin became increasingly transparent, her vein's a deep blue showing under her skin. She growled in pain as she clutched at her throat, a new wave of strength seiving through her body. I thought I was gunna shit my pant's as she thrashed about on the floor, too strong for me and the driver to hold her down. She pushed me away with one arm, my body falling back and the skin from my elbow's grazing straight off with the sheer force. I looked on in horror as she rose to her feet, her eyes like a hungry shark, wild for the smell of blood in the water that surrounded her. And then she fled away, heading for the hotel. I scrambled to my feet as she disappeared into the lobby, screaming and shouting could be heard with each of her steps, her bones jutting from her back and arms. I was terrified but I followed in hot pursuit.

I came into the lobby of the hotel, people where running away, making it hard for me to get through. Security had her surrounded and were threatening to shoot.

"NO!!!!" I shouted as a police officer pulled his trigger and the bullet penatrated Saskia's shoulder, blood exploding from the opening. She howled at the pain, this sending her into a mad rage. She ran at the officer grabbing him by the throat and tossing him to the side, like a rag doll, then disapearing down the coridoor.

"Stop shooting!" I screamed as I followed her once more, more officers opening fire on the woman turned beast. I dashed up the flight of stairs, my chest heaving, my lungs sore and tight. The officer's stopped, radioing for backup.

"Dont go past here son!" One shouted to me as I ran past them "Or ill be forced to shoot you!"
I ignored him, making it past and down the hallway. I could hear Saskia screaming in pain. She smashed frames off the wall as her body twitched and whithered. She slammed her self into the wall, the blood gushing from her shoulder. She scrapped at her eyes, as if she was looking for something but her vision was blocked.

"Saskia, it's me, it's Zacky, can you hear me?" I tiptoed closer, her back towards me. At the sound of my voice she turned and faced me. I gasped as I saw her eyes, just red balls, protruding from her skull. She smiled at me, her lips full and blood red. Then as if she had found what she was looking for, she headed towards a door.