Drive the Nail and Let Him Rot

You must go, quickly.

No one's POV.

"And then I saw him coming back over, that Jade woman had come through a few minutes before, so im guessing, yeah you get the picture." Syn explained to the group as they tried to figure a way forward.
"She's the one that was fighting with Saskia." Zacky spoke.
"So it was over that. guy, Jimmy." Rosie also spoke.
"Yeah, when you and Saskia left, Rev and Jade disappeared. It wasn't long after they came back that this happened. What ever happened to her on the way to the Hotel, Saskia was wild, and she was out for revenge." Syn continued.
"I don't think its what happened on the way to the taxi that caused this. That Jade marked her neck." Zacky stated. "She was bleeding. Her neck was swelling, and then she just flipped out."
Zacky explained what had happened at the hotel. How he had hit Saskia to stop her from doing the same to Rosie. How she had escaped out the window.

"We need to find Jade, she must know whats happening here." Frank said.
"She was last here. The bitch must have disapeared when Jimmy was taken." Matt stuttered.

Suddenly a voice from behind made the group turn. It was Jade.

"If you want to find you're friend, you're gunna need my help."