Next Door


*Rose's POV*

"I thought I told you that you weren't allowed to play for three weeks!" Chad's voice intoned as he stormed out onto the soccer field.

"We're trying to start a game here, Chad. Just drop it and we'll figure it out later," Morgan replied smugly.

"I said to get your ass off of the field!" Chad thundered.

"No. Let's just play the game."

Chad cracked his knuckles menacingly. I was starting to get a little worried. I completely understood why it was necessary for Robert and Brian to be here. They were now rushing towards the field to try and restrain their friend.

"If you don't get off that field right now, you will never play in another soccer game," Chad now threatened. I shivered. For such ha nice person, he sure did the merciless thing well.

Morgan looked towards the referees, but everyone refused to come to his rescue. They were all a little intimidated, whether they admitted it or not.

"You have until I get to three," Chad said. "One..."

Morgan began to back away slowly,a s if from a large dog, but still refused to leave the field.


He began to walk faster now, but he wasn't gone yet. I was truly worried now, hoping that Chad wouldn't do anything rash, that he'd end up regretting later.


And Morgan turned and ran ad Chad took a menacing step forwards. The crowd sat in silence, waiting for the game to start, and for Chad to calm down.

I didn't think it could get any worse than that. I settled in for a relaxing game, to watch my friend play.

But of course, peaceful and relaxing were the exact opposites of the words I should have used to describe what happened after halftime...

I clap my hands, three times thus. At the third
You will eclipse yourself.
♠ ♠ ♠
Eh, I'm not so sure I like this.Do you?

It's a bit short, but the next one will be better, promise.

Comments please? Lets get up to 5....
