New Adventures

Saying goodbye

"Aelea...Avee,get up!"my mom called."hurry, we still have to load the boxes into the U-Haul." "Okay mom" i replied. "Avee, you gotta get up to help"i said nudging my sister.Our room we shared was bare exciept for a few boxes & our beds."I'm up,I'm up" my sister snaped at me,from under her pillow."alright, if you get in trouble its not my fault." i said walking out of our room towards the bathroom."Wheres your sister?" my mom asked."in our room she said she was geting up"i told my mom.My mom just looked at me frustraited. I passed her and walked into the bathroom and turned on the sink so i could wash my face.After i washed my face i changed into my sweatpants & i went to finish packing what was left of my room.It was sorta depressing looking at my room all empty.I looked around at my bare walls and empty corners, that used to be filled with my furniture and the walls above them plastered with posters of the Jonas brothers and my other favorite bands and pics of my friends. "wow" i thought to myself and then it hit me, this is all gonna be gone,im never coming back here. i started to cry thinking about all of the good and bad memories i had in this very room."whats wrong,Aeleas?"(my nickname from my mom)"nothing, just thinking of how this house has been part of alot of good times,im gonna miss it."i said through a sob"i know,honey, im gonna miss it too,but theres nothing i can do about it, im sorry." she said."i know mom,thank you." "for what?" she asked questioned."everything,you've sacrificed alot for me & Avee,I love you so much mom" i said quietly"i love you too Aeleas" my mom said while kissing my on my forehead.i just smiled."well im done in here, you need any help?" i asked my mom."nope all we have to do is load everything now."ok,lets do it."i told my mom"Alright"my mom said. after everything was loaded. we sat down i our empty living room, we looked around and sighed."its just not the same" we both said."hey mom,Wheres Avee?"i asked "oh shes saying goodbye to her friends, will you go get her?"my mom asked"yeah" i replied.As we walked back home Avee asked me,"Aelea, are we gonna come back here?""i dont know avee" i said.
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it will get better :]]