New Adventures

Settling in

Finally we were in the car with the u-haul trailer hooked up & ready to go."here we go ladies" my mom said."yep, let the adventure begin"i said.Mom & i switched back & forth driving.i just got my licence a few months ago because i barely turned 16.when we finally got to dallas i asked "mom now where do i go?""you still have to keep going our house isnt in dallas"she told me"then where is it?"i asked confused."in westlake,its just right outside of dallas"she repled."oh ok" i said. Avee was asleep when we got to our new house in Vaquero "a gated community?ok"i was a 4 bedroom,3 & 1/2 bathrooms & an office for mom with a swimming pool &a 2 garage."nice" i yelled, which woke up avee."whats going on" she asked in a sleepy voice."we're here" mom & i said in unison."woah dude" avee said,as we walked through the front door.i ran up stairs and saw the coolest room had a skylight,its own full bathroom & stairs that led to a little loft."called it" i yelled to mom & avee,Mom still had the master bedroom so she was fine with it & avee wanted the room right next to moms so it worked out good.After we moved the big things in we desided to get the rest tomorrow,because it was getting late.i crawled into my bed that we just set up and fell fast asleep.The next day we move the rest of the stuff in, mom had to take the u-haul trailer to the u-haul place so avee & i stayed to unpacked. We unpacked the Avees room first & then i helped her unpack her bathroom.Then i unpacked some of my room while avee hung up her posters & stuff.When mom go back we all unpacked the kitchen,office, living room,guestroom & bathroom."good job guys" mom said."well im going to go unpack my room,k"i said,"alright,well i have to go grocrey shopping"my mom said."ok mom,take avee with you to help,ill be ok"i told her"you sure?"she asked "yeah mom ill be fine" i said with a smile."ok,We'll be back soon,love you""love you too"i called out as i ran up the stairs.I unpacked all the rest of my stuff & started to setup my computer & stero, when my phone buzzed,i looked & i got a text from Rachel,Lexie,Annika,Austin & i sat down on my bed & texted them back.
Rachels Text:
Hey hows ur house,send me pics.i miss you,<3Rachel

Text to Rachel:
It's amazin, ill send you some pics :]]miss u 2,<3Aelea

Lexies Text:
Dude wat u up 2?hows ur house?miss u ,wuv Lex

Text to Lexie:
hey Blakeslee, just unpackin,its so cool, ill send picds :]] miss u 2,<3Aelea

Austins text:
I miss you...hows new place?luv u Fergy

Text to Austin:
miss u 2! awesome ill send pics :]]<3u 2 <3Aelea

Justins text:
AELEA! hows everything so far?house?miss ya <3JRW

Text to Justin:
Justin!! good good :]]my house is WOW! ima send pics :]] miss ya 2!<3Aelea

Annikas text:
Aelea its so lonley & boarin here w/out u : ( new house? hot Guys?lol miss u *Annika

Text to Annika:
sorry i miss you too! ill send pics of house :]] i havent been out yet :]]miss u 2 <3Aelea

After i got done texting them back i finished my room.Then i started on my bathroom.just when i finished my bathroom,mom & avee pulled into the garage. I ran down stairs to help bring in the grocerys & put them away."hey mom"i said."hi Aeleas"she said. "i finished my room all i have to do is put my posters & pics up" i said"thats good"she said while starting dinner."mom can i go for a swim before dinner?"i asked "yeah,avees been bugging me all day about it"mom said."k, Avee hurry & get your suit on"i yelled up to my sister."ok"she yelled back. I jumped in & splashed avee,who was getting in very slow even thought the water was warm.After a while i got out & went to take a shower before dinner.Avee got out too.After my shower i came down stairs & walked into the kitchen drying my hair with a my towl."Ding Dong" the doorbell rang."Aelea will you get that?" my mom asked."yeah,got it"i told her.When i opened the door there stood...Nick Jonas from the Jonas Brothers! I froze my mouth wide."umm hi"Nick Said."hi"i croaked my mouth suddenly dry."i was wondering if i could get my football back."he said."huh?" i squeaked. "my brothers and i were playing football, we live 2 houses down, & Joe with his football "skills" accidently threw it into your backyard."he said with a laugh.I just stared."are you ok?" he asked, snapping me back to reality."yeah, sorry."i said which made him laugh agian."right this way" i said leading him to the backyard." we found his football & i started to walk towards the door. "you just moved here right?"Nick said which made me turn around again "yeah"i said."thought so because i've never seen you before." He smiled agian."His smile is way hotter in person" i thought to myself.i just smiled back."im Nick by the way." he said. "duh does he think i dont know that, most of the girls in the world know that" i thought to myself agian."im Aelujnna, but you can call me Aelea"i said. "wow thats really unique...""yeah its weird,i know"i cut him off."i like it thought its really pretty"he said which made me blush.He smiled agian making me smile."Aelea dinners ready" my mom yelled through the kitchen window."well ill let you go" nick said"thanks for my ball"he smiled agian"if he keeps this up im going to melt"i thought agian."Alright,No Problem" i said."see you around"he said while walking towards the gate out of the back yard."yeah later"i said."bye Aelea"he said with another one of his smiles."bye Nick"i replied.I loved the way my name sounded when he said it.After dinner i went and layed on my bed & Listened to my Jonas brothers playlist on my ipod as i texted Rachel & Annika.

Text to Rachel & Annika:
♠ ♠ ♠
a little better?