New Adventures

Moms are so Embarrassing

My phone rang and woke me up,"Im Hot,Your cold & you go around like you know,who i am, but you dont,you've got me on my toes"."hello"i said still groggy."AELEA! its Rachel & Annika!"
-phone convo w/annika & Rachel-
R:Whats so urgent that made you use ALL caps?
A:yeah whats the "Big news"?
Me:OMJ! you guys arent gonna believe me but its totally TRUE!
R & A:What is it?
A:your kidding
me:No im completely serious.
A:are you sure?
Me:Yeah, get this,last night my doorbell rings right...(tells them the whole story)
R:No flipin Way!
Me: ill try...but idk if im gonna even see them...i mean i just met Nick but he said they were playing is should see them agian right!?
R:can your mom adopt me?
A:me too?
Me:guys calm down!
A:Well we have to go my moms taking us to the mall.
Me:dont tell anyone at school ok
A & R:Why?
Me:cause i wanna make sure first plus schools almost out & i asked my mom if you could come for part of the summer...she said you could if its alright with your parents
A:Jonas boys here i come lol
R:Dibs onJoe.
Me:you cant call dibs on a person,your such a nerd
Annikas mom in background:Come on girls...hurry or im not going to take you!
me:bye guys
A:call us if anything else happens k!
R:yeah anything even if you just see them taking the trash out!
Me: you guys are DORKS!
A&R:were not kidding!
Me:i know thats the worst thing lol
Annikas mom:GIRLS NOW!
me:bye guys ttyl
-end of convo-
I crawled out of bed & put on some shorts,a tanktop & sneakers.Peeked into my moms room,"mom,im going for a jog,ok"i said."Alright,be careful"she grumbled from under her pillow."ok,love you""love you too"she said from under her pillow agian.I ran down stairs & Avee was on the couch watching spongebob."where are you going Aelea?" she asked."for a jog,ill be back soon."i told her."k"she said. "love you"i said walking out the front door."love you too" she called after me.I Joged down the front steps & down to the sidewalk.After i went arounded the block a few times i was on my way back when i saw outlines of 4 boys playing football in their yard.When i got closer i saw it was the Kevin,Joe,Nick &Frankie.My heartrate increasted and it wasen't because i was running.I was nervous so i started to run faster, i didnt want the JONAS BROTHERS to see me all Sweaty & gross.I made it halfway past my neighbors house, when I heard "Hey Aelea,is that you?"i froze."Aelea!"i heard the sound of someone coming over to me."Aelea!?""Hi,Nick"i said looking at the ground."Hey,do you wanna come meet my brothers?"Nick asked."Sure,why not"i replied.ill give you a few reasons why not 1:i was all sweaty from running,2:my hair was all crazy from my ponytail,3:I was really nervous so my hands were kinda sweaty,4:& they were the JONAS BROTHERS!.I followed Nick over to their front yard.:Hey guys,This is Aelea from 2 doors down"Nick told his brothers."Aelea this is Kevin,Joe & little frankies over there,Frankie come over here for a second"Nick Yelled across the yard to Frankie."Coming Nick"Frankie called while runnning towards us."What is it Nick?"Frankie asked."Frankie,This is Aelea,Shes our new neighbor"Nick answered."Hi Aelea"Frankie said."Hi Frankie" i said."Your right Nick,She is really pretty"frankie said looking at Nick."FRANKIE!"Nick said franticly,his face suddenly 4 shades redder than before.Joe & kevin just giggled."But she is"Frankie explained."thank you Frankie"i said trying not to laugh."your welcome"frankie said hugging my waist.""well i better get going,nice to meet you all"i said while starting to turn towards my house."wait,Aelea can i walk you home?"Nick asked.this made me giggle and i asid"Nick i live two houses away.""i know but i want to"Nick said looking at his feet."ok"i said which made him look up & smile.When we got to my house"thanks for walking with my Nick,its just so dangerous from your house ALL the way to mine"i said through a laugh."my pleasure Ma'am"he replied bowing.I just giggled."well bye"i said heading up my front steps."hey Aelea..."Nick said up to me causing me to turn around."Yeah Nick""do you want me to show you around town later?"he asked looking at his feet."sure that would be great"I said blushing a little too."ok, ill pick you up at 6,ok"he asked."yeah 6 is fine" i smiled."k see you later"Nick said."k,later"i said while i was turing and opening the door.I ran upstairs to jump in the shower."mom im home" i called from my room.she came in my room and said"why are you so excited?"i couldnt talk so i just pointed at my Jonas Wall."What you got a new poster?"she asked in a little giggle.I took a deep breath and said"mom your never gonna believe me but...""try me""THE JONAS BROTHERS LIVE DOWN THE STREET...AND NICK IS TAKING ME OUT LATER TO SHOW ME AROUND!"I squealed."your kidding"she asked a little suspicious." im COMPLETELY serious!!!"i stuttered."ok, have fun"she said still not believeing me."whatever,she'll see"i just said under my breath.I jumped into the shower & got ready.I put on Black skinny jeans,and a balck & white Checkered tank-top with a black pleather jacket & black converse.i straghtened my hair and put on my make-up."DING DONG"the door bell rang,"mom will you get that?"i called with a smerk on my face."Hello...""is Aelea here?"i heard Nick ask."yeah...come in...ill go get her."I heard my mom bounding up the stairs."OMJ,Aelea...NICK JONAS is here for YOU!"my mom said still our of breath."Told you so" i said."but...but..."my mom studdered"how do i look?"i asked my mom."you look really pretty"she told me"thanks,can you tell him to hold on for a second?"i asked"i have to grab my phone & make-up case."yeah,hurry you cant keep a rockstar waiting" she said.i just laughed."ok mom"i grabed my purse, phone &make-up case.then i looked one more time in the mirror & fixed my shirt & jacket,put on some lipgloss,took a deep breath and started down the stair case.Nick was talking to my mom in our living room."you better behave...I have a hachet..."my mom said making Nick laugh."no im not kidding".He suddenly got really quiet.I hurried into the living room so my mom couldnt say anything else scary."So you ready to go?"i asked Nick."yeah,you?"he replied sounding relieved."lets go then."i smiled tring not to we walked towards the door mom said "you guys better be good...""we will love you mom, ill call you later." i cut her off."alright, love you too,be careful" mom finally said,"Don't worry Ms. Summers, ill take good care of your daughter" Nick said trying to reasure my mom."alroght have a good time kids" mom said finally leting us go."You look Great Aelea"Nick said to me as we were walking out the door."Thanks, you look pretty great yourself"i said blushing."can i ask you something?" Nick asked "yeah""does your mom really have a hachet?"i just laughed."So where are we going first?"i asked "you'll see" he said with a smirk.
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