New Adventures


When the limo stopped Big Rob got out first, then nick helped me out “what a gentlemen” I teased, ”I Try” Nick said with a french accent , causing me to giggle. I looked up & realized that we were at the mall “nick are you sure we can be here?” “yeah, why couldn’t we?” he questioned “what about the paparazzi? If they see us they might start a bunch of rumors or something” I said shyly, Nick Just laughed “you know you’re the only girl that has ever said that about being out in public with me” “well I don’t wanna start any drama” I admitted embarrassed “well…”nick paused acting like he was thinking really hard “I think we’ll be okay” he giggled “thanks, for the concern though” he teased, “Don’t tease me, Mr. Jonas, its mean” I pouted then turned and started to walk away. “Aelea…Hey, Wait…I was just kidding” Nick followed my sounding worried. I turned & giggled “I was kidding to Silly Nicky” ,he blushed “I knew that I was just…playing along…yeah playing along” “okay nick what ever helps you sleep at night” I giggle & ran into the front entrance of the mall. I hear Nick running after me so I stop & turn around & giggle his gorgeous curly hair is crazy from running across the parking lot. ”ahh nick you look so cute with crazy hair” I said while fixing his hair. “well you look cute when your not running away from me” nick said still trying to catch his breath, “sorry” I giggled. “its ok just don’t do it again” “Yes Sir” nick smiled “alright lets go” he said talking my hand. We headed into aeropotale, Hollister, Hot Topic and Abercrombie & Fitch to check out the summer stuff. We ended up with 14 bags apiece. “Are you hungry?”
Nick asked me, “kinda, what about you?” “yeah lets stop somewhere and eat, on the way home ” “ok” I said through a yawn. We stopped at Burger King on the way back home. Nick got a Whopper & I got a kids meal, “are you sure that’s what you want” nick asked me with a quizzical look on his face. “Yeah, its like the perfect meal, silly I mean nuggets, fries and a soda, plus an awesome toy” Nick just looked at me funny then smiled “Aelea you’re the only 16 year old girl that I know who loves kids meals” “its because im amazing” I joked .After we ate and got back on the road. ”Thanks Nick” I said though a Yawn. “yeah no problem” nick said now he was yawning. When the conversation died I just pulled out my ipod & laid my head back & looked out the window while Alex Gaskarth from All Time Low sang me to sleep. While the limo’s tires hummed against the highways pavement.
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