New Adventures

Maybe just Maybe

I awoke to Big Rob knocking on my window, I sat up and noticed that we were back home, I gently shook Nick awake. “Nick get up we’re back home” “huh?” nick asked while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “We’re home silly” ”oh right” nick said stretching. After I gathered my various things from the floor & Trunk. Nick and I climbed the steps to my house, before I unlocked the door, I turned to nick “Thanks, I had an awesome time” Nick smiled “I’m glad, I had fun too!” “Well thanks again Nick…Good night” “Night Aelea”.
“Mom, I’m home” I called up the stairs. I dropped my keys on the kitchen counter & grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge. After I was upstairs I peeked into my moms room. Avee And mom were cuddled together on moms bed Snoring, with the TV flashing different colors across their faces. I smiled to myself while I crossed the room and turned off the TV.
When I finally got to my room, I dropped all of my things on the floor. I looked at my computer & I saw I had 7 new messages in my inbox. 4 from,2 from Rachel & one from Annika. I decided to check them in the morning. After I changed into my pj’s my phone beeped, telling me that I had a new text.

From: Nick
Night Aelea…
See you tomorrow
To: Nick
Night Nick
We should go Swimming tomorrow :D

I Just smiled to my self as I crawled in bed. “Maybe moving was a good Idea”
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sorry not very many updates kinda stuck :/