The Other Sister


I couldn’t put this off any longer, I had let my family suffer enough, it was time to pull myself together and face the future…

“Evelyn…?” It didn’t matter to the six other occupants of the house that Alice’s voice was barely above a whisper, they heard her with perfect clarity. It took less than a second for all of them to stop what they were previously doing and get to her side. By now there was a huge smile on Alice’s face while her eyes were unfocused and almost clouded over.

“Evelyn’s coming home.” Her soft musical voice spoke again with more certainty, even Edward, who could see what Alice saw, smiled at the words. Their family would finally be together again, finally complete.

It had been so long since I last ran through these familiar woods, yet I could recall every detail with perfect memory. I ran faster than I had before, anxious to finally see the ones I loved. Although I’d never see the one that mattered again, this was all I had to look forward to. My family was going to help me through this loss…
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I don't own any of the Cullen characters besides Evelyn. This was something I'd been thinking of - and writing - for a while now. I was feeling upbeat about it today so I figured I'd post it.