The Other Sister


As the six of us walked through the snow to the cafeteria Jasper and Emmett bombarded Edward with snowballs. He was too distracted to care that there was snow all over him. The two grew bored with his lack of attention and turned on each other. Rosalie and Alice walked behind them trying to stay out of the way.

I let out a small groan as I saw what Alice was looking for, Edward would not appreciate this at all. I blocked it out as she started talking. I didn’t dare want to hear Edward’s verbal responses. She was very persistent about talking with Bella.

We’d reached the cafeteria, now inside and out of the snow. Jasper helped Alice into her chair as Edward was still unsettled about being the focus of their concern.

Edward was distracted all day, waiting to hear something from the girl, but I knew there would be nothing. He searched to see what she had said about him to the other students, but still there was nothing.

She’s not what you think…Briefly Edward looked to me until Alice broke his concentration.

“She’s about to look, act human.” Emmett smirked as he leaned his head down a little. I saw what he was about to do.

“Emmett!” Rosalie squealed as he shook the snow from his hair. They all leaned away from him laughing, but I could tell it was a strain for Edward to keep it up. I was feeling just as tense as he was and it was becoming harder and harder for me to stay in my seat.

I spent the rest of the lunch hour trying to calm myself. I paid attention to Bella’s verbal words as well as Edward’s mental voice. There was an anger that had rooted itself inside of me and I wasn’t sure where it had come from.

The humans were leaving now, moving to their next class, but no one moved from our table. I quickly glanced at them all, listening to their thoughts as I looked. They were waiting for Edward’s decision.

“I think it’ll be alright. I don’t see anything happening, but…” We all knew how things could change in an instant. Jasper encouraged Edward to leave, go home for the day, while Emmett didn’t see what the big deal was. One human, who cared… Then there was Rosalie, the only thing she cared about was herself.

“I don’t want to move yet, we’re almost out of high school.” She almost whined. That did it, that set me off. If I hadn’t heard her thoughts I’d only be a little upset about the others, but now I felt angry, and I didn’t know where it was coming from.

“Can’t you think of someone other than yourself, Rosalie? We’ve moved on for you, it’s only right for you to do the same for any of us.” I growled out at her low enough that human ears wouldn’t pick up my voice. “Stop acting like this is no big deal, because it is. She has a family and people do care. This is nothing to joke about.” I looked them each in the eyes as I spoke. They were a little stunned by my outburst, as was I. I had no idea where it had come from. I quickly got up and left the cafeteria. I darted into the woods that branched out near the path. Hopefully no one had seen me out here. As a precaution though, I moved at a human pace until I was far enough away from the building to start running.

How could I have done that, we’re under enough stress as it is and for me to lash out like that was unacceptable. It wasn’t until I was far away from school that I could realize this. It seemed the haze of anger had been washed out of my system, but I didn’t know where it had come from. Maybe it was just all the stress right now, it’s got everyone on edge and I keep picking that up. I hoped that was the problem.

I headed to the hospital, hopefully Carlisle wasn’t busy, I needed to speak with him right away. I’d hoped he wouldn’t be too terribly upset with my actions.

I found his thoughts quickly, although he was with a patient. I waited in his office, he already knew I was here, I didn’t want to bother his work.

“Evelyn?” He asked concerned as he entered his office.

“Carlisle, I don’t know what to do.” I could hear his the alarm in his thoughts.

What’s wrong Evelyn? I felt almost ashamed to admit it out loud.

“It might just be from the lack of visions, but I’ve been feeling so much anger lately. It’s as if I can feel it from somewhere else, but it’s influencing me. Today… well at lunch.. I sort of, well I caused a bit of a scene.” I wasn’t sure how to word it correctly so I closed my eyes and concentrated on the lunch hour, showing him my blow up.

“Ah, I see.” He smiled. Why in the world was he smiling. I took a deep breath, maybe it would calm my nerves. “You said nothing but the truth Evelyn, they just have to deal with the reality.”

“But I didn’t mean to say it, I didn’t want to. I just couldn’t not say anything… I’m afraid I’m losing all control. I mean, first the visions, now I can’t even hold my tongue. What’s next?” I asked desperately.

“I‘m not sure. Nothing like this has happened before.” Although, it does remind me of when we first met. He thought to himself.

“How?” I couldn’t help but ask out loud.

“Well, you had trouble handing all the extra senses, it was too much. The horrible mood swings, remember? It’s just like that. Possibly with what’s been going on, you’re overworking yourself. Everyone‘s on high alert, and you‘re feeling it all.”

“You’re right, it is a bit… crowded. With everyone’s emotions I mean. Lately everyone’s been on edge, especially Edward, and I’ve been trying to bring back the visions… thank you Carlisle, I knew you’d be able to help.” I smiled at him, he always knew how to fix my meaningless problems. I kissed his cheek quickly as a daughter would her father, because Carlisle was just that in almost everyway.

“I suppose I’ll see you at home later.” He chuckled as I nodded. I was always thankful that Carlisle was able to comfort me. He so easily calmed me down with his logic.

I decided to head home, the school day was almost over and I wanted to get back before the others. I needed to apologize to the them, it was unfair the things I said.

Esme greeted me as she worked over some blueprints. She worried why I was alone and early but figured I’d tell her about it if I wanted. I don’t think I could have been luckier to have someone like Esme in my existence, or the rest of the Cullens for that matter. We truly were a family and I think we almost needed each other.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts, being around Esme made me feel so warm. It was hard to be angry around her.

“How was your day.” She asked brightly. I smiled as I looked over her work. I quickly filled her in on what had happened. Showing her the same thing I had showed Carlisle. She was mentally a little disappointed but wouldn’t say so out loud. She understood though, Esme hadn’t missed how upset I’d been lately.

“I’m sure everything is going to work out for you.” She rested her hand on my shoulder, giving it a small squeeze as Edward’s Volvo turned on the drive.
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I'm trying to update more... I have a bunch of it written... :D Thank you all so much for your feedback, I love knowing what you think of it. I'd also like to know where do you see the story going, where would you like it to go? I'd love to hear what you have to say :D

Oh and of course... I dont own the Cullens, just Evelyn.