The Other Sister

Risking It All

I left early the next day, before Edward and Carlisle got back. I was still a little on edge so I thought it best to keep to myself. All I’d been doing lately was making the situation worse, maybe if I avoided everyone while this mess blew over, things could get back to the way they were… Although I knew that wasn’t going to happen, I could only hope.

I didn’t bother waiting for my family, I’d seen them soon enough, Edward was in my first class. As I sat in my seat waiting for the day to begin, I wondered exactly how long it would take for my family to get back to the way it was. Was that even possible now?

Amidst my thoughts of the future and what was going to happen there was a flicker of a strange image. For the first half of a second I thought it was a stray thought I was picking up from someone, but upon further inspection I realized it was coming from me. The joy I would have felt for my glimpse at the future was quickly extinguished as I realized what the vision was.

I didn’t have enough time to do anything other than watch in horror, through others thoughts, as the old van of a student began skidding across the parking lot aimed right at Bella Swan.

I quickly found Alice’s thoughts and watched the future spin as Edward raced to save the girl. I was frozen in my seat, had he really just done that? Had anyone noticed? I got up quickly and exited the classroom as fast as I could without being suspicious.

I searched the thoughts of every student in the parking lot, making sure no one was aware of the risk Edward had just made. It seemed no one was even aware Edward existed, every thought was on Bella.

I could hear our family, they were rather upset with the situation, but that was far from important. I was more worried if Bella was okay, for some reason I wasn’t upset with Edward. With all that he risked, I was glad he had. I couldn’t imagine Bella’s body crushed beneath the van. It was frightening how much that would upset me.

I quickly shook that thought from my mind, it was upsetting…

I listened as Edward ascertained that Bella was alright. He worried though, that she hit her head too hard on the concrete.

He’s such a moron! How could he even think to do something like this, does he even know what he’s done to this family! What he’s just risked! Rosalie was screaming insults at Edward. I didn’t bother to try to explain to her, it would only cause more problems, and she was completely justified. Edward had risked exposure for our entire family, and somehow I wasn’t worried about that at all.

I tried to tone out Rosalie’s complaints as best I could, I focused on Edward’s thoughts, Bella was being stubborn from what I could tell.

The paramedics had arrived and were trying to pull the vehicles apart to get to Edward and Bella.

“Bella, I was standing right behind you, and I pulled you out of the way.” Even over all the noise from the worried students, I could hear Edward’s voice perfectly.

Bella had seen what happened. What could this mean for our family. I thought hard, trying to see if I could get another glimpse at the future, but there was nothing. I listened to Alice’s thoughts, looking for something, but the visions she was getting were still vague and hazy.

“I don’t think we’ll have any options after this.” Jasper said watching the ambulance drive off. I let out a low snarl as I saw what he was thinking.

“He’s right Evelyn, there’s not many choices we have.” Rosalie agreed. I glared at the two, reading the direction their thoughts were headed. How could they seriously think killing Bella was an acceptable option.

“You don’t know anything yet, maybe there’s nothing to worry about.” I felt a wave of calm wash through me, obviously Jasper knew I was having a hard time. If I wasn’t aware of the fact that he was planning to destroy Bella, I would have been grateful.

“There’s really not much we can do now, no need to get worked up, who knows maybe there isn’t anything to worry about.” Emmett said grinning. I let out a huff and followed behind as he lead us back to our classes.

I waited anxiously for Edward to return to school, I wasn’t sure if he’d stay with Bella or if he’d come back to try and cover his tracks. The time ticked by slowly and I concentrated on the future. I was watching Alice’s thoughts and trying to conjure up my own visions. It was odd, I had never had to work for the visions, they always had just come naturally.

It was as if there was a block or something restraining it. When I concentrated deep enough I could push it away and see small images flickering by. Hazy and unclear, I could barely make anything out in the short time I was able to concentrate.
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Wow, it's been a whole month... I am so sorry! Please forgive me? I don't know what happened, the time flew by and I was busy with work... I'm going to try to make it up to all you wonderful people ;] Hope you love it!