The Other Sister

No Need To Discuss It

I was disappointed when Edward returned just after lunch. He headed right to biology with out a word to anyone. When his teachers asked about the accident he didn’t give up much information. I dreaded the next conversation, Emmett was about to tell him of Jasper and Rosalie’s thoughts.

My eyes widened in shock as Edward resolved himself, he would fight for the girl, even against his family. Had it come to a fight? Would the other’s not see reason, would they go against Edward? Or is it Edward who is going against them?

I couldn’t help but agree with Edward, Bella was defenseless, it was an unfair fight, if that was what it would have to come to. He had ultimately put her in this situation, it was his duty almost, to protect her now.

That thought brought on an interesting vision as I concentrated. Edward was standing in an unfamiliar room, there was someone else but it was too hazy and uncertain to see exactly who it was.

The bell rang then, and I walked from my English class. I decided to ride with the rest of my family on the way home, I was curious to see what would happen. When I reached the car Alice was already in the back with Jasper and Rosalie. Emmett would have to squeeze in with them as well.

There was silence in the car, and even in their thoughts there were only grumbles of displeasure. That is, until Edward arrived. Rosalie was once again shouting insults at Edward, I could tell he was trying to block them out. He was more interested in the other’s thoughts. He caught a glimpse at Jasper’s and realized Emmett was right.

Alice was watching out for Jasper, and in turn seeing Edward plan his attacks around that. The more Edward saw from her, the earlier he would cut Jasper off. Alice was not happy about that.

Jasper and Rosalie’s thoughts made sense, Edward had endangered our family. But I still couldn’t stand the thought of ending her life, it wasn’t an option. I was not going to let that be an option. We went straight to the dining room when we arrived home. It was mostly a room for such an occasion. We had no other need to convene in it than to debate in.

Carlisle and Esme were already there, sitting at the head of the table holding hands. Edward quickly sat beside Carlisle, with Esme reaching around to comfort him.

Rosalie sat opposite Carlisle, at the other end of the table. Her face was blank, emotionless.

Emmett sat obediently beside her, although he wasn’t sure he agreed with it as much as he thought he should.

Jasper stood off to the side of Rosalie, although it was obvious who he was siding with, he wasn’t as upfront about it as Rosalie was.

Alice didn’t seem to think about the seating arrangements at all, she was trying to see how the night would end. She sat next to Esme without hesitation, making Jasper a little uneasy in his own position.

I stood quietly in the doorway, directly in the middle of the table. I had made up my mind, no one was going to hurt Bella, and I didn’t need to showcase my feelings. There wasn’t anything to discuss in my opinion. It was fact, neither Edward nor I would allow it.

As Edward began to apologize for his mistake, taking it upon himself to assume the responsibility, I concentrated on the tiny flickering images that passed quickly through Alice’s thoughts. I concentrated very hard on my own visions, and soon I was seeing my own flickering images.

Rosalie was laying down her side of the argument, only I wasn’t paying attention, the vague and hazy images were solidifying, growing deeper. I quickly looked to Alice who was acting as if she were listening to the group discussion intently. She nodded absently, although I knew she had realized what I’d seen and was answering the obvious question I had.

“I will not allow it.” Edward said in a determined tone, bringing on several other images that were deeply set. I nearly gasped out loud.

Alice interrupted asking Jasper for a favor. Edward had seen what she had seen, what she knew would be the truth. Bella would be her friend, she would be upset if anything were to happen to her. As Jasper’s resolve faded the images were longer, more detailed. There were many of Edward and Bella, Alice and Bella, and even I was with Bella.

The most distinct vision Alice had seen, was that of Bella’s trustworthiness. She saw that Bella was not going to say anything, and all would be right.

I almost smiled, but it wouldn’t be right to gloat, although I had been right. Bella was different from most humans, and I knew there was no need to worry. Although Edward was still trying to grasp a hold of the image he had seen from Alice.

“What was that?” He asked as she distracted herself from thinking of what she had just seen. I tried to block the visions off, think of something else but Edward caught me before I could. His head snapped towards me.

“No!” He shouted jumping to his feet.

“It’s going to happen, every second it becomes clearer.” Alice’s voice chimed. Emmett grumbled over the fact we were having a private conversation, it always irritated him.

“Edward, I think this was what I felt coming… Alice saw it too, more clearly than I… She saw there was a big change for you coming, and this is it Edward.

“I’ll leave, I have to, I wont be like that!” He nearly shouted.

I don’t think that’s an option Edward, do you really think you can leave now? Alice thought.

“Leaving now will be the opposite of helping, Edward, I thought we already went over that.” Emmett said irritated he wasn’t in on all the action. Alice continued talking to Edward in her head, bringing up her doubt of Jasper. If he were to think Bella was becoming a threat he would take care of it, that was just his mentality, and it made sense.

It was ironic, Edward didn’t want to be Bella’s protector, well want is the wrong word. He didn’t believe he could be. Although wasn’t I only just thinking it was almost his duty to do so?

I’ll love her too Edward, we’re going to be friends. She was determined to make Edward see the truth, he was trying desperately to keep from admitting it.

“Love her… too?” His voice was almost distant, as if he was deep in thought, but really his head was swarming with many possibilities. “No! I’m going to change that, she wont have to go through that!” He slammed his fist on the table outraged. The others openly discussed the news aloud. Alice explained what had just happened.

You can try as hard as you want, but its going to happen, there’s only two ways now… Edward didn’t react to my thoughts, but I knew he heard them.

I knew he needed his own time to think this through, so when he walked out of the room, instead of following as I might have to calm him down, I let him go. This wasn’t my place to persuade him, as I had said before, Edward needed to see for himself.
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I'm trying to make up for the month of nothing... Hopefully two, maybe three new chapters will do the trick? Let me know how that goes... :D