The Other Sister

Oblivious To The Obvious

For the rest of lunch no one spoke. I searched the near future to see if anything was going to happen. Edward was more wound up today than usual. Through the month that Edward has been avoiding Bella, I’ve been able to work on the visions. They don’t come as easily as they once had, but it wasn’t such a struggle anymore. I was just happy they were back.

Ah, now I see. Bella was going to be asked out by one of the boys in her Biology class. Mike Newton. She was going to decline him, wouldn’t that make Edward happy? Unless he thought the girl would say yes.

I giggled to myself, how silly Edward was sometimes. He hadn’t caught what I had just learned so he thought I was still thinking of him avoiding Bella.

I felt like a stalker again as I listened through the hour of Edward and Bella’s Biology class. I was thankful Edward was too distracted to hear that I was listening in on him. I just wanted Edward to be happy, I wished so much that he would realize it was inevitable.

I was almost joyous as Edward began to realize he might not be able to stay away from the girl. It was a little amusing to realize Edward was a bit jealous of Mike Newton, realizing Bella may say yes to him, or someone eventually.

I almost laughed out loud when Edward had been caught off guard by Mr. Banner. He was too preoccupied looking at Bella for the first time in over a month. She had only just declined Mike’s offer of taking her to the dance.

Edward had started to debate whether Alice and I were right. Was he strong enough not to kill her? He definitely wasn’t strong enough to stay away, he had just decided that.

The bell had rang once again and I moved on to my next class still paying loose attention to Edward and Bella. The future was changing so swiftly I wanted to be prepared for anything. I tried not to listen as he spoke to the girl for the first time in over a month.

I can’t keep spying on him, he can figure his mess out for himself. There is no doubt in my mind now that Edward will not destroy the girl. He may not be able to see it, but he does love her, or at least he‘s going to. The rest of the day was a breeze, instead of keeping myself distracted from the human minds, I used their thoughts to occupy myself from Edwards. It pained me to hear the way he saw himself. He acted as if he didn’t deserve happiness and the little hope he had felt when the girl declined Mike Newton, vanished quickly.

I met up with Emmett where I had seen Edward tell him to wait for us. Another boy was planning to ask Bella to this school dance. Again, she would say no. Edward could have simply asked Alice or I for the outcome, but he wanted to see for himself. Plus he didn’t need anyone more aware than they already were.

“I think the kid’s lost his mind Evelyn.” He joked as Jasper joined us.

“No, not yet anyway. He’s just oblivious to the obvious. He needs to see things for himself, that’s all.” I smiled as Alice walked up to Jasper and grabbed his hand. Rosalie wasn’t far behind.

“What’s wrong?” She asked as we began making our way to the Volvo. Edward being an idiot again? She thought irritated.

“He’s acting… strange, I don’t know. In Spanish he seemed, almost hopeful and now this. I don’t get it.” Emmett explained.

“Just give him time.” I said slowing my pace knowing Edward was waiting for Bella’s answer. I saw that even a third boy was going to try his luck with her. If he hadn’t been so wrapped up with it, he could see what I saw. That she would have declined all three boys. But, as I said to Emmett, he needed to see for himself.

When we got to the car Edward was laughing hysterically, I smiled at his change in mood, happy that he was happy, at least for the time being. We were still stopping traffic and I wondered if Edward was aware of that.

“Let’s go!” Rosalie hissed annoyed. Stop being such a fool! She shouted in her head. She kept the insults going yet again.

“Rose, if you could, please stop shouting, I can hear it too you know.” I said turning around to face her in the back seat. I smiled as she mouthed an apology to me.

It was pretty quiet until we were almost home. “Can I talk to Bella now?” Alice asked without thinking first.

Edward snapped back at her. “No.” Instantly his good mood was ruined.

“Don’t worry Alice, it’s only a matter of time.” I eyed Edward as he growled at my statement. I can’t help it Edward, it’s the truth.

You can try to. He rounded the last corner and screeched to a stop. He flew out of the car before anyone else had even moved.

“Enjoy your run.” Rosalie said smugly before walking into the house.

Later that evening I was reading when suddenly I saw Edward in an unfamiliar room. Standing over a sleeping human. There was no doubt it was Bella. What was he doing in her room? I was about to run to find him, worried he might hurt her, when I saw another image. This one he was sitting in a chair across the room from her, simply watching her sleep. I relaxed, realizing he wasn’t going to harm her. Of course not.

Things were starting to clear up now, and I wasn’t sure if that was good or bad. I listened to Alice’s thoughts, but she wasn’t getting the visions I was. She was focused on Jasper making sure he was okay.

This was it though, Edward was finally seeing the truth. He’s finally realized he will always love this human girl. I couldn’t help but let the smile on my face spread. Was this not what I had been trying to tell him? Maybe he really was just too stubborn for his own good.

I was suddenly in high spirits. Although there was no doubt in my mind Edward would still try to keep Bella safe, he’d still try to deny to future, I was much more relaxed and less anxious. It was as if that angry haze was lifted from inside of me and carried away.

I wondered then, was my anger and hostility caused by Edward’s mood. I already knew I wasn’t as in control of my emotional climate as Jasper was, but maybe Edward’s pain was somehow rooted in me as well. I think I was so attuned to his emotions that I somehow subconsciously reflected that. Now that he had vanished the tortured pain from himself, it had vanished from me as well.

My outlook was suddenly so hopeful, I felt like Alice on a shopping spree. I knew Edward was probably wondering how to make his love for Bella work, but I knew that there was a way. Edward’s future was not so hectic anymore, there were distinct visions, ones not clouded and hazy.
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Um, another chapter?
Yeah, I'm trying to suck up to you all :D
So comment to keep me motivated! lol juuust kidding... kind of ;]