The Other Sister

We Mean No Harm

My thoughts were running just as fast as I was physically. I was grateful I was able to have multiple thoughts at once, and not confuse myself.

About three things I was confused over. The first, what had they done to my mind, how had they? The second, who were they, were they after me? The third thing, who was the male I’d sensed before? He seemed familiar but I would have remembered him if I’d met him. I usually stayed away from my kind, for obvious reasons. I didn’t like confrontation, and since what happened so many years ago, I wasn’t willing to risk my life like that. I suppose that was more than three questions, but who was really counting…

It only took about three seconds before I sensed someone following, longer than I expected. From what I could sense, it was only one. I didn’t dare look behind me to see which one, I knew it was probably the muscular one come to restrain me and take me back to the others. Less than a second later, the confusion started to die down, I was able to see perfectly again and the voices were no longer jumbled. There was now only one voice. It wasn’t the brawny, curly haired male I expected. How strange.

“We didn’t mean to frighten you.” His voice was clear and rang in the air. We kept running, him a safe distance behind me. He could easily be closer if he wanted, was he purposely staying back?

“She’s very fast, not as fast as Edward but almost. Her mind, Edward said he couldn’t understand, all he heard was an echo of our own thoughts. I’ve never come across anything like this before.” Was someone with this male? I inhaled through my mouth but only tasted one being behind me. Who was he talking to? Maybe himself… but out loud…?

“I don’t want a fight, please, I didn’t do anything to disturb you.” I could sense confusion again, but it wasn’t from me. Had I confused the golden haired male?

“I meant it when I said we mean no harm. I am not here for a fight. I’m very sorry we frightened you, we didn’t mean to. We were hunting when we crossed your scent. Some of my family were interested to see what was out here.” Hunting? That’s right, they did have the golden eyes, how strange I didn’t connect the clues earlier. They drank the blood of animals as well. Odd, this coven went against most of the ideas I had for a ‘normal‘ coven. My pace slowed as did his, if he was going to attack me why would he slow as well. Was he really telling the truth? Did he mean me no harm? His voice seemed to leak compassion, I could taste it along with something else, I couldn’t quite place.

“I won’t hurt you.” I couldn’t help but to feel the sincerity in his voice. It almost stopped me in my place. My sudden halt surprised the male and he came closer than he intended, but I didn’t feel as threatened as I had earlier. For a brief moment I saw into his past, from what I gathered he was an honest and trustworthy being, something I was not familiar with.

I could hear questions floating around the air, it was mildly distracting. Although he’s had enough chances to attack, so his intent was not to harm. I felt almost silly now for my behavior earlier. But the air tasted so different with the rest of them around. I quickly turned to face the male only to find him smiling. How odd.

“I really am very sorry about earlier, I hope you can forgive me for frightening you.” His words left a sweet taste on my tongue, I felt his compassion seep through his them.

“If you meant no harm, then why were you trying to confuse me?” It still didn’t make sense to me, why the painful confusion if they weren’t going to attack?

“I’m not entirely sure what happened back there, I think we were all just as surprised as you were.” I cocked my head to one side, they hadn’t done any of that on purpose?

“How did you show me those images, and then the voices, what were those? I’m sorry, I’m just trying to understand what happened. I am not used to being so confused.” I couldn’t help but trust him, I hadn’t sensed any wrong doing on his part.

Voices, she heard voices, and images? Interesting, just as Alice and Edward. So very interesting. I heard the male speak, but his lips didn’t move, how was he doing that. My brow furrowed in confusion. I wasn’t used to hearing the thoughts of others, what brought this on?
Can you hear me? Again his lips hadn’t moved but I heard him.

“How are you doing that?” I asked astonished.

“This is very interesting, I’ve never seen anything like this.” This time he spoke the words aloud. He was utterly amazed, but I didn’t know why.

“I don’t understand.” He smiled and took a step forward and unlike last time, I stood my ground.

“My family, some of them, have extra abilities if you will. Edward, he can read minds, Alice, she can see the future, and Jasper is able to sense and manipulate feelings. I have a theory that you have something just like their’s. I think that maybe you’re somehow able to share their abilities.” Share abilities? I wasn’t sure what he meant, I knew there was something wrong with me, but there were others?

I’ll be the first to admit I didn’t know much about this non-life I’ve been condemned to, but this was a more difficult subject for me to accept. He took another few steps forward, but I didn’t feel the need to run as I had before. I was just interested to understand.

“ I’m sorry, I haven’t even properly introduced myself. I’m Carlisle, Carlisle Cullen.” He was close enough that we could shake hands, and we did. When I touched his hand I felt a small shock, and then there was his whole journey mapped out in front of me. It lasted only a second but it was long enough. I was sure he was unaware of what happened.

“I’m Evelyn… It’s nice to meet you Carlisle, and I’m very sorry about earlier.” I wasn’t sure what I wanted now, I felt safe with just Carlisle, but how long would that last? I could hear Carlisle thinking of something but I wasn’t paying it too much attention.

“Forgive me Evelyn, I’m very curious, how long have you been a nomad?” What a strange question. How did he know I wasn’t part of some coven?

“Since I was turned in eighteen thirty-seven. I was once, briefly, attached to a small coven a long time ago, but it didn’t work out well.” I winced as the memories flooded through me of the brief decade I spent with a female, Maria, and a few others. Those years were torturous and I try not to think of them. I was sure Carlisle could see what I was seeing, something that had happened with the others. That must be how he knew I was alone. Normally my past was never on display like this, I didn’t like it very much.

That was when it hit me, my eyes widened and I almost let out a gasp. The honey blonde male, he looked familiar because I had seen him somewhere before. It had been so long since I’ve thought about that part of my past, that it was no wonder why I didn’t quickly remember him. He was the one Maria spoke of so often, the one I saw from her past. Her feelings of him were mixed, there was a love there, not one of a mate, but something along the line of admiration, and a bit of hostility. I wasn’t sure if it had to do with his departure, or her fear of him that harbored those feelings.

I had never met the honey blonde that Maria had spoken often of, but he was a big part of why I hated those years with her. The only reason I stayed with her as long as I had was I feared her. She was a savage, almost as if she lost her mind. I had seen the attack on her sisters and I knew she had no ties to anyone, she would turn on anyone as soon as it benefited herself. Maria and I mutually agreed my departure would benefit us all. It had taken years for me to formulate the plan, to try and convince her. After I left I stayed as far from any other of my kind as I could, running when I sensed them coming near. I was afraid they were all like Maria and I would once again be trapped. I was also afraid I’d run into her again.

“You’ve lived with Maria and Jasper then?” Carlisle spoke, breaking me from my train of thought. I almost hissed at the mention of Maria’s name. Carlisle noticed the way my lips pulled back, showing my teeth as if I was going to attack. Before he could speak, though, I smoothed my features and began to apologize.

“I’m very sorry, I meant no ill will towards you. I don’t have the best manners, my apologies. I don’t have the fondest memories of Maria, as I’m sure you’ve seen. Which I do apologize for that as well. I don’t know how that’s happening. This Jasper though, he’s with your coven?” Carlisle nodded, but didn’t speak.

“I haven’t met him, exactly, only seen him, in Maria’s memories. She spoke of him often, though. I think he was partly the reason she went a little mad. From what I could see she wasn’t quite as sadistic until only after he abandoned her.” Carlisle seemed intrigued when I mentioned my theory to him.

“Is that the reason you feared us?” I dropped my eyes from his face, ashamed and slightly embarrassed. He had seen the pain Maria’s presence caused. “There’s no need to feel ashamed, I understand having all seven of us startle you is a little intimidating, especially with Emmett.” Carlisle smiled at me and I returned it, he was a very kind man.
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I do not own the Twilight characters, only Evelyn is my creation. :D