The Other Sister

I Apologize

“I hope your family can forgive me for being so rude. I’m a bit rusty with my communications skills. I tend to keep to myself.” Again the images of my past playing forth in my mind, the years I spent wondering alone, hiding away from humans and non humans.

“I have no doubt that they understand, or they will anyway. I’m sure they’ll be very interested in what happened. Would you care to visit with us?” His voice was soft and kind. It was hard to resist the urge to trust him, but I was a bit unsure. Although he had ample amount of chances to attack, why would he trick me now? I debated with myself for a moment, I didn’t have much to loose really.

I agreed and he led me back to the others. It was easier this time, maybe it was because I was aware of what was going to happen and I was expecting it. Though, it didn’t feel as painful, the images weren’t nearly as intrusive as they had been. The voices, however, were still jumbled and doubled over. It was much easier though, and I was thankful for that.

Carlisle introduced me to his family. The muscular male’s name was Emmett, his mate, the beautiful blonde female, was Rosalie, and Carlisle’s mate, the warm tasting female’s name was Esme. Carlisle explained that Alice was the smaller, pixie-like, female, Jasper was her mate, and Edward was the bronze haired male.

Carlisle explained his theory to me more clearly, how I was somehow able to share Jasper, Alice, and Edward’s abilities. The jumbled voices, the ever-changing images, the confusion, all of it doubled because I experienced their ability through them, and myself. Things started to make sense, I had a hard time not accepting what he was telling me. I sensed the truth in his words, I knew he was only being honest with me.

As soon as I decided I trusted the Cullen family another image popped into my head, it was a solid image that lasted longer than the others. There was Carlisle and his family, happy, together, and then there I was, smiling along with them. At first I was surprised, the image almost shocked me because it was as if I was apart of their family, like I belonged with them. I rather liked the idea of that, and the more I thought about it, the more I yearned for that to be true. The more I wanted it to be the truth the more images I saw like it. I realized they started to slow down and become more clear, unclouded.

I’d never been very good at accepting what I was, I wasn’t sure if it had to do with the fact that I hadn’t known much about what I was, or if it was because I didn’t want it, I never asked for it. I’ve been sentenced to this non-life without a reason or an excuse, nothing. I tried though. I tried to be good, hoping that I might somehow make up for what I’ve been condemned to, but I know it’s useless. Nothing will ever change the fact that I am forever unchanging.

Now though, as I looked past the lingering images, I saw the smile on the pixie female‘s face, on Alice‘s face. I could taste the joy that just about poured out of her. She wasn’t the only one who was smiling, it seemed as if they all were.

“I told you we’d find her eventually.” Alice’s voice just about sang with delight. She stepped towards me, although it was more like dancing with the way she moved, and pulled me into her. My body froze, rigid and tense, I didn’t dare breath. I wasn’t used to this, her proximity alone frightened me. It didn’t help that I had gotten a flash of her past whirling in my mind. It was very dark, and hard to make out some of it.

“Oops, sorry Evelyn, I get a little ahead of myself.” She beamed as she pulled away from me, her grin didn‘t match her sheepish tone. I tried to smooth my face, as not to upset her, I didn’t want her thinking I was unkind.

“Don’t worry, Alice knows she comes on a little too strong sometimes.” The bronze haired male stated. Edward. I was a little bewildered, but Carlisle said he could read minds. He can hear me now, interesting. I shot my eyes to the ground, great so he can hear me babbling in my head. I wonder though, why was he able to hear me clearly?

“I’m not, I’m just concentrating very hard right now.” I nodded my head, I tried concentrating hard on one voice. It didn’t quite work out too well. Instead of getting one voice clearly, the voices amplified and just grew louder and more cluttered. Frustrating. Edward chuckled, well if I wasn’t good at using my extra sense, at least I was entertaining.

I felt a calm washing through me, which reminded me of Jasper. I tired to stop the oncoming images, but it was no use. The same past that Carlisle had already seen from me played out for the rest of them. It lasted longer this time, and the pain pushed out from me, enclosing the Cullen family tightly. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to concentrate on something else, the pain was almost crippling again.

“I’m very sorry, I- I don’t know how to stop this, I’m sorry.” I had my eyes closed tight still, until the images stopped, then they snapped open. I thought about running, but I saw Edward shake his head at me. I wasn’t sure if it meant what I thought it did, but then he nodded. It was oddly convenient he knew what I was thinking.

“Evelyn, I assure you, it’s alright, we are not offended. Please do not worry yourself, we understand.” Carlisle was so kind, I wished there was a way to repay him, although I’ve only known him for a very, very short time, I feel like I owe him something for his kindness towards me.

“You used to live with Maria?” Jasper asked, his head tilted towards the side, evaluating the mood no doubt. It was odd how I felt I knew him, just from my time with Maria. I hated to think of her, especially now that I’ve witnessed compassion and kindness were possible.

“For a short time, yes. She was very… fond of you, to say the least.” I locked my jaw and spoke through my teeth. I felt another wave of images coming on, and I tried to concentrate on something else, but a few slipped through. I once again hoped Jasper didn’t misunderstand my hostility to be against him, I was just not able to control myself as well as I once had thought.

“I suppose things turned out for the best then.” He seemed just as hostile about the subject as I was. I wished so very much I was able to concentrate enough, like Edward, to be able to hear his thoughts, just to be sure he wasn’t upset with me. I couldn’t help but let my hatred of Jasper disappear as soon as I could read his past. Had I known the pain and anguish Jasper had suffered from his life with Maria, had I known the true reason for his departure, I would not have wasted my time pitying myself for what it turned Maria into, what she put me through. How stupid could I have been, had I not felt the same about Maria? To think that she was really any different before I met her was silly of me.

“So, will you be moving in with us shortly?” Alice asked excitedly. “I mean, there’s no reason to put it off for too long.” My eyes grew wide, move in with them? There was no doubt that I was grateful for the kindness the Cullen family was showing me right now, but to live with them, as part of their…coven? Again, I wasn’t expecting the images to come flooding forward again.

“Or maybe I can wait till you’re ready.” Alice’s voice was no longer as light and pleasant as it was mere seconds before. I couldn’t form words to express how I felt. I wasn’t used to being treated so… kindly, and I was nowhere near able to accept it. I’d been alone for almost a whole century, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to be apart of anything. I knew the Cullen’s were different, even if I hadn’t been able to see their history, I was still able to sense their honesty. There was still a sense of familiarity I felt from them, but I was sure it had to do with what I’ve seen from them.

“I really do not mean to be rude, I can’t apologize enough for my actions. I hope you can forgive me, I don’t have the best manners as you can see. Do not misinterpret my actions as hostility towards yourselves. I’ve really only known one way of living, and it’s been like that since the late eighteen-thirties. I-” I clenched my jaw tightly shut again, but this time it was not hostile. It was simply to silence myself, because what I saw now, coming from Alice no doubt, was the Cullen’s and I, standing together, smiling, happy. Again, it appeared as I belonged with them. I couldn’t help but feel a tightening in my chest. Had I a real heart, I’m sure it would be bursting with joy.

“We can wait for as long as you need, and when you’re ready, we’ll be here.” Alice beamed once again. I tilted my head once again as the images floated in my mind. They were very solid, but not exactly concrete, not yet, I guessed.

“It’s going to happen, only the timing is off. That’s up to you.” The thought almost made me smile, but I felt like this was moving very fast for me. The same as… well last time. I was very careful not to think to deeply about it, afraid I might cause the others pain again. I was very relieved when nothing happened. Alice was still smiling at me, I wonder, was she always so… sure of herself?

“Yes, always.” Edward chuckled, again I was almost thankful he could read my mind, but at the same time a bit jealous. I’d hope that one day I’d be able to not hear all this jumbled mess. It was a little distracting.

“Maybe, for starters, you’d like to hunt with us. That is the reason we’re all here anyway.” Esme spoke for the first time. The warmth she was radiating was so captivating, so motherly. She seemed so soft and delicate, and yet I knew she was just like the rest of us. It pained me to see her past, the loss of her child, the pain she felt from it.

“That’s not the only reason.” Alice muttered. I was sure she knew we could hear her clearly. What had she meant by that, what other reason was there to be out here?

“That’s a wonderful idea, how about it Evelyn?” Carlisle asked, I shook the thought from my mind and gave him a grateful smile. I wasn’t sure this was a good idea, but I couldn’t possibly say no, I knew I wouldn’t be able to.

“Sounds lovely.” Alice smiled at me as we started running. It was strange, I didn’t feel uncomfortable being with them. Maybe this wouldn’t be as bad as I had thought. I wasn’t exactly right about every one of our kind being the same, who’s to say this would be anything like last time? Although, I knew at least three of them were eager for me to join them, but what about the others?

What was I thinking, who cared how many of them did or didn’t want me, was I seriously considering this. After everything I’ve gone through to stay away from any being, and now in a matter of a few hours, I’m debating whether or not it’s a good idea to join them. How ridiculous could I be, this was insane. Wasn’t this exactly like the last time…? Well… not exactly, I had never actually agreed or disagreed to joining Maria. I simply just began following her, and then was too coward to leave. So really, this was nothing like last time. Especially since this family is so tightly bound together. Nothing like the others… There is actually love here, not just from mate to mate, but from each of them, there were bonds, deep bonds.

“I’m curious, Evelyn.” Carlisle said as we ran together. “Our kind are usually drawn to human blood, it’s a rarity to come across those who abstain from it. Do you mind me asking how you’ve come to do so?” I could tell he was trying to be very polite about his question, as to not offend me.

“I’ve never actually drank human blood…” I could sense surprise in the other’s run. “When I… awoke… the first thing I saw was my brother’s lifeless body. It was about the only thing that helped me to realize what I had become. I knew I could never kill a human, to take someone’s life… They would be someone’s Levi…” The image that would forever follow me of the pale, drained corpse of my older brother Levi flooded through the seven other minds.

“The only company I kept after that was with the wilderness. Alone, with only the blood of animals surrounding you, it becomes almost tempting.” I could tell Carlisle understood very well how I had felt.
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I do not own any of the Twilight characters. Evelyn is mine though.