The Other Sister


“Evelyn, did you want to go now?” I smoothed my features and turned to face Jasper. I nodded and followed him out the back door. I couldn’t help reminiscing on earlier conversations with Rosalie. She had always wanted someone who could sympathize with her. I hated it that I had not been able to…

Jasper had sensed something was off with me for the past few days and invited me to go hunting with him. I had tried to hide to the sadness, cover it with a calm, soothing exterior, but Jasper was much better at manipulating feelings than I was. It was odd how close Jasper and I had become. I thought he would only merely tolerate me for Alice’s sake, but I hadn’t anticipated him accepting me. Instead of our pasts conflicting with each other, as I thought it would, it gave us a common bond. I was grateful for that.

We had been running for a few minutes in silence, but I knew Jasper wanted to ask me what was bothering me. I was trying to block his mental voice out but it wasn’t working since he was the only one there. I listened as he debated whether or not to bring it up, or to wait until we had hunted. He didn’t want to spoil the trip.

“You don’t need to worry about me Jasper, honestly.” I knew he wasn’t going to believe me, but I wasn’t sure what else there was to say.

“I ‘m just not sure what’s wrong, I know what you’re feeling I just don’t understand why.”

“Something’s coming Jasper, I can feel it. I don’t know what it is, but it feels bad. I’ve been trying to concentrate on the future but I don’t know what to look for. I’ve been getting these visions that make no sense. I’m just worried is all.” That was the truth, or as much as I could explain. I couldn’t put in words what I felt coming. It was a big change and it made me nervous.

“It’s more than that Evelyn, it’s deeper. You don’t have to tell me everything, I just don’t want you suffering.” Jasper was far more kind than he let himself appear. He had been so used to the war atmosphere that he still had trouble not thinking like a solider.

“I’ll be okay Jasper, really. You know how Alice gets when she can’t see something clearly, it’s frustrating. That’s sort of how I am right now.” Jasper seemed to better understand, but I still heard the doubt in his mind. He didn’t bring it up for the rest of the trip though, and I was thankful. I needed to clear my head a little and focus on the present more.

“Emmett’s planning a chess game when we get back.” I caught a glimpse at him arranging the boards for him and Jasper to play when we arrived home.

“I’m ready whenever you are.” He grinned at me. Last one home gets to play his next wrestling match. I smirked and took off running with Jasper right next to me.

“I hardly count that as winning Jasper.” I said as we walked through the front door.

“I can’t help it if you just so happen to get a vision in the middle of our race.”

“You can when you’re the one deciding on a gift for your’s and Alice’s anniversary. That’s not fair.” I folded my arms across my chest and pretended to pout. The others were watching the scene unfold, laughing at my melodramatic antics.

“What are you two arguing about?” Esme asked as she walked into the living room. She was used to us fooling around like this.

“I beat Evelyn home and won the bet, she’s just being a poor sport.”

I laughed. “He only beat me because he decided what to get Alice for their anniversary. At least now I get to wrestle Emmett and I know what you’re getting Alice. So really I win twice!” I said realizing I didn’t mind the outcome, even though I was very competitive and hated to lose.

Now all you have to do is not tell anyone what you saw, because I still want to semi-surprise Alice. I nodded silently letting him know I wouldn’t let it slip. I could tell Alice was concentrating on something else and hadn’t found out yet what her present was.
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Sorry it took a few days... I do not own the Twlight characters, just Evelyn.