The Other Sister

The Right Thing

As I settled into my seat in Government, I searched the future but nothing was coming. Not one glimpse of anything. I searched the heads of the students until I found Alice’s. She was looking ahead for Jasper, she was still worried about him, but as I watched her visions, there was nothing coming from me. I suddenly felt very uneasy, what was going on, was this what I had felt coming? If it was, maybe that’s why I couldn’t see anything, because there was nothing to see. I was losing my acquired abilities but why? What about my own ability, I was able to see anyone’s past, was I going to lose that too?

What could this mean though? Previously I was unable to see certain things, hear certain ‘voices’ things like that, but now nothing? I couldn’t understand it.

It was almost the end of the hour now, I had spent the period trying in vain for some glimpse of something, but there was still nothing. I was far too frustrated to bother waiting for the end of class. I excused myself, playing ill, and left the room. I walked a little faster than I should have, but I wasn’t under control.

As I opened the car door, I just about took it off it’s hinges. I sat in the passenger’s seat for a few minutes trying to collect myself before I got too hysterical. I started searching in the direction Edward was in, the voice’s were more hushed than normal but I found him, and I didn’t like what I heard.

“No!” I gasped, it took a second to fully comprehend what had happened. Edward’s thoughts were on Bella, but they were deciding which way was best to kill her. I didn’t need a vision to picture Edward standing over the Swan girl’s empty, pale body, with his eyes glowing crimson. I was lost in the vivid picture I had created.

“Evelyn?” His voice was startled, he hadn’t been expecting me to be here. I was frozen with shock in the car, not noticing the students filing out of the buildings on their way to their next class. I also didn’t notice as Edward approached the car, clearly just as unaware of me as I was of him.

“I…um… Edward.” I was at a loss for words. I could see him trying to read my thoughts but they were about as incoherent as my words.

“Evelyn, what’s wrong?” He got into the driver’s seat and looked at my pained face. I searched the future for some answers, but again there was nothing. What did you see? He said as he rolled the windows down letting in a small breeze.

I thought of the image I had created myself, he winced as he saw it. Shame and embarrassment flashed across his face.Evelyn, I don’t- I shook my head at him. He didn’t understand.

“It’s not that Edward… I just… I didn’t see anything… I can’t see anything happening. Something’s wrong, something is very, very wrong.”

What do you mean, you didn’t see it? He was perplexed, he thought that surely either Alice or I would have seen all the possible futures he had created only moments ago in his Biology class. He had realized Alice was preoccupied with Jasper. I should have seen something than, how could I not?

I don’t know Edward. I can’t see anything in the future. I think this is it, I think this is what I saw coming. Well rather, thought was coming. Don’t you see? I couldn’t tell what it was because I couldn’t see anything. I’m loosing Alice’s ability.

“I’m sure that’s not it Evelyn, maybe it’s something else.” I could see as he spoke he was still thinking about the human.

“At least I can still read minds…” Edward’s face fell, I could sense the shame he felt, it was filling the car. Had I not been there, I was sure he would be shouting to himself. Edward don’t be ashamed… I won’t tell the other’s. That’s your choice.

We sat in the car in silence for a long time. Neither of us paying much attention the other’s thoughts. We were simply too consumed with ourselves. Edward was the first to break the silence.

“I don’t understand Evelyn, why did this happen?” I saw what he was talking about. I reached out and touched his hand. Flashes of his fifth period Biology class went through my mind. It was only then that I realized exactly what Edward was going through. How can someone smell so good to me, is this to punish me?

You don’t have to be that monster Edward. Look at yourself now, much better than you were an hour ago.

I could avoid her… right? Maybe if I just change classes, it’s only Biology. How hard could it be, she’s just another human… Who happens to smell a million times more delicious than any other human I have ever encountered. But I don’t need to kill her. Edward got out of the car then, the final bell signaling the end of the school day only minutes from ringing. “I’ll be right back.” He stalked off then, in the direction of the front office.

I tried to concentrate again on the future, but there was nothing. What if I lost all my abilities? I don’t know what I’d do if that happened, I’d feel so useless…

Where’s Edward? Jasper asked as he opened the back passenger door. I jumped, unaware yet again that anyone was approaching. Sorry. I shook my head at him.

“It’s not you…” Alice opened the door and got in the back with Jasper. No one said anything until Edward returned a few minutes later panting, as if he had been deprived of oxygen and needed it for survival.

“Edward?” Alice said alarmed. I tensed as I saw the girl standing in the small office with just Mrs. Cope and Edward. I understood his need for fresh air. Jasper was worried he sensed the mood of Edward but wasn’t sure what caused it, and Alice couldn‘t see what had passed.

Edward didn’t speak, he just drove quickly from the school. Alice searched ahead, I could sense their surprise. Edward was leaving? Alice spoke the same words I was thinking. Edward wasn’t pleased at all. I watched as her vision changed to another possible future, it was almost the same image I had imagined. Edward’s crimson eyes brightly shining down on the dead body of the weak, pale body of Bella. I clenched my fists tightly, it disturbed me to see the girl like that.

“Oh.” Alice was a little shocked. The vision started to get more detailed as she looked into it further, and Edward thought more about it.

“Stop.” He demanded, gripping the sterling wheel tightly.

Sorry. Edward reached the edge of our driveway, stopping abruptly to let us out. Jasper slid out quietly while Alice whispered her goodbye and warned him not to do something foolish.

“She’s Chief Swan’s only family, you will do the right thing.“ She got out then and stood next to Jasper. I didn’t move an inch.

I know you don’t want to kill her Edward, and nobody would hold it against you, but try as you may to keep away from the girl. I know what it would do to you if you killed her. Before I could hear him process what I had said I got out of the car and started running. I didn’t head home and I didn’t follow Edward. I just ran.
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I'd just like to say... Mibba is a whole lot better than quizilla... :D Oh and obviously I don't own the Cullens.... Just Evelyn :D