The Other Sister

Come Back Soon

It was nearing nightfall as I stood atop the trees overlooking Forks. So many strange things happened in one little day. I had grown used to seeing what was coming, and now that I was blind in that area, I felt incomplete. It was a little unnerving not being able to see where Edward would go, when he might return, what the girl would do.

With Edward gone for the moment, I had to be a better lookout. If I lost the extra hearing then I’d really be useless. I had given up a few hours ago hoping that I’d get the visions back. Now I stood sulking in their absence.

Maybe I really was too selfish for my own good. Carlisle had a theory that we brought something with us from our previous life. Carlisle had obviously brought his compassion, Esme her love, Rosalie her beauty and ego, Emmett brought his strength, Jasper was able to easily persuade others, Alice’s precognition, and Edward was able to read people very well as a human. I believed that my selfishness and greed was what I brought to this non-life. That was why I thought I was able to acquire other’s abilities.

The other’s didn’t think much of my theory, they said that I was neither greedy nor selfish. Carlisle said it probably had to do more with the fact that I was so accepting of others. He thought that since I was so open to everyone that I was able to gain their extra sense. I wasn’t so sure I believed his theory either.

I decided to head home, there was no point worrying Esme more than necessary. She was more than likely already a mess with Edward’s departure, I don’t want her to think I’d left as well.

The next few days were relatively uneventful. I was a little miserable with Edward’s absence as well as the lack of Alice’s ability. Jasper tried to cheer me up but it wasn’t working, it reminded me of a few months ago when I sensed something changing. If only I’d known what it was, maybe I could have prevented it.

Things weren’t normal, well not even as normal as they could be. It just wasn’t the same with Edward gone, and at school I watched Bella, trying to figure what it was about her that gave her mental silence. It also distracted me from myself.

She was an interesting human to keep track of, her responses were not something a normal human would say. I wondered if she was aware of how unique she really was. I started feeling like a stalker, watching someone like this was not healthy for me. I couldn’t help myself though, I felt like I had to for some reason.

In Spanish she would glance my way with such a deep expression that I wondered what she was thinking. Was she afraid, like she should be, or was she just absently looking my way. I wondered frequently why her blood was so appealing to Edward, if it meant something, as if she was special in some way. I suppose I already knew she was, there was never any human’s thoughts Edward could not hear.

I noticed her peers were rather dense about her existence, Mike Newton especially. They grouped her in with themselves without realizing how different she really was. She was smarter, naturally prettier, more mature than most of the students, and she didn’t feel the need to flaunt any of these things.

Given the chance, children like Jessica Stanley and Mike Newton would relish in the fact that they were better than others. I rather liked the idea that there were good people out there, people that weren’t concerned about frivolous things as such.

At home I wasn’t sure what to do with myself, I had lost a bit of interest in things. I couldn’t shake the feeling that nothing was over, there was more to come and without being able to see the future, I was worried. There was something big in it’s way, and it was almost frightening to me.

Alice danced into my room as I stood looking out the back window the Sunday after Edward left.

“He’s coming home Evelyn.” I turned to see the smile on her face, my eyes wide with excitement. I searched her thoughts and saw the vision she had. I smiled instantly wrapping my arms around Alice.

“Have you told the others?” I asked as I let her go.

“I had to tell you first, I knew you’d be happy with it.” I smiled and then nodded. I’d missed Edward these past few days.
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Sorry I didn't update sooner and it's real short... Life gets busy :xxx
Oh, and, of course, I don't own the Twilight characters... Just Evelyn :D