Crashing Inside You

Leaving & Arriving

“God damn it.” Dom muttered under her breath while she pulled all 7 luggage cases of hers out of her room and into the living room of the condo. She pushed a piece of hair that fell in front of her face out of the way and breathed out a breath.

I watched her from the couch smiling a little while I sat on top of my 5 luggage cases. “Ready?” I questioned and saw her shoulders dip down giving me an upsetting look.

“I suppose.” She pulled her two bags over her shoulder and dragged two rolling suitcases behind her, leaving the other 3 there. Grabbing 4 of mine also, I followed her out of the front door and out into the hot Los Angeles weather. We walked over to the car, opened the trunk and put all of the bags we had now into it. Dom closed the trunk, and leaned against it. “If you go get my bags I’ll drive the whole trip.”

I looked her skeptically. She raised her hand giving the scouts honor signal before I nodded and walked back into the house.

Dom and I had moved into this condo 4 years ago. We were two new, broke, college students. Before we had left Huntington, we had made the effort into looking up websites and newspaper ads to see if there were any openings for any apartments.

We had came across this one on accident when Dom’s little sister accidentally threw a newspaper away we were looking at and actually found a decent apartment for pretty cheap.

We drove down to the recycling box thing at the end of the street and looked through it to get the newspaper back, but we found something way better. The condo that was across from a beach and a short walk away from the school. The owner was nice and didn’t have any hesitation to give us the condo when we told her we were here for college.

I picked up the 5 bags that were left and hosted them on my shoulders, making my way around the couch and over to the door. I took out the key for the condo and locked the door and going over to the car and pushing the bags into the back seat.

I made my way to the front seat, watching through the front mirror as Dom came out of the Condo office. She walked to the car and got in the front seat placing the sunglasses that were on top of her head, on the bridge of her nose. She put the key in the ignition not turning it on yet.

“Ready to go?” She questioned, looking at me and smiling.

Looking back at her, I picked up the glasses that were sitting on the dash and placed them on my face. I nodded my head, and Dom turned on the ignition, pulling out of the driveway of the home we had lived in for the past 4 years.


“Two more miles, then take left.” Isabelle, the talking GPA system that was in our car blurted out after we made a right turn off of PCH. Dom glared at Isabelle before she turned her head to make sure no one was in the other lane.

“I hate her.” She muttered, and I laughed taking my feet off of the dash board and placing them on the ground, slipping them into my purple flip flops. “Are you sure this is the right address?” Dom tapped on Isabelle a little.

I nodded, and leaned in to grab my purse to get my phone. “I’m pretty sure, but let me check.” I went through the text message Nikki had sent me yesterday with the address of her house. “1057 Windy Acres is what she told me.”

“Alright,” Dom nodded, pushing her fringe out of her eyes. “Isabelle says we should be there soon.” She giggled and turned her signal on to make a left.

I looked out the windows, watching as many big and beautiful houses pass by. My eyes were transfixed on every single one of them, not being able to remove them. In the background I could hear Isabelle say “Turn on next right, and 3rd on left.”

Taking my eyes away from houses, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. For some reason I was… nervous. I was scared that for some reason Nikki’s fiancé wouldn’t like me, and that worried me to the extreme.

Dom looked over at me while she turned right, and raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong.”

I shook my head, not sure if I should tell her my concerns. I decided with going ahead and telling her. “I’m nervous.”

“About what?” She questions.

I stared at the third house on the left “If her fiancé won’t like me.”

I could feel Dom rolling her eyes. “That’s so dumb Lauren, he’s gonna like you.” She pulled in front of the yard, putting the car into park and unbuckled her seat belt. “Now come on, get out of the car and let’s go see our best friend!.”

I watched as Dom opened her door and got out, walking forwards to the pathway up to the front door. Though Dom had tried to stop my nervousness, I could not help but feel the butterflies ramming into each other.

Following her actions, I stepped out of the car, pulling my sweat pants up a little. I grabbed my purse and placed it over my shoulder while I tightened my ponytail, a habit I do when I’m nervous.

Dom was now almost in front of the house while I made my first few steps onto the rock pathway. I took big steps, to get to the door faster when Dom had turned around and glared at me for being so slow.

When I got to the front door, I raised my hand up to it, and waited a second while I took a deep breath. My fist connected with the wood a few times before I dropped it to me side. Dom had looked over at me, and my eyes connected with hers as she gave me a genuine smile.

But our eyes broke from each others when we heard the front door opening. In a matter of seconds we were staring at a 6 foot figure.

The man had stared down at us, his hazel eyes gleaming from the sunlight. He looked back and forth in between Dom and I before smiling, two dimples adorning his face, as if realization hit him.

In the background, you could hear footsteps hit the wood flooring, and in a matter of seconds Nikki had popped up on the side of the man, her hand resting on his lower back.

“Lauren!” She removed her hand from the mans back and reached her arms around my shoulders, bringing me towards her for a hug. I wrapped my arms around his slim figure, patting her back a little. Nikki had let go and smiled at me before turning to Dom.

“And Dom.” She laughed, giving her hug.

When Nikki had returned next to the man, her hand going back to its original spot, I had a chance to actually look at Nikki. She was wearing a yellow sundress that hit her mid-thigh, her tan skin glowing underneath it. Her hair, that was about half way down her back last time I had saw her, was now cut to a little above her shoulders. I had looked at her, and then myself. She was dressed up nicely, and Dom and I had baggy t-shirts and sweat pants.

“Oh guys,” Nikki smiled and looked at us, then to the man. “This is Matt, my fiancé .” The word, had rolled off her tongue like she was use to saying that word.

Dom pushed her hand out towards Matt, and he shook it. “Nice to meet you.”

Matt nodded, his smile never going away. “The pleasures mine.” They let go of each others hands, and Matt had turned towards me, his hand outstretched.

I tangled my with his, shaking loosely up and down giving him a smile. The nervousness was going away from just giving him a handshake, but deep down inside, somewhere I knew that nervousness was replaced with something. And I wasn’t to sure if I liked that something.
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Sorry I didn't post it earlier, Mibba wouldn't let me :(. Anyways, 5 comments and I'll update in one week from today. Chapter 3 is written and everything. And if you leave ten comments, i'll do a double update ;) <3.