Crashing Inside You


“Come in,” Nikki motioned with her hand while she took a step away from the door. Dom and I both smiled politely walking in and standing in the entrance way. By doing that, we were given the opportunity to actually look around at the house we were gaping at outside.

It was tall, the ceiling high up, with a chandelier hanging straight above our heads. The staircase in front of us wrapped around against the left wall, leading to the upstairs, and in front of the staircase a hall that had a huge bay window that overlooked a lake in the backyard.

I knew my mouth was hanging at least all the way to the floor, and I knew I probably had drool dripping a little down the side of my mouth, but at that time I did not care. The house that Matt and Nikki both lived in was extremely beautiful and I have yet to see all of it.

“This house is amazing.” Dom smiled, looking at Nikki and Matt who stood behind us. I turned around and looked at them nodding with agreement.

“Thanks.” Nikki giggled. “I’ve been watching a lot of HGTV lately.” She winked and walked a little away from Matt in between Dom and I. She placed arms around our shoulders and pulled us in for a sort of group hug, laughing loudly when she did. “I missed you guys so much!”

We were let go of her hug, and Nikki latched onto my hand. “Come on, I’ll show you your rooms and we can talk a little.” She pulled us out of the room not before stopping and kissing Matt on the way.

We took step by step, luggage still in our hand. And when we had reached the top, the hall was once again split into to ways with another bay window. She pulled us right and opened the first door on the left. It was a decent sized room with red, white, and black furniture decorating it.

“This can be yours, Laur.” Nikki said and let go of my hand. I smiled appreciatively at her before placing my bags down against the wall. “And if you two will follow me this way,” she walked over towards a door in the right far corner of the room from the entrance door. She opened the door that revealed a decent sized bathroom. “This is your guys bathroom. And if we take this door.” She walked across the bathroom to another door, “This is your room Dom.”

Dom smiled brightly at Nikki when she saw the room. It was pretty much the same as mine except instead of red it was replaced with blue. Dom had followed what I did earlier and placed her bags on the floor. She turned around and looked at us, smiling.

“God,” She sighed, “the three of us haven’t been together in so long.” I nodded agreeing with her before running and jumping on her bed.

I looked over my shoulder at them and smiled goofily and turned onto my back and leaning it up against the pillow. “Come on!” I waved my hands and both of them looked at each other before making a mad dash onto the bed and smothering me with their bodies.

At that exact moment, even though it was very hard for me to breath or think, I had decided that this was where I was meant to be in my life. With my two best friends beside me and talking about who knows what.


“So that’s how we broke up.” Dom said, and looked down a little at her wrists, playing around with the bracelet her mother had given her on her 18th birthday.

“I’m sorry, hunny.” Nikki coed, rubbing a hand sympathetically on Dom’s back. She shrugged and looked up smiling a little.

“It’s alright. I’m glad that I’m not with him anymore.”

“Good,” I nodded and smirked at her, “He was a flaming douche bag anyways.”

She pushed my shoulder a littler laughing loudly and chuckled at her. Nikki smiled at both of his before sighing. “I missed you guys so much.”

“We really missed you too.” Dom said, and I nodded agreeing.

After we all jumped on the bed earlier, we had turned into Talkative Terries and spilled information that has happened to each of us in the past 4 years. Dom mentioning her boyfriends she had dated. Nikki explaining life on a tour bus. And I myself telling them about the struggles of not really knowing what I wanted to do with my life. Nikki had suggested that I just married her, and I had responded with an I’m sure Matt wouldn’t be happy I took his new fiancé away from him already.

And at the sound of his name, her cheeks burned bright red while she tried to cover it up. Dom and I had both awed at the sight and she couldn’t help but blush some more. We had asked her the usually questions, how they met, where they met, when, etc. Even though I knew all the answers to the question, it was cute seeing my best friend talk about an important part of her life.

“Damn.” Nikki muttered to herself as she looked at the silver watch on her wrist. “We’ve been sitting here for 3 hours talking.” I looked up behind Dom’s head and noticed that it was already 5 o’clock. “I guess I should go get ready,” She stood up from the bed and streatched on her tippy-toes.

I raised an eyebrow and looked at Dom, seeing her giving me the same exact look. “Ready for what?” We questioned at the same time.

She looked at us and her head turned to the side, looking at us oddly. “Oh yeah! I forgot to mention, we’re going out tonight to have a little dinner thing to tell everybody other than the band, about the engagement.”

My mouth made and O and I nodded standing up, at that exact moment my stomach began to grumble loudly. I looked at it, and rubbed my hands over it.

I looked up at Dom and Nikki and they both had smirks on their faces. “What, I haven’t eaten all day?” I laughed and pushed Dom in the shoulder because she began imitating the awful sound my stomach had emitted.

“I see. Well let’s go down to the kitchen and we can snack on something before we get ready.” She winked and took led us out of the door and to the staircase and down it. We were where we were earlier when we first walking into the house, but we walked towards the bay window and took a left down the hall which led to a dinning room, and a door that led to the kitchen.

We walked into the kitchen, and this house as yet seized to amaze me. Stainless steel appliances covered the entire kitchen, with black and white marble counter tops. In the middle of the kitchen was an island, with the same marble tops, and six black stools around it.

Dom and I had decided to sit on one of them and watched as Nikki dug through the cabinets and the fridge. She ended up pulling out a bag of recess pieces and instantly felt my stomach rejoice in happiness at the sight of my favorite candy.

Nikki set the bag of chocolate in the middle of us three as we leaned in and began eating them, making random jokes about stuff.

“Do you have any milk?” I questioned, feeling the peanut butter dry in my mouth and sort of feeling like I looked like a dog trying to eat peanut butter.

Nikki nodded, not able to answer the question because of the three she put in her mouth. She pointed at a cabinet, then the fridge and gave me a thumbs up sign.

I laughed and walked to the cabinet, seeing the glasses and pulled one down and then over to the fridge. I opened the door thing, and looked around for the milk, not spotting it. It took me a few seconds before my eyes saw them, and I grabbed it, leaving the door open.

I began to pour my milk into the cup when I heard being shouted, “Babe! Where are you?”

“Kitchen!” Nikki yelled back, and my cup was now halfway full. I heard footsteps and then the door opening when I had finished pouring the milk. I placed it back in the fridge and took the cup of milk in my hand and began drinking it, while I closed the fridge door.

When my hand had let go of the door, and I looked over at where Matt had walked in from, I choked on the milk that was currently in my mouth from seeing the person that was standing right next to Matt.

Brian Haner Jr.

My Worst Enemy.
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Sorry for the long wait, I've been sick, and I have poison ivy :( Not a good combination!
Please leave comments, it might make me feel better, and I might go finish the rest of the next chapter of The Virginity Stealer!