Dearly Beloved

When It All Started

"Go ahead Sarah, go to your damn party. I'll take the night shift for you." I was sick of her whinning about how she always has to work here at the 7-11, while I got to party my ass off.

"Are you sure Sammy?" Sarah asked. That was my nickname that she always called me.

"Yeh, get the out of here before I change my mind. Maybe you will find a hott guy who actually wants you." I joked.

"Yeh fuck you too bitch," Sarah said while giving me the finger. She walked out the door with an aggrivated look, pissed off at me. A second later she poked her head through the door and said, "Don't get shot."

We both laughed and she finally left. That was a joke from when we were all in 7th grade. It came from a sleep over that we were at and we all went to the store when this nasty guy was staring and smiling at us. It was sick and we made up a joke that he was going to murder us all. "Yeh, good times," I thought. "That was when I actually didn't hate myself." I sighed.

The night shit was from 7 to 3 in the fucking morning and it was only 9. " Boy, no wonder why Sarah hates this." It was the most boring job you could ever have.

While I was wasting my already wasted time, sitting at the counter, I decided I would get the cleaning over with, since it seemed that no one was going to come buy anything.

Meanwhile, Sarah kept texting me the whole time about how she was having such an awesome time which was really pissing me off.

I was picking up some McDonalds trash that some lazy asswipe couldn't walk 5 steps to the trash can to throw it away, when I heard someone come in. "Wow," I thought, "Someone's actually here."

So, I started walking up front to the counter, but I didn't see anyone.
"Hello?" I said. No one answered.
"Can I help you?" Then a man spoke, "Yeh, you can help me."

I was scared. Something in that man's voice told me that something was wrong, very wrong.

Just then, the man covered my mouth, held a gun up to my head and whispered, "Give me the money. ALL the money. Don't even try and cheat me you whore."

I refused. I knew this was the wrong thing to do, but I wasn't going to let this bastard take advantage of me. He slammed me against the wall, with the gun still pointed at my head.

"I will pull this trigger if you don't give me the fucking money, bitch!" Out of the corner of my eye, I saw three figures outside. I figured they were just more assholes who were there for backup.

"NO!" I yelled and I bit the guy's hand.

"You little bitch!" he cried. I tried kicking him in the groin, but I missed by inches. Then, he started shooting at me. His first three shots barely missed me, but the fourth one hit me right in my chest.

I heard more shots and people shouting, but I couldn't make out what anyone was saying. That's when I heard sirens. I sank to the ground and everyrthing went pitch black. I couldn't hear anything.

"Just hang on," I thought. "Do it for him."