Am I a Queen or Just Betsy?

Sequel to Amanda Lynne or A mandolin?. Read that if you haven't.

Now that Amanda is married to Kevin, Betsy must deal with a problem of hers: the feelings she had for Joe and buried away are beginning to once again surface. She can't deal with that though. If they broke up, it would be too awkward. So, what is Betsy to do about this?

And, Amanda deals with her own situation: a pregnancy. There's only one problem though, something that Betsy was trying to tell her on her wedding day. So, Amanda must only rely on Kevin and her sister to help with this.

How are Betsy and Amanda to deal with these situations, on their own?
  1. Motherly Issues
    Death and Pregnancy.
  2. Mom's Ghost and Nick's Advice
    Ghostly Talks.
  3. Funeral plans
    Amanda and Betsy get ready for another funeral.
  4. "Melting"
    Their cousin.
  5. Back to Pennsylvania
    The Weimar sisters return for the funeral.
  6. Powder room
    Morning sickness...again.
  7. More Melting
    Joe encounters their cousin.
  8. Second family
    Always there.
  9. Music Tastes
    Music is important, is it not?
  10. Video Plans
    Baby hiding
  11. Multiples
    Could there be more than one?
  12. Concern
  13. Ghosts and Secrets
    Betsy realizes something.
  14. Batman or Superman
    Who is better?
  15. Joe's a genius?
  16. Leaving
    Camp Rock 2 production.
  17. Private Life
    Who doesn't want that?
  18. Doctor's Office
    The appointment
  19. Jason
    Baby names.
  20. A Slight Problem
    Two Dreams
  21. Interview Troubles
  22. Interviewed
    A dress
  23. Feelings
  24. No Matter What
    Betsy & Joe
  25. A Sullen Return
    Amanda returns
  26. Boys or Girls?
    Which is it?
  27. Back from Canada
    The boys' return
  28. Names and Nicknames
    Kevin realizes the truth.
  29. Apple Pie and Spiders
    Betsy gets a surprise
  30. Two awesome gifts
    Betsy reacts to what she saw
  31. November 5th
    Kevin's birthday
  32. Truth and Consequence
    Amanda gives birth
  33. I was fine til 7:05
    Think of the song
  34. Eternity and Lovebug
    Kevin and Betsy say goodbye.