And the Waiting Doesn't Seem So Bad

Chapter 8:

Frank's POV

He grins and blushes a little, "Thanks babe" he kisses me again.
"I’m so getting beat up for this later" I sigh as he lets me down.
"if anyone tries anything they can deal with me" he walks over to Darren the jock he just beat up who's still lying there looking shocked and in pain "spread the news to your friends okay, if anyone touches Frank Iero they're dead"
"fuck off fag." he spits
"Good boy" Gerard ruffles his hair "you're using way to much gel dude."
"at least I’m not a fag."
"my god think of a new insult will you I mean do you know many different ways you could be insulting us right now. fag is a classic but come on a little variety."
"there you go see put your mind to it you might some up with an even better one." I was holding myself back from laughing to hard but the look on Darren’s face was just too much. Gerard’s holding me up I’m laughing so hard. I barely realise he's steering me in the gates.
"What do you have now?" I ask hoping he has the same as me, Gerard might be the one thing that could make geography bearable.
"Not a clue, I’ve gotta go to the principals office now and get my timetable"
"I’ll walk you, I did tell you I’d show you around." he puts arm around my shoulder
"lead the way beautiful."
When we got to the office I didn't want to leave him so I gave him a really long kiss.
"You’re going to be hella late" he says the bell had just gone.
"well you hella worth it" I bite his bottom lip and he moans before pushing me away
"no I can not have a hard on when I go to see the principal"
"Oh I’m making you hard" I tease rubbing my hand against his crotch.
"GO TO CLASS FRANK" my math teacher Mr Whelan shouts walking down the corridor
"I was just showing Gerard the way to the principals office sir, he's just transferred,"
"well I think he's reached his destination now so get to class."
"see you at lunch Gee."
"hopefully sooner." he smiles as he's ushered into the office.
I head off to geography smiling from ear to ear. When I walk in the door, Mr Higgins is screaming at someone because they told him the capital of Germany was Paris.
"nice of you to join us Frank, you get the honour of a seat at front."
"yes sir." I plop down into the seat in front of him and take out my books, hoping that Gerard will walk through the door in a minute.
Mr. Higgins is a foul mood this morning and my class aren't helping by giving him the wrong answers to every question just to make him angry.
"Like i don't have enough to put with already without you kids jerking me around! We’re meant to have a new student anyone see him cause he's dead if he skipped my class."
"he's with the principal sir."
"how do you know Frank?"
"that's why I was late I was showing Gee where the principals office was."
"Gee? What kind of name is that."
"it's a nickname he's names Gerard." I smile.
"Well Frank go fucking get him will you,"
"What do I say to the principal?"
"Tell him I want my student!" he screams "now go"
I nearly skip to the office and Gerard’s walking out as soon I get there.
"Hey" I kiss him "You’re in my class"
"How do you know?""
"I’ve been sent to fetch you." he laughs as I take his hand "Well come then show me your timetable?" when I see the paper I jump up and down."
"all the same classes ALL of them" I kiss him again.
"I think I’m going to enjoy this school" he smirks and I kiss him yet again I can't keep my hands off him. This is going to be one good day.
School really is looking up. I mean it's not that everyone hates me or anything but I don't have any real friends, well not anymore. I had a group of friends Liam, Sam, Pete and we were all really close then I told them I was gay and they just ditched me, well Liam made everyone else ditch me. Sam still talks to me but only when Liam's not in school. I don't know why Liam got so freaked out he's never been homophobic before I told him I was gay. Pete's gay too I'll never forget the day he told me.
"Frankie I know what you're going through." he found me crying in the bathrooms.
"Fuck off Pete, you and the guys fucking disowned me" I snapped at him pushing him away as he put his arm around my shoulder.
"you know that was all Liam, Frankie"
"and you had to listen to him, follow him round like a puppy, did you Pete!" I screamed at him, we'd all know each other for years, I thought I could trust them with my life but apparently who I choose to sleep with was a problem.
"Frankie I'm sorry, you know what Liam is like, he'll come round."
"what then we can all be best friends again? Is that what you think?" he tried to hug me "stop trying to fucking touch me!"
"I'm sorry" he muttered "I’m just trying to tell you I know how you feel?"
"what the fuck are you talking about?"
"I'm..... Frankie don't make me say It." he was crying now
"I don't know what you're trying to say." he was making me feel horrible. There was an awkward silence then he kissed me hard on the mouth. I was to shocked to doing anything other than let his tongue slip inside my mouth.
"That’s what I’m trying to say Frank"
"you let me go through all this shit! And you're gay you're fucking gay, and what you're into me?"
he nodded and tried to lean in for another kiss. "No don't I don't feel like that about you."
"Don't do this to me Pete just don't I don't like you in that way." I jumped away from him. and ran home as fast as I could.

I haven't spoken more than sentence to him since. I see him watching me every now and then, I wonder if he still feels like that about me, it's so awkward since he's in all of my classes, just like Gerard.