

It's exactly a week later after a killer fight with his mom that William finally spills the beans about not wanting to go to college. Not only that but he also informed her to fuck the college all together, he's going to start a band with Jason Siska's little brother, Mike Carden and that weird Tom dude that was in his music class last year. Of course he hasn't talked to them about that but, hey, that sounds like a good idea! And maybe he should make that happen.

But now he is homeless and all he has is his sad, pathetic job at Wal*Mart to keep him going. Was the word 'pathetic' brought up enough? Pathetic. Pathetic. "Pathetic, pathetic, path...OOF!" William snapped his gaze at Mike and glared, "Asshole. Did you throw that pillow at me because I'm..."

His friend stared at him with an annoyed expression, "If you say the word pathetic one more time, dude, I may spoon my eyes out... or better yet, yours. My mom already said you can stay here until we have enough money for an apartment, stop having a pity party because I don't remember asking for an invitation."

William blinked, once, twice before... "You're so hot when you're annoyed, Mike Carden! I may ravish you on this couch right this second, my little dream boat!"

Mike grunted as a reply and kicked his friends feet off his lap, "I change my mind, you can't stay here. The Siska's will take you in if you kiss their asses."

Will felt himself giggle, a giant smile spreading upon his face. "Don't be like that, love! I just want your hot body, why can't you accept that you want my hot body too? We can make sweet, sweet love on every surface of our new apartment...and your parents house." He cooed, rolling over so he was on all fours and crawling towards his friend, letting out a skillful purr. He watched as Mikes eyes widen and let out a loud laugh, unable to contain himself.

Mike smiled softly, happy to see one of his best friends in a marginally happier mood. "Dude, if we live together I'm going to get a dead bolt for my room." This only made William laugh harder, grabbing his gut with a bright red face. "Seriously, what have you been smoking?"

"Why don't you ask..." He paused for a second to breathe, "your mom." Unable to stop laughing for even a minute William started giggling again, head resting on Mikes shoulder as the laughter shook through his body. Carden groaned loudly, always objecting 'your mom' jokes for the fact that, oh! Um, they're totally lame. Obviously. And he knows that's why William does them, but please, those lasted about as long as the Napoleon Dynamite fame (exactly 1.2 seconds) and they should stay in the grave, thankyouverymuch.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, now that we played 'hit on straight boy', I'm hungry. Let's go get some food."

They end up at an all night McDonalds with a small group of their friends, sitting in the kids area as Brendon-- an over energetic friend of theirs-- plays in the ball pit by himself because everyone else knows there is razorblades and needles and shit in the bottom of those and Bren is the only one stupid enough to not care about that fact. Ryan Ross shook his head and turned his sight from his friend/lover (no one is quite sure if they're dating or not, including themselves.) and rolled his eyes fondly, "Do you know anything about Gabe Saporta, Billiam?" He asked, his voice monotone like it always is, but he had a somewhat of a knowing smile on his face.

William frowned, pushing his hair behind his ear, "Other than he's a singer and he likes blowpops, no. Why?" He tugged his plaid sleeve loosely, having nothing better to do. To be honest he just wanted some sort of distraction but he already finished eating and damn himself to hell.

"Oh, no reason." Ryan replied, picking up a fry and chewing slowly, "He was just asking about you the other night, is all. Stalker things."

William almost laughed because why the hell would he care if Gabe fucking Saporta stalked him? Instead he pressed his lips together, giving Ryan a skeptical look. "Stalker things? Okay, okay. You've officially caught my attention, continue."

Ryan took his time to take another bite of the same fry before taking a long sip from his soda, "Like he asked your work schedule, and name and how old you are."

Mike raised his eyebrows and spoke with distaste, "That's so fucking creepy, what the hell?" at the exact same time that William suppressed a grin and nearly yelled, "You told him, right?!"

This is where Ryan gets uncomfortable and shifts in his seat, "You know I don't do well with getting questioned on the spot like that," This was true, Will knew. He always blurted out the first thing that came to mind when put on the spot, it's a wonder how he even survived the job interview. "I sort of...told him I couldn't tell him 'cause your girlfriend would get mad."

Jon Walker, another friend who had managed to stay silent through the whole conversation burst out into laughter at the same time Mike did and it caused the two other boys to roll their eyes because, really. Rude. "And he believed you!? What kind of idiot looks at me and thinks I'm straight? Do I look all? I have to have a fucking stripper bodyguard, for christ sakes!"

The laughter was dying down enough for Jon to ask him what the fuck he was talking about with the bodyguard bullshit and William didn't reply because he was too busy pouting at how stupid this new guy is. Ryan rolled his eyes, "When William and I work we have to have stronger people working with us at night, he calls it his stripper bodyguard." Ryan understood William about the pride being hurt, the two were going to protest the unfair treatment to skinny people that is happening in the Wal*Mart chain.

Jon shook his head, "You two are just too sexy, I guess."

"Shut up." Spencer sneered as he walked in the door from the dark outside, and how did he even know they were dining there if no one told him? Well. William realized a very long time ago that Spencer has eyes and ears everywhere and he's sort of the most awesome kid ever (and the scariest) so you don't really mess with him. After being greeted by everyone except Brendon he excused himself to go order his food and Will let out a depressed sigh. Not that he was getting his food. Or maybe. No, he was quite upset of the Gabe thing.

"I'm sorry." Ryan apologized with a big frown on his face, "Isn't he like... a lot older than you anyways? Who needs old farts...holy fuck, the kid is stalking you." He sputtered out with eyes as wide as saucers, pointing through the glass window to where Spencer stood in line with a tall man waiting patiently behind him.

Mike made a face, "What the hell?" He questioned in the type of tone that suggested if Gabe were to walk over he would beat his ass up (if this was requested, of course) and William couldn't help but to feel grateful for the friend.

Licking his lips, William sighed because what the fuck was he supposed to do? It isn't like they're friends or something because they met once when he was working but if the dude has been asking around about him he feels like he should say something to him about it. He muttered a quick, "I'll be right back." Before standing up, walking out the glass door to the kids play section (obviously that's where they were eating) and approached the counter. He leaned against it casually, next to Spencer --who knew well enough not to question it-- and watched as Gabe slowly realized who he was.

"I hear you've been asking about me?" He questioned the older man with raised eyebrows and subtly checked to see if his hipbones were exposed, because if they are he'd probably be able to get the other man to fuck him in the bathroom. They are.

The first thing Gabe said was, "Hello William, you look a lot different out of the smock." and barely a second after that, "You can't be straight." And William would be offended if he wasn't so amused by the man in general. When William didn't say anything (which was totally on purpose) Gabe spoke again, "So are you working tomorrow?"

William wasn't sure what was safe to tell this kid and what wasn't. Personally he believed people his age trusted musicians too much. Just because they're in a successful band doesn't stop them from being creeps; He's still waiting for the news to tell him about how someone in Boys Like Girls (or someone like that) has been killing and murdering fangirls and like...keeping them in his house under the floorboards or something. "Normally I would work tomorrow, but I have to move. I'll be in the day after."

William watched carefully as Gabriel nodded, "And your last name is..."

"Ross." He blurted out, straightening his stance. "I'm Bill Ross. And I have to get back to my friends." And just like that he scurried away.
♠ ♠ ♠
This story is...ehhh in my opinion. But you guys were so awesome! I was sort of blown away because I have THREE LITTLE STAR THINGYS!! And I think that's good? Please keep commenting and subscribing, it made me update like a million years sooner than I usually would.