Like Chocolate Stars and the Sun

From Good, To Bad, To Worse

The rest of the week pretty much flew by. Stacey didn't utter a word to me. Every time she saw me she just shot daggers at me. It got quite annoying by the end of Tuesday. You would think her boyfriend had cheated on her with me or something like that. The two things wrong with that were she didn't have a boyfriend and if she did I wouldn't do something like anyway.

All week she had been practically throwing herself at Jesse. He of course was oblivious, most guys can be at times. Anyway she was throwing herself at him, and they were slowly growing into what you could call a couple. It was starting to get on my nerves.

On Friday as I was walking out of school I saw her standing with Jesse at the school gates. She had her arm on his shoulder and was obviously flirting with him. She quickly glanced in my direction and smirked before turning back to Jesse and laughing. I raised my eyebrow and shook my head.

“She's really pathetic isn't she?” I heard Tyler's voice beside me. I nodded and turned to face him. “She's practically throwing herself on him. Did you see her at lunch?”

“Tell me about it. Jesse didn't strike me as a 'PDA' type”

“He isn't. Well I thought he wasn't” Tyler shrugged.

“This may sound crazy ... but I think she might be trying to annoy me.” I shook my head. “She's been glaring at me every time she sees me.”

“Why?” Tyler asked me. I shrugged my shoulders.

“I have absolutely no idea.”

“Well is it working?”

“No.” I looked back at where Jesse and Stacey just in time to see Jesse plant a small kiss on Stacey's cheek. I narrowed my eyes and turned back to Tyler. “Ok, maybe a little bit.”

“Why?” Tyler asked and playfully raised his eyebrow, “Do you have a thing for Jesse or something?”

“No.” I shook my head. “I just find it quite pathetic that she is doing this to try and get to me.” The truth was, I had just asked myself the same question Tyler asked me. Why was it annoying me so much?

“Anyway, change of subject.” Tyler smiled at me, “Are you coming to the movies tonight?”

“Yes I am.” I smiled back.

Tyler ran his hand through his hair and looked down at his feet. “Well I was going to ask you if you wanted to come with me.”

“Come with you?” I asked.

“You know like, sort of a, date? I know its not just going to be us but...” Tyler looked back up from his shoes and I swear his cheeks were pinker then usual.

“Tyler your rambling,” Now it was my turn to look at my feet. “But I would love to come with you.”

“Well, seen as though I cant drive yet my dad said he could take me.” Tyler explained, “I'm sure he wouldn't mind taking you as well.”

“Ok. Do you know what time were going?” I asked.

“Seven I think. I'll pick you up around half six. Does that give you enough time to get ready?”

“Are you implying I need that a long time to get ready?” I raised an eyebrow. Tyler looked like a rabbit caught in headlights. I laughed. “Just kidding.”

Three hours later and I heard the doorbell ring and ran downstairs. My brother got to the door before me and was chatting away to Tyler when I reached the door. Brandon was originally going to go to the cinemas as well but he had gotten a lot of homework that week due to taking 'AP classes', whatever that means ...

“Hey Francesca.” Tyler smiled when he saw me. I smiled back and shouted bye to my mother who was in the kitchen. Brandon let me past and soon I was out of the door.

“You look nice.” Tyler whispered in my ear as we walked over to his dads car. I looked down at my outfit, it didn't really seem all that impressive really. I was wearing a green pleated skirt and a white vest top with a cropped green cardigan over the top. I blushed and smiled.

“Thanks. You don't look bad either.” Now it was Tyler's turn to blush, except he didn't go tomato red as I happened to do. Tyler opened the door to his dads car like a chauffeur and I got inside.

“Hello Mr Ashcroft.” I smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear as Tyler climbed into the seat next to me.

Nick was the only person at the cinemas when we arrived. The traffic had not been as bad as expected and we were there with fifteen minutes to spare. Five minutes later Jake and Charlotte arrived. Now we were just waiting for Jesse, and most definitely Stacey would be following closely behind.

“Where do you think they are?” Jake asked while tapping his foot impatiently. If there was one thing I had learnt about him during the past week it was that he liked to get things done there and then.

“Not sure.” Tyler replied. “He was borrowing his dads car tonight, and it was still in the driveway when I picked Francesca up.”

“ Maybe he's forgotten?” Charlotte asked and took a long drink of her lemonade. “Or maybe he wants to hang out with Stacey alone.” She rolled her eyes.

“ She getting to you as well?” Nick asked. “She's around all the time now. Before it was just lunch but now she follows Jesse round like a little puppy.”

“You would think he would be sick of her by now.” Tyler added. “Apparently she keeps dogging Francesca”

“Really?” Jake asked me. Suddenly I was pulled back into the conversation where as before I was just listening.

“Yeah. She must have it in for me or something.” I couldn't help but laugh. “Like on my first day she just out of the blue started raving at me.”

“Wow. Maybe she feels threatened.” Nick suggested. Jake and Chloe agreed and nodded their heads like a nodding dog.

“By me? I don't think so.” I glanced at the clock by the ticket booth. 7.15.

“Nick might have a point you know.” Charlotte shrugged. I bit my lip. The only thing she feels threatened by is the fact I'm friends with Jesse, but I don't know about anything else.

“Jesse has just walked in.” Jake announced. “And Stacey is with him.” Cue groan from everyone.

“He looks mad.” Charlotte pointed out. I looked over in his direction and she was right. He looked about ready to explode. That cant be good. It turned out it wasn't good. Especially when he was heading over to me. What had I done?

“Oh hello Francesca.” Jesse growled. “Nice to see you here.”

“Jesse, you knew I was coming. You invited me.” I took a small step back because he had stopped walking a few inches away from my face.

“Yes and I remember telling you I would pick you up.” Jesse raised an eyebrow. “Ring any bells. I cursed under my breath. I had completely forgotten about that. But wait. Wasn't he a bit mad for just that.

“Sorry,” I replied. “But don't you think your over reacting just a bit?”

“No, I'm not annoyed that you didn't want a lift here. I'm annoyed you didn't bother telling me Tyler was bringing you.” Jesse let out a huge sigh. “Friends are supposed to tell each other things.” He had a point.

“I'm sorry Jesse. I just kind of forgot.” I looked down at my feet, feeling quite embarrassed I looked back up and Jesse's face had softened quite a lot. He opened his mouth but for some reason all I could hear was Stacey's annoying high pitched voice.

“Well your not being a very good friend if you 'forgot'” She smirked and did those annoying air quote things with her fingers when she said forgot.

“Who asked you anything?” I crossed my arms and looked at Stacey.

“Nobody. I was just making a point.”

“Well no body wanted to know your 'point'” I replied, even mimicking her air quotes.

I opened my mouth to say something else but closed it when Jesse glared down at me. I scowled and turned to face Tyler and the others.

“So are we going to see a movie or what?”

“Come on,” Tyler put his arm casually round my shoulders, “Before you and Stacey kill each other.”

When we had our tickets and 'movie refreshments' we all went into the cinema. I ended up sitting between Tyler and Charlotte, who had Jake next to her. Next to Jake was Nick then Jesse and Stacey, whom by now I was quite annoyed with. She had been whispering in Jesse's ear all night and giggling at everything he said.

“If she makes one more noise I might have to kill her.” Charlotte mumbled to no one in particular and I laughed. I glanced over in Jesse's direction and found he was looking back in mine. He quickly looked away as soon as he saw me looking. He had not said a word to me since me and Stacey had our ... ahem ... discussion

The film soon started and everything went quiet apart from the noise of the film. I didn't have a clue what the film was about, I wasn't really paying much attention as Tyler kept distracting me. First it was playing with my hair, then he put his arm round my shoulder, then he was playing with my hair with his hand still round my shoulders. I snuggled closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

“You ok?” He whispered, barely audible over the film. I nodded and smiled up at him. He smiled back down at me and I looked back at the cinema screen.

“Are you sure?” He whispered I must have been giving off bad vibes or something. “Is it Jesse?”

I shrugged and looked back up at him.

“I think its more Stacey to be honest with you.” I whispered, “But I cant help but feel Jesse is still mad at me for some reason.”

“He wont be.” Tyler smiled, “I know when my cousin is mad at people.”

“Well if he ever is, tell me.” I smiled. "I don't like people being mad at me.”

I sat up properly in my seat for a short while because my neck had begun to ache. I glanced quickly over to where Jesse was sat only to see him and Mrs high pitched voice snogging each others face off.

I could have thrown up my popcorn there and then.

The film wasn't all that long. It didn't seem like we were in there for long at all. Because it was earlier then we had expected we all went to a diner that happened to be just down the road. Well, Tyler, Jake, Nick, Charlotte and I headed towards the diner. Jesse and Stacey vanished after the film.

“Dude, did you see them?” Jake asked once we were sat down at a booth.

“See them?” Nick groaned. “I was sat right next to them!”

“I feel sorry for you Nick.” I laughed and brushed my hair out of my eyes.

“And so you should do.” Nick leaned back against the booth. We talked for a few minutes before Jesse appeared at the table.

“Hey guys.” He smiled. I noticed how he purposely was avoiding my gaze.

“Where Stacey?” Nick asked as he moved up so Jesse could sit down.

“Has she gone home?” Charlotte asked.

“No silly, I'm here.” Stacey appeared smiling. She seemed happy she was annoying everyone who did not want her there. She looked around at everyone, still smiling. “Well are you going to make some room or not.”

Charlotte mumbled something under her breath. I could tell it was best keeping it under her breath.

“Move up guys, make some room.” Jesse looked round everyone, but surprise surprise, didn't look at me. I was starting to get really annoyed.

“Excuse me.” I said and stood up. I headed towards the bathrooms. After splashing some cold water on my face I stood up and turned towards the door, only to end up face to face with Stacey, who had a smug look on her face.

“Hello Francesca.”

“Stacey.” I tried walking past her but she moved so I couldn't “Can I please get past?”

“Made a bit of swift exit back there didn't you?” Stacey asked changing the subject. “Any reason why?”

“I needed to stretch my legs.” I lied.

“Really. It didn't seem like that.”

“Well that is what it was so please can I come past?”

“No I'm not done talking to you yet.” Stacey crossed her arms.

“Maybe I don't want to talk to you?” I replied and crossed my own arms, mimicking her.

“Your jealous because Jesse likes me better then you.” Stacey smiled like she had one some wonderful grand prize. “Because you cant have him.”

“He is not a prize Stacey.” I commented.

“Still, you are just jealous” Stacey held her head up high. “I can tell. But if you even try and take him away from me, I will make your life a living hell.”

“Oh really?” I asked, “Good luck with that. Don't think that my friends will listen to you. They're not exactly your biggest fans. If you catch my drift.”

Apparently Stacey doesn't like being told people don't like her. She moved closer to me so she our faces were only inches apart.

“People may not like me but at least they don't think I'm some English freak.” She laughed a bit at the freak part. “Because that's all you are to them, a freak with a funny accent.”

Ok. That hurt.

“Are you sure that's everyone Stacey, or is it you and your imaginary friends?” I asked.

“No. Its most people.” Stacey smirked. “They just want you and your family to go back to where you came from. No one wants you here.” I looked down at my feet, even though I knew she was making everything up it was getting to me.

“Why do you think Jesse barely said two words to you tonight?” She asked. “Because he's bored of you. Everyone is. Again, no one wants you here. Sorry to break the bad news to you.” She was blatantly not sorry. Tears started to form in my eyes. I tried to swallow them back but they wouldn't stop.

“Are you done now?” I asked, my voice was even croaky. Stacey didn't answer she just stepped out of my way. I pushed the door open and made my way back to the table, trying my best not to burst out crying there and then.

“Hey Frankie... what's the matter?” Tyler stood up as soon as he saw me. I probably didn't look my best at that moment.

“I just want to go Tyler.” I mumbled.

“What the hell did she say to you?” Charlotte asked. I shook my head.

“Ill tell you later.” I replied weakly. “Right now I just want to go.”

“Come on then.” Tyler put his arm around me. “See you later guys.”

I took a last glance at the table and noticed Jesse wasn't sat with the others. I couldn't help but wonder where he was.
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I though I might as well update this, because I can! :)
Let me know what you think.

Bekki, x