Like Chocolate Stars and the Sun

I Didn't Just Say That!

Tyler didn't bother ringing his dad to pick us up. He said he knew a short cut to his house. Then his dad could take me home from there. He also mentioned the fact it would give me time to calm down and stop his father from asking lots of questions, as parents do.

“Are you going to tell me what she said?” He asked after a few minutes of silence. I shivered in his coat because it had dropped surprisingly cold. And Tyler, being the gentleman that he is let me wear his coat.

“I don't know.” I mumbled. I had stopped being upset now, I was just hurt really. Things like that don't usually get to me, but I suppose I'm not my usual self over here.

“Come on Francesca.” Tyler put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.

“You will think I'm stupid.” I sighed.

“Never.” Tyler smiled down at me. “I promise” I took a deep breath and began to speak.

“She was saying all these things to me so I told her no one likes her, and then she said everyone thought I was a silly English freak and everyone just wanted me to go back where I came from.” I took another breath as that had come out more rushed then I had expected. Tyler gave my shoulder a squeeze.

“Don't listen to a word she says, she's jealous”

“Of what though?” I asked.

“That despite being here just under a week you have got a pretty close group of friends already.” Tyler suggested. I couldn't help but laugh.

“I don't even know why it affected me that badly.” I confessed. “It just seemed to strike a nerve that's all.”

“You’re not the only one who she had gotten to over the years.” Tyler informed me. “In mine and Charlotte's first year at high school she had something against this girl called Tiffany. She just constantly picked fights with her until one day Tiff snapped and attacked her. Tiffany got expelled and Stacey was in the hospital for a week.”

“A week?” I asked, “How the hell did that happen.”

“Well it’s a long story; I don't really want to go into it” Tyler sighed.

“How much further to your house?” I asked, I thought it would be a good idea to change the subject.

“Not far, I promise.” Tyler looked down at me and winked. “Just over a couple of mountains.”

“Do not lie to me,” I smacked his chest lightly and giggled. Tyler was being so sweet, I had almost forgotten about Stacey's little announcement.

Note how I said almost.

When we reached Tyler's house, which had not been that far away after all, we both sat on the porch for a while. Just talking. God knows how long later my mother text me and asked me weather or not I would be home soon.

“I'll go get my dad if you want.” Tyler offered.

“Five more minutes?” I asked, “I like sitting and talking.”

“Have we not run out of things to talk about?” Tyler asked. We have been here almost an hour and a half after all. I shook my head.

“I'm sure you can think of something Tyler.” I smiled. He pretended to be in deep thought for a few minutes and then suddenly looked straight into my eyes.

“You look really pretty tonight.” He announced.

“Oh yes. Because smudged mascara is all the rage now.” I replied sarcastically.

“I'm serious.” Tyler said with a smile. ”You do look pretty.”

“Well thank you Ty...” I was cut off by his lips meeting mine. He didn't stay there for long, but it was one of the most delicate kisses I had ever received When he pulled away he blushed and looked down at his hands. I couldn't help but smile.

“Tyler?” I asked and he looked back at me with a sheepish smile. He locked eyes with me and before I knew it our faces were inching closer together. Tyler's lips met mine and kissed me softy. I cupped his face with my hand as I kissed him back. Before I knew it I was running out of air and I pulled away so I could breath.

“Your hands are freezing.” Tyler whispered and cradled both my hands in his. I laughed.

“Sorry,” I apologised.

“Time to head home?” Tyler's dad came out of the door. I smiled and nodded. Mr Ashcroft went back inside to collect his keys and I looked back at Tyler. He smiled and took hold of my hand again.

The drive home was pretty short because, apparently there isn't much traffic at eleven at night. There wasn't really much conversation, only Tyler's father asking us if it had been a nice night and if the film was good. When we reached my house Tyler followed me up to my door to say goodbye.

“Ill see you later Francesca.”

“You too Tyler.” I smiled. “You could come round tomorrow and we could hang out if you like. My mum won’t mind.”

“Ill have to check my schedule” Tyler grinned and laughed. He pulled me into a hug before he walked back to his dad’s car. I knocked on the front door, hoping someone would open it soon because I was freezing my butt off, even with Tyler's jacket still.

Wait I was still wearing it?

“Tyler!” I shouted after him. He spun round to face me. “You forgot your jacket.”

“Keep it, looks better on you anyway.” Tyler called back. “Goodnight.”

“Night” I called back just as the door opened to my mother. I walked past her and went straight up to my room.

- - -

The next day I stayed in bed till about eleven. Nothing like long lie in's. As soon as I had gotten dressed and tamed the natural bush that happens to be called my hair I switched my phone on. Instantly it rung in my hand signaling I had two messages. The first one was from Tyler, the time said it had been sent just after midnight.

Hey :) Had fun tonight, do it again some time. Later. Tyler

The next was from Jesse, sent at quarter to twelve...

Frankie? Where the hell did you disappear to tonight? What happened? No one will tell me!!

I sighed and clicked off the message. If he wasn’t there to see what a bitch his girlfriend really was then it’s his own fault. I walked down the stairs and outside through the kitchen. I didn’t bother sitting on a sun lounger, I dangled my feet in the water. Even though the weather wasn’t brilliant, the air was warm and water in the pool was nice and cooling on my feet. I closed my eyes and leaned back, my arms supporting my body.

“Frankie?” Damn. Why does this always happen to me?

“What do you want Jesse?” I asked as politely as I could. “And since when did you start calling me Frankie?”

“Sorry, but it suits you.” Jesse replied. I still had my back to him at this point. “And I want to know where you and Tyler disappeared to last night.”

“Disappeared? No we just left Jesse.” I pushed myself up from the pool side and walked over to the fence. Jesse looked very confused, which looked quite cute.

I didn’t just say that.

“Well ok then you left. I want to know why.” Jesse demanded. He reminded me of a five year old who wants sweets and cant have them.

“It doesn’t matter Jesse...” I started.

“It does to me.” Jesse interrupted. “As soon as I came back everyone went quiet and when I asked where you were they wouldn’t tell me. And then when Stacey came back they all got up and left.”

“I was tired.” I lied, “So Tyler said he would take me home.”

“Don’t lie to me Francesca.” Jesse didn’t look impressed. “I want an answer.” I closed my eyes sighed.

“You know I went to the toilets, well Stacey came in after and started... well verbally abusing me is one way to put it...” I sighed. “It got to me and Tyler offered to take me home.” I crossed my arms. “You have your answer now.” Jesse was quiet for a few minutes before speaking again.

“What?” He asked. I groaned.

“Your girlfriend was a bitch to me.” I replied slowly, emphasizing the word bitch and me. “That clear enough?” Jesse crossed his arms and looked pretty annoyed.

“What is it with you two?” He asked. “Whenever you have a bad day you blame it on her. Its getting old fast Francesca.” My mouth dropped open.

“I didn’t ask for here to start calling me an ‘English freak’ Jesse.” I crossed my arms and tilted my head to the side. He seemed to soften a bit. I really wanted to be mad at him for taking her side, but I couldn’t stay mad at him. And I don’t know why. He bit his lip and looked like he didn’t quite know what to say.

“Do you want to come round?” I asked him after a few minutes. He nodded and pushed himself on the fence, swung his legs round and jumped off the fence into my garden. “Or over the fence, which ever suits you best.” I saw his mouth curl into a small smile and couldn’t help but laugh.

“Are you laughing at me Francesca Miller?” Jesse asked. The awkwardness had just disappeared. It didn’t even feel like ten minutes ago Jesse was somewhat annoyed with me.

“So what if I am?” I asked and crossed my arms. “What are you going to do about it?”

“Well I could throw you in the pool if I wanted.” He inched closer to me with every word.

“If I’m going in then so are you.” I challenged and moved back as he moved forward. Jesse was laughing, and then suddenly his face changed.

“Francesca watch out.” He called and rushed towards me just as I slipped on the tiles round the side of the pool. I felt myself falling backwards and closed my eyes. The falling sensation stopped and I opened my eyes again. Jesse had sprinted forward and caught my arms and pulled me back up. At this moment I was stood staring directly at his chest.

“That was close.” He whispered and stepped back a few inches.

“I thought you wanted me in the water?” I raised an eyebrow. Jesse grinned as though I reminded him and spun me round so he could grab my waist from behind.

“Let go Jesse.” I squealed and struggled, but he overpowered me. I could hear him laughing at my obviously pathetic attempt at fighting back.

“What’s the magic word?” He asked.

“Jesse, please put me down.” I giggled.

“No way.” He whispered in my ear causing the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up.

“If I’m going in, you’re coming in with me.” I turned to face him as I spoke. His face was mere centimeters away from mine. He dangled me over the pool and let go of my waist. I grabbed hold of one of his arms and yanked him in after me.

We both surfaced a few moments later, soaked to the skin. Jesse ran a hand through his wet hair which caused it to stick out in all directions. I just floated, treading water.

“You’re lucky I don’t have my phone in my pocket or something like that.” Jesse laughed. I smiled and nodded. And just as I was about to open my mouth I heard someone call Jesse’s name. An annoying high pitched voice that I knew exactly who was the beholder.

“Jesse?” The high pitched voice rang out. “You’re told me you were out back.”

“Yeah one sec.” Jesse called back and turned to me. “Sorry, I’ll see you later.” I lifted my hand up and waved goodbye to him. He turned and swam towards the side of the pool and climbed out – giving me a nice view of his rear end.

Wait no... I didn’t say that.

Stacey must have seen me looking because as soon as I looked over in her direction she gave me another one of her famous death looks. Great, more verbal abuse coming my way.
♠ ♠ ♠
If I start updating this too fast for people, let me know. I have up to Chapter 19 written, so thats why im updating twice within a week.
Anyways, things are starting to get interesting. Dont you think.
Comment and Suscribe!