Like Chocolate Stars and the Sun

Let the Flames Begin

“You and Tyler are so cute together!” Charlotte gushed as we walked to IT. It was just over a week since I had made the fact Tyler and I were together 'official' and this was the fifty-fifth time these words had left Charlottes mouth.

Not that I'm counting or anything...

“Charlotte if you say that once more I'm going to hurt you.” I mumbled, not very quietly though.

“But it’s true!” Charlotte pointed out as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “You make a cute couple.”

“Seriously, don’t say that again.” I tried to sound menacing, but to be honest I am the complete opposite – and not a very good actress. I ended up laughing to myself. Completely normal, I know.

“Okay, I promise those words will not leave my lips ever again.” Charlotte mimed zipping up her lips and throwing away the key as she sat down at the computer next to me. There was a note on the board saying our IT teacher was ill.

“Free lesson!” Someone called out after reading the note out to the whole class. “Awesome!” Everyone was buzzing with agreement. Free lessons are awesome.

Or they are until you realise that school computers block almost every single website known to man.

Charlotte and I just ended up talking most of the lesson. It was either that or find a website unblocker that wasn’t banned itself. We gave up after page three on Google. Talking to your friend is actually more fun then playing random games on the internet. Well actually...

I'm kidding don’t worry.

By the time the double lesson was up I knew Charlotte practically inside out. Well I knew her pretty well already, but now I knew her middle name was Mellissa and that she used to be so obsessed with the harry potter books she called every single goldfish she ever got Harry. That bit made me laugh.

I was glad it was time to go home. My feet were aching for reasons beyond my knowledge and I had been covered in paint since second period Art class. Some red paint had gotten in my hair and I really wanted to wash it out as soon as humanely possible. Charlotte suggested washing it out in the sinks but I thought that was a bit, unhygienic. Come on, you don’t know who’s hands have been there before your head.

“I'm so glad I finally have a locker.” I sighed. It had taken the school two and a half weeks to sort out a locker for me. This was, annoying to say the least. The only down side to my locked was it had a weird orange stain in the bottom of it that worried me slightly. But it’s still a locker, so I don’t have to carry everything round at once.

Another downside is my locker just so happens to be placed in the place where most of the junior’s lockers are. My crappy luck ended up with me being stuck with a locker a few lockers down from Mrs Teen Evil.

As she walked down the corridor she glared at me the whole time she was walking. Only this time she had two clones with her, both of them also glaring at me. Does she have an anti-me club or something? I sighed and reached for my jacket that was hung up in my locker. Not that I really needed a jacket, because it was still quite warm, but I brought it with my just in case. Just as I was about to shut my locker door two hands slipped over my eyes and a voice whispered softly in my ear.

“Guess who.”

“Tyler?” I asked even though I knew it would be him anyway.

“Just came to say goodbye before I go jetting off to Hawaii for the week.” He smiled.

“I can’t believe you get to go with your dad to Hawaii just because he has a business meeting there.” I laughed.

“Jealous?” He asked and raised an eyebrow

“Very.” I replied and smiled. “I’ve never been to Hawaii.”

“It’s nice.” Tyler grinned. The lucky thing had been more then once. “The sun, the palm trees.”

“Don’t rub it in.” I smacked him lightly on the arm and closed my locker door. “When do you fly?”

“Seven tonight.” Tyler sighed. “I'm not even fully packed yet.”

“Really?” I asked. “I would have been packed weeks ago if I was going.”

“I think I would have too if I were going.” Jesse appeared out of no where and made himself part of the conversation. He leaned against the locker next to mine, his dark hair falling gracefully in front of his blue eyes, and folded his arms casually. He didn’t even look in my direction for more then two milliseconds. Ever since Monday the week before the guy had barely spoken to me at school me. I was missing my friend, oh and I was getting seriously annoyed. I don’t like being ignored. I feel like I'm missing out on something.

“Yeah, I'm a procrastinator. Its what I do.” Tyler laughed and glanced at his watch. “I better go soon if I'm going to finish that packing.”

“Do you really have to go?” I asked as Tyler put his arm round me. He nodded and I pulled him into a hug. As I put my arms around his waist he met my lips with his. But, no sooner had our lips met did we hear a very pissed off cough coming from Jesse.

“What is your problem?” Tyler let go of me and spun round to face his cousin.

“Think about it. You’re in school.” Jesse replied, as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Well that never seems to stop you and your bitch of a girlfriend.” Tyler shot back. It was like a tennis match. “What are you doing here anyway?”

Another thing that was getting on my nerves was the fact that almost every time Tyler and Jesse saw each other they ended up arguing over the most stupid things. Guess who usually started the fights?

If you guessed Jesse then you were right.

It was like he was having a really weird mood swing. One moment he would be joking around and the next he would say something that would annoy Tyler and the two would be at each others throats in seconds. Not literally of course, but I'm pretty sure you know what I mean.

“Jesse’s giving me a lift home.” I thought it would be best if I stepped in. You know, to stop a bloodbath in the corridor. Tyler just nodded in response, still glaring at Jesse.

“I better go then.” Tyler told me and pulled me into one last hug. “Packing to do.”

“Bring me back something nice.” I smiled.

“Will do.” Tyler winked and began walking down the corridor. He turned back and waved but was soon lost in the crowds of students milling around the school. I looked over at Jesse who was looking down at his feet. When he looked up he smiled and pointed towards the doors.

“Shall we head off as well?” I just nodded and followed him out of the school. He had offered to give me a lift too and from school after he managed to convince his dad to let him borrow his car. Seen as though his dad worked from home most of the time he didn’t need it to get to work.

When we reached the car I climbed into the passenger seat and turned to Jesse.

“You walk really fast you know.” I laughed.

“And you walk really slowly.” He stuck out his tongue and turned the key in the ignition. The engine sprung into life. I leaned over to switch the radio on but Jesse hit my hand away.

“My iPod is so much better then the radio.” He grinned and connected his iPod up to the radio.

Most of the ride home was in a comfortable silence. The only sound was the music blaring through the speakers. Not that I'm complaining, because Jesse has a pretty decent taste in music. Despite the ultra cool music my mind kept wondering back to all the little spats between Jesse and Tyler in the past week. I really wanted to know why they kept fighting. Seen as though we were quite close to home, and if the conversation got awkward then I could make a swift exit, I thought I would take the dive and ask.

“Jesse?” I began, but then couldn’t really get the rest of the words out. He glanced over at me briefly, as he couldn’t take his eyes off the road for too long.

“What?” He replied. He glanced back at me again, because we had hit a red light.

“How come every single time you see me and Tyler you pick a fight with Tyler?” I took a deep breath in and held it there, waiting for a reply.

“It’s complicated.” Jesse replied and turned his head so he was facing out of the windscreen at the traffic in front of him, even though we were not moving he seemed to be concentrating fully on the road.

“It can’t be that complicated Jesse.” I crossed my arms and continued looking at him. “Cant you trust me or something?”

“No, it’s not that.” Jesse sighed.

“Do you think I'm going to tell Tyler what you tell me? Because I won’t, I promise.” I continued to stare at the side of his head. He glanced over before putting his foot down on the ignition as the red light was exchanged for a green one.

“I didn’t think you would do that anyway.” He took his hand of the wheel for a brief moment and ran it through his hair, then quickly returned his hand back onto the wheel. “It’s just,” he sighed, “Well I can’t really explain it.”

“I have all the time in the world.” Okay so I didn’t really have all the time in the world, no one does. But if it makes the guy feel better then heck, I'll say anything. Something was obviously wrong and I was going to get to the bottom of it, even if it killed me in the process.

“Even that wouldn’t be enough time.” Jesse sighed. “Like I said, it’s complicated.”

“I'm going to get it out of you Jesse, you know that.” I grinned and Jesse raised and eyebrow.

“Oh are you now?” He asked as we pulled onto our street.

“Yes I am.” I crossed my arms. “Then when you see me at school you won’t act like you have something shoved up your backside.”

“I don’t act like that towards you.” Jesse shook his head as he pulled up to the curb outside my house.

“You have for like the past week.” I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. How could he not know he had been a bit of a jerk lately?

“Ok so maybe a little.” He looked over towards me, his big blue eyes being all deep and meaningful. I had to look away; it felt like he was trying to stare straight into my mind or something.

“I just want to know why,” I sighed, “That’s all.” I looked back over to him. “Look it doesn’t matter ok. See you tomorrow?” I reached for the door handle when I heard a clicking noise. Jesse had locked the doors.

“Just wait, please?” He asked.

“You do know you can open the doors from the inside.” I asked, “There only locked on the outside.”

“I was hoping you wouldn’t know that.” Jesse let his head fall back so it was resting on the headrest of the car seat. “I just... I don’t know.”

“Well do you want to sit here till you do know?” I asked and studied his face carefully. His eyes were looking up at the roof of the car as if he were searching it for all the answers he needed.

“No, I'm just confused.”

“We gathered that a few minutes ago Jesse.” I no longer knew what to say really. Who knew that a simple question could end up with a discussion like this? There was something that Jesse didn’t want to me know, I could tell. But that only made me want to know about it more. “Obviously you want to think about it, so I think its best if you just tell me later.” I went to open the car door once again but this time Jesse grabbed my arm, stopping me.

“You’re probably going to think I'm a psycho after this.” Jesse mumbled and rubbed the back of his neck, “It’s just, I don’t like you and Tyler together.”

Insert picture of me looking gobsmacked here.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love adding little plot twists and cliffhangers.
They make writing fun!
Comments = Love!

Bekki, x