How Do You Do What You Do


Sneaking around with Kyle was much more fun then I thought it would be.

Whenever it was just Kyle and Jonathan hanging out, as soon as Jonathan turned his back he would quickly kiss my cheek. It was so cute. He made me smile. The only downer was that he has never really given me a kiss. Like he kisses me everywhere else on my face besides my lips.

I want to ask him about that,but I don't want to seem pushy or something. I think asking him about why he doesn't kiss me on the lips would be like asking him why he doesn't want to have sex. Its plain weird and awkward.

I don't mind to some extent. Its fun just thinking I have a boyfriend. Its refreshing.

The thing I don't get is why Kyle is wiling to sneak around with me. I mean his answer to most of my questions are ' I like you' and thats it. Does he not know Jonathan may kill him if he finds out? Jonathan says all the time to Forever the Sickest Kids I guess that he will murder any guy that treats me wrong.

I mean its good I guess that my brother cares about me. But I believe he takes it to far. He like wants me to be a nun. He's all ' I know how the guy brain works'

Mhmm, because every guy is the same. I mean look at Kyle, he hasn't pulled anything and we've been dating for around two weeks. He hasn't even kissed me for crying out loud.

I was sitting on our recliner as all the guys sat on the couches.

"Who are you texting?" My brother asked Kyle as he looked over at his phone. Kyle quickly shut it and put it in his pocket

"No one"He said simply

Truth was he was actually texting me. Yes, I know its lame to text a person when they are in the same room as you, but this way me and Kyle had our privacy.

I mean we didn't talk about anything private, just simple topics like the weather.

Yes, I do know thats a stupid topic to talk about with your boyfriend.

But me and Kyle are different.

"Whatever man"Jonathan said with a sigh and changed the channel

~~~~~~~~1 week later~~~~~~~~

The guys had all left for tour yesterday.

I was lonely. I was basically craving Kyle as weird as that sounds.

I thought it would be fun that Jonathan was going to be gone, but as soon as them actually being gone kicked in, I finally realized Kyle was gone.

Honestly, I didn't think I would miss him. He was just a guy I snuck around with.

I actually thought about hooking up with other guys....I'm a horrible person.

"Whats wrong with you?"Jessica asked as she got our coffees from the teen behind the counter.

"I miss Kyle"I said sadly.

"Really? Thats surprising."She said sarcastically"He is your boyfriend, I'm pretty sure thats expected"She said as she handed me my coffee and we walked to the little table at the coffee shop and sat down.

"See thats the thing. I'm completely surprising myself. I didn't think I would miss him, you know. He was just a guy I snuck around with. Plain and simple"

"Thats horrible Kcee"She said shaking her head at me.

I shrugged and sipped my coffee.

"Hey Kase, hey Jessica" Matt said as he and Jeremy came and sat at our table. We've known them since freshman year.

I didn't say hi back letting Jessica do it.

"So Kcee, we should go to the carnival in the next town tonight" Matt said as he fiddled with his hands.

I thought for a second. Cheat on Kyle? Yes?No?Yes?

"I'm sorry, I cant, I'm sort of taken"I said as I put my coffee on the table

"Sort of?" He asked confused

"Its secret"

"If you didn't want to go with me, you could have just said no"He said sadly

"No, Matt, I'm serious"

"Fine"he said with a sigh and the four of us just sat at the table in silence.

All I thought about was Kyle. The way he secretly kisses me, when he randomly tells me I'm beautiful, and when we could just cuddle on a couch together and not say a word.


"Hey baby"He said as he answered his phone tiredly.

"I'm sorry for waking you" I said softly

"No biggie, its only one in the morning its still early"He said with a light laugh"Is everything okay?"

"I cant sleep" I heard him laugh gently through the phone

"Kyle"I whined

"Is that why you called?"He asked and I could tell he had a smile playing on his lips.

"Well I decided I would call someone to see if they would answer and maybe keep me company. I'm not tired at all, and your the first name that popped into my head, so thats why I called"

"Now that makes me happy, you actually thought of me"He said softly.

"All Ive been doing lately is thinking about you"I said truthfully as I sat up in bed

"That makes me happy"He said with a yawn.

"And you haven't been thinking of me? Usually when a person says that, the other person is supposed to say it back"

"I think about you all the time, not just recently"He said simply.

I didn't say anything just bit my bottom lip.

then he added, "I wish you came. I mean you could have."

"I know, but I have school"I said with a sigh."So hows tour?" I asked randomly and he chuckled.

We ended up talking on the phone until four in the morning. I felt really bad about keeping him up, but he kept insisting it was perfectly fine and he loved hearing my voice.

He made me feel so bad at times. He was to much of a sweetheart and I was just a bitch.

I was using him. I didn't like the thought of that. Maybe he was actually growing on me. Yup, I liked my boyfriend. Kyle was everything I needed. I didn't need any one else.

********Kyle's POV**********

"No seriously man, your always on your phone, who do you talk to? I think you have a girlfriend your not telling us about" Caleb said and I kept cool.

"Yeah, I agree"Jonathan said butting into the conversation

"Is she hot?"Marc asked and I wanted to punch him.

"Lets see your phone"Kent said holding out his hand.

"Fuck you"I said as I put my phone in my pocket. I still had texts from Kcee in my inbox.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"Austin asked and now it was like everyone against me

"No"I said firmly"If I did I'm pretty sure you guys would know"I said simply keeping my cool not giving anything away.

"Fine, whatever, party at the hotel tonight and I'm hooking you up" Jonathan said as he put a arm around my shoulder."You haven't dated in a while"

"Okay" I said a tad nervous now.

"Yeah, we're going to make sure you get with a girl. Who knows maybe you'll fall in love" Caleb said jokingly.

"I doubt it"I mumbled as I shrugegd off Jonathans arm.

"This party is going to be fucking intence!" Jonathan said with a laugh as he high fived Marc.

I didn't say anything. This was not going to be good. I don't want to cheat on Kcee, but if I don't, then the guys will know for sure that I have a girlfriend.
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