How Do You Do What You Do


********Kcee's POV********

"Jess, I don't know whats up. Its driving me crazy. Somethings up with Kyle. Hes been different towards me lately. Like the past week whenever we talk on the phone,I'm the one who always calls by the way, he doesn't really say anything. He just stays quiet. Usually he loves to talk to me. But now all I hear out of him is his silent breathing." I whined to her as we sat on my bed and flipped through the random 17 magazines I had collected through the years.

"Kace look, Hes on tour, hes probably tired. And maybe there are people around so he doesn't want to say something that would give away you two or something. And I don't think this secret dating is going to work forever with you two. Truth be told, I'm surprised you have kept it up for so long."She said as she flipped a magazine page.

"No, but you don't understand. Kyles different."I said feeling sad"I don't know whats wrong"

"Kcee, just talk to him"She said as she blew a bubble with her gum and then continued to chew obnoxiously.

"Whatever, if he doesn't want to talk, I wont call"I said just tossing the magazine onto the floor and flopping backwards onto my bed.

This is just great.

Its been a week and I haven't even talked to Kyle.
Of course.
I haven't called him, so he hasn't called me either.

Maybe this is why Jonathan didn't want me to date. Save the heartbreak.

I was completely heartbroken over Kyle at the moment. I haven't left my house in the week he hasn't called.

Why was he doing this to me? What did I do? I thought he liked me..

Maybe he found a new girl on tour. That thought made me want to cry.

I just groaned and stuck my spoon back into the carton of ice cream getting as much as I possibly could onto the spoon and shoving the ice cream into my mouth.

I obviously was not using Kyle for my benefit anymore. I truly liked the guy. But of course, because you know, I like him, he no longer likes me.

If I really didn't like him, I would be flirting with every guy that I know, or has ever been interested in me before, but no, I'm sitting at home on my couch with my puppy Bailey,eating a tub of ice cream moping over my boyfriend.

Ugh some boyfriend. I thought he was a nice guy.

Hes a fucking jerk.

No phone calls

No Texts

No emails


This goes to show I suck in relationships.

I continued to eat my tub of ice cream, that was half empty already, crying inside.

I wonder if Kyle knew what he was doing to me.

~~~3 Days Later~~~~

"Hello?"I asked sleepily as I answered my phone pretty close to midnight.

"Hey Kase"He said softly.

"Kyle?"I asked shocked and I immediately woke up and no longer felt sleepy.

"You seemed really surprised"

"Well we haven't talked for like a week and a half. I thought you forgot about me"I said as I slid up in bed and hugged my phone to my ear.

"I would never forget about you."He said gently

"Uh huh"I said with a bit of sarcasm

"Don't be like this. I feel as bad as it is"He said into the phone.

I actually loved hearing his voice. But oh boy I felt upset.

"I don't care if you feel bad. You could have sent me a simple text just saying hey. But no. I get nothing"

"Thats not what I feel bad about"

"WHAT!? you haven't called me nothing and you don't feel bad. Some fucking boyfriend you are"I said and just hung up on him.

I grabbed a pillow and screamed into it, not wanting to wake my parents if I screamed without it.

What a dick. He feels bad, but not about not talking to me. He probably feels bad because he forgot to congratulate another band on how great they played or something, or he didn't get to give someone an autograph, or they didn't get to meet everyone at the show.

But you know. He doesn't feel bad about forgetting about his girlfriend. If thats what I still was to him.

My phone went off again and I knew it was him. I removed the pillow from my face and picked up my phone contemplating on whether to answer it or not.

I hit the call button and answered and before he said something I quickly asked

"Do you want to break up?"

"NO!"He shouted back.

"Shut up. your going to wake everyone your with"I said rolling my eyes.

"Kcee, breaking up is the last thing I want to do"He said softly.

"Then why did you forget about me?"I asked sadly the anger disappearing slowly.

"Somethings are just complicating"He said quietly.

"Tell me Kyle"I begged

"Kase, lets just not talk about it"

"Fine" I said with a sigh.

"I really miss you you know"He said with passion in his voice that it made me smile.

"I hate how I'm supposed to be mad at you, but I cant help but smile"

"I'm really sorry, for not calling, Ive been kind of busy, but I know thats not a good excuse. But I am sorry."

"Its okay"I said giving in. I couldn't stay mad if I wanted to. I really really liked Kyle. It came as a bit of a shock to me. I mean him just saying how he wishes he was with me made me all warm and fuzzy as corny as that sounds.

*******Kyles POV********

After actually talking to Kcee for a full two hours, we said our good nights and I promised to call her.

I actually talked to her this time.

I felt bad about cheating on her.....

I didn't think I even deserved to talk to her. So since the night I hooked up with that girl, who's name I don't even remember, every time Kcee called me, I would just hold the phone to my ear and listen to her talk. I would barely even say two words.

After she stopped calling me, I felt ten times worse. She didn't deserve what I was doing. I didn't deserve her for what I did. Just to prove to the guys I wasn't seeing anyone.

I should have just stood up to them. But I did the stupidest thing I could ever do. I slept with a random girl just to prove my friends wrong, even though they were right.

I didn't want to lose Kcee though. I knew I couldn't tell her either. She would probably cry and scream and break up with me. I wanted to be with her.

Sometimes I beat myself up about that. If I really want her as bad as I think, I wouldn't have cheated. But I did. I wish I didn't.

I actually was dreading the time this tour was over. I would have to go home, see Kcee, and I would feel guilty every time I was with her.

I didn't want to see her. I didn't want to crack and randomly spit out 'I cheated on you'. Our relationship would be over in the blink of an eye.I cant let that happen.

what I did was bad. I mean even if Jonathan finds out I was dating Kcee, he would know I cheated on his sister and kick my ass for hurting her.

I was screwed.

***********Kcee's POV***********

"Hey Jessica"I said cheery as I met her at the local diner

"Hey girl, your happy"she observed smiling at me as I took a seat across from her.

"I am. I talked o Kyle last night, and he actually talked to me"I said smiling off the walls. Today was a good day.

"I'm happy for ya chica, but guess what I heard?"She asked leaning forward across the table to me.

"What?"I asked still smiling as I leaned forward to

"Max is totally in love with you!"She said all giddy

"Max?"I asked as I leaned back

"Yes Max. You know, Max Johnson, all the girls want, the most popular guy in school, Max?"

"Yeah, whatever"I said with a shrug.

"Oh my God! I cant believe you just said that! Your in love with Kyle!"She accused

"Keep you voice down, and no I'm not, hes just the only one I'm interested in."

"Oh wow"She said amazed.

"Hes a great guy, he would never do anything to hurt me, I mean he felt bad about not calling , he apologized like a bazillion times, and hes just so sweet. I know for a fact he would never break my heart. Kyles everything I need. The only thing I need"
♠ ♠ ♠
hehe its been a while.
