Silence Is a Virtue

Dead Inside

Only a few things changed, but nothing else, for a long, long time.

One of the changes was that Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper and even Alice acted like I wasn't there anymore. It wasn't because they didn't like me, as I knew that my friends loved me no matter what. It was merely because I didn't respond to them when they spoke to me, I didn't react when they touched me, or smile if they said something funny. I wasn't the girl they befriended.

The second change was the most painful. I wasn't even sure if it was true, but something told me that it most probably was.

Edward Cullen and Angela Weber were, apparently, together. Together together.

Rosalie had pulled me aside one lunchtime, having just been speaking to someone in the know. I can barely remember what her exact words were, but her tone was careful and her expression was apologetic. She had told me that Angela was under the impression that Edward was her boyfriend.

Vicious tremors of pain had rippled through my system and I ran to the toilets, retching through my tears. Alice had said afterwards that it was the most emotion she had seen in me in months.

Charlie sat me down one night, approximately six weeks after Edward had stormed out of the English room, and tried to get me to talk.

"Now, Bells, everyone has seen something is bothering you, so don't try and tell me you're okay. What's wrong, honey?" he said gruffly. Charlie hated expressing his feelings.

"Don't worry, dad." I had escaped him seconds later.

My grades had dropped severely. I had to go and see the headteacher, and he wasn't angry - only concerned at my attitude. Or rather, lack of attitude. He tried to get me to see the school counsellor, but I assured him that it wasn't necessary. After all, how many broken hearts had the school counsellor attended to? Many. And how often had they healed them? Something told me it wasn't a lot.

I knew I had become a broken person, and I knew I was overreacting. How well did I really know Edward Cullen, anyway?

Apparently well enough to break down when he refuses to speak to me.

After around two months, there was a day where Edward Cullen didn't come to school. Angela Weber didn't seem to notice, and I noticed that with an odd burst of satisfaction. She can't possibly love him as much as I do. I found myself worrying all day. Was he ill? Was he injured? Had he moved again? Every question haunted me.

The dreams of Edward had altered completely.

The first dream I had of Edward was soft, sweet, magical enough to give me butterflies when I woke up.

The rest were dark, hopeless. I never saw his face - only his back. I could never reach him.

After a long time, a period that I didn't keep track of, I refused to get out of bed in the mornings. I refused to open my eyes.

I stopped speaking.