Silence Is a Virtue

Have My Heart

"I l-love you too." I managed to choke out, tears falling faster now I had actually admitted it to his face. Fire flared in his eyes and he crashed his lips to mine, leaning down as he did. I had to lean backwards a little but it meant I could hold him closer, so I didn't complain. His lips were cold and hard, like stone, but gentle as they moved against mine.

I felt one of his arms release me from behind but his other arm tightened around my waist and lifted me up onto the table. I moved backwards slightly and he stepped forward, now standing between my legs. It took all of my self-restraint not to wind my legs around his hips. His hand was moving behind me, quickly, without pausing.

At that moment in time, however, I didn't care what was happening behind me, I didn't care what was happening in the room next door, or anywhere else for that matter. All I cared about was in my arms, the lips pressed against mine in a way that made me feel like I was born to be there.

My heart was fluttering wildly, my head was spinning. There was one word in my mind, all else was forgotten for that prolonged moment in which Edward kissed me. One word, one name - Edward.

Edward pulled away, his eyes smoldering and his cheeks flushed. He moved one hand up to my face, his cool fingers brushing at the wetness beneath my eyes. I couldn't tear my gaze away from his, and the mere thought of it caused my heart to throb painfully.

I turned around and pulled the notepad towards me, my heart melting as I read the three words repeated over and over, all across the page.

I love you, I love you, I love you.

His hand, still gently placed on my face, turned my head to face him.

"Edward." I breathed, my hands lying limply on his collarbone. Every bone in my body had turned to jelly. The only thing keeping me upright was Edward's arm, still around my waist, and the realisation that if I collapsed I wouldn't be able to see his eyes this clearly.

He pressed his lips gently against mine once more for a brief second, his face lighting up despite the tears in his eyes. He picked up the pen behind me and began writing again, and although I was itching with curiousity to turn around and see what he was saying, I couldn't bring myself to look away from his amazingly perfect face. After a long moment, he turned my face to the notepad.

Bella, my Bella. I have loved you since I walked into that first Biology lesson. I should have told you sooner, but things got out of hand... I love you, Bella Swan. More than I dreamed was ever possible.

I blushed, looking back up at him. A disturbing, derailing thought entered my mind.

"But, what about Angela...?" I mumbled, frowning. Edward moved his hand further up my face and smoothed the crease that had formed between my eyebrows. He looked away, leaning closer to me and resting his head on my shoulder. I snaked my arms around his neck, closing my eyes. He was writing again on the pad behind me, but I was too busy relishing in our sudden closeness to pay attention to anything else. He released me after a moment, and I turned to look at the pad once more. His lips were at my neck, which was incredibly distracting, but I managed to read the message.

A rumour. Angela and I are friends, nothing more. To be honest, she isn't that captivating. Not nearly as captivating as you. No, it's not Angela that has my heart, Bella.

I bit my lip, smiling to myself, as he gently kissed my jawline.

At that moment, with impeccable timing as always, Emmett burst into the kitchen. Alice was scolding him from behind, but he took no notice.

"Alright, love-birds, get off the kitchen table! Dinner's ready!"