Silence Is a Virtue

Killing Time

I fell asleep that night with a smile on my face, and I woke up the same way. It was a long time since I'd felt this good.

Charlie came home from spending the night at work and walked into the kitchen to find breakfast ready made for him, sitting on the table for him and Emmett. He was shocked, but pleased that I was back to normal, and I was willing to give my cooking talent back to the family.

The day dragged by, so slowly it was almost painful. I felt like I was holding my breath until I saw Edward again, and I couldn't breathe properly until I was with him.

Charlie went fishing after he ate breakfast, and Emmett went into the living room to watch television, like the lazy idiot he is. I cleaned up in the kitchen, then decided to scrub every surface until they gleamed. That didn't take as long as I hoped.

I bounded up the stairs and did all of my homework - a three page essay on the language Shakespeare uses, a study on the effects of epilepsy treatment, and several pieces of evidence that I had practiced the 'couching' technique for my art teacher. That, too, didn't take more than two hours.

I leapt down the stairs to see Emmett, hoping he had something I could do.

"Em?" I called, bursting into the living room. He jumped, clearly having been asleep, and scowled at me.

"What is it, Bells?" he grumbled. I skipped over to him and knelt infront of the couch beside his head.

"I'm really bored." I whined. He rolled his eyes and rested his huge hand on the top of my head.

"And what do you want me to do about that?" he smiled sleepily. I pushed my lips to the side.

"Give me something to do." I asked, grinning. He raised an eyebrow, realisation dawning in his brown eyes.

"This doesn't have anything to do with the fact that you're seeing Cullen tomorrow?" he smirked, his hand drumming a rhythm on my head. I winced.

"No - ow, Em - I just want the weekend to be over - Emmett, seriously - because next week - EMMETT." I slapped his hand away, ignoring his rumbling laughter.

"Come on, Bells, I'm not stupid." he grinned, pinching my cheek. I growled, trying to appear dangerous. I failed miserably.

Surprisingly, my brother didn't inspire me with a new way to occupy my time, so I was left to fidget in the kitchen. I sat down heavily at the table, gazing out of the window. I became aware that I was drumming my fingers against the table, and I folded my arms. I began to tap my foot, so I crossed my legs. I began chewing on my lip so hard I was worried the skin might break, so I pressed my lips together. I began bouncing in my seat and I groaned, dropping my head onto the table with a thump.

My phone began ringing from upstairs, and I ran up the stairs two at a time, tripping at the top. I fell onto my hands, acquiring a nice new carpet burn on each of my palms, before I sprang to my feet again and raced into my bedroom. I jumped onto my bed beside my phone, landing cross-legged, and I grabbed it.


"Hey Illusen." Alice's teasing voice rang down the phone - I cringed. Illusen was the name of a faerie from the website Neopets, and I used to be obsessed with both the website and Illusen. Thankfully I got over that stage.

"Don't even. What's up, pixie?"

"I got the feeling that you were bored." she said innocently. I laughed.

"Coincidence. I'm always bored, what with Emmett being a couch potato, and Charlie spending the day at the lake with Billy."

"Billy? Billy Black?" Alice's tone suddenly changed.

"Erm, yeah, Charlie's been friends with him for years - why, d'you know him?" I frowned.

"I don't know. The name just kind of popped into my head... I'm sure it's nothing. Does he have a family?" she sounded relatively calm, but I could hear the genuine curiousity in her voice.

"Yeah, three kids. I remember the twins, Rachel and Rebecca. He has a son, too, but I don't remember him. Younger than us." I shrugged, biting my bottom lip.

"Jacob." she said confidently.

"That's it - how did you know?" I asked suspiciously.

"I honestly can't remember - maybe my Mom used to be friends with him or something." I heard some banging in the background. "Gotta go, Bells, I'll call you in an hour or two. Love you." she hung up before I could reply.

Alice was being so peculiar lately. What's with her?