Silence Is a Virtue

Can't Stay Away

The first lesson began, unluckily, and we were forced to go to our seperate lessons. Emmett and Jasper headed off to Trig, Rosalie headed off to Art, and Alice and I headed off to Biology. We took our usual seat at the back before the teacher had arrived, and she leant her head against my shoulder, whining to herself.

"What's wrong, pixie?" I asked her, looking down at her shock of black hair. She glanced up at me with her big brown eyes.

"I don't feel too great. I think I'm sick." she murmured. I pressed a hand to her forehead, and quickly withdrew it.

"God, you're boiling! I think you should go and see the nurse." I frowned, concerned. She nodded and picked up her bag.

"Tell Mr Banner where I am?" she asked, leaning forward and kissing me on the cheek swiftly before gracefully darting out of the room. I pulled out my Biology book and scanned through my homework for something to do, making sure I hadn't made any mistakes.

After a few long moments, the chair beside me moved, and I looked up, hoping Alice had returned.

A tall boy was standing beside me, his hand on the back of the chair, a questioning look in his eyes. He was pale, with messy bronze hair and emerald green eyes. He was truthfully the most beautiful human I had ever seen in my life. He was pointing to the chair with a long finger, and I nodded, understanding that he wanted to sit down.

He took his seat beside me and pulled out a notebook from his bag, and a pencil that was chewed at the end. His hand moved over the paper quickly and he pushed the pad towards me.

Hello, I'm Edward Cullen. It's nice to meet you.

I looked down at the page, an eyebrow raised. My heart was thudding - he was speaking to me, in a way. It embarassed me that such a simple thing would have such an impression on me, and I blushed lightly.

"I'm Bella Swan, nice to meet you too." I said nervously. He smiled. "May I ask why you're using a notepad?"

His hand moved across the paper once more.

Sorry, I suppose it isn't that obvious. I'm a mute.

My jaw dropped and I quickly closed my mouth with a snap, feeling embarassed. I'd never met a mute before, it was unnerving - but I was fascinated.

"Really? Wow." I said quietly, unable to take my eyes off of his perfect lips, now parted in an awkward grimace. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude."

Edward shook his head, the corner of his mouth pulled up in a breathtaking smirk. My breath caught in my throat.

Mr Banner entered the room loudly.

"Good morning, class!" he called, dropping his bag onto the desk at the front of the room. "Okay, we have a new student - Edward, could you stand up please? Where are you...? Ah, there he is!" Edward stood up beside me, and I saw a blush of embarassment on his cheeks. "Class, meet Edward Cullen, and please be welcoming. This will be nerve-wrecking for him. And keep in mind that he's a mute, please." Mr Banner called, raising his eyebrows at the judgemental teenagers around the room. They all turned around and stared at Edward in an appalled manner, who slowly sat down.

I glared at them all fiercely - those who caught my eye turned away, shocked at my expression. I hated them for judging him so quickly.

I took Edward's notepad and scrawled beneath his messages a note in my untidy writing, then pushed it back towards him.

I know the kids in here don't seem too friendly, but my friends and I would love to get to know you, if you'd like.

I tried to keep my eyes to the front, but I couldn't help but notice the smile that broke out across his face.

Thank you very much, Bella.

I beamed at him, just happy that he had actually said my name.

As I stole the notepad off Edward, Mr Banner began speaking at the front of the class.

Where are you from?

I pushed the notepad back to him with a smile.

Alaska. That's why I'm so pale. I caught the smirk on his face as he passed me the pad.

I was wondering about that, to be honest. Why did you move down here?

He paused, thinking. My eyes didn't leave his face as he wrote.

My father, Carlisle, is a doctor. We moved here because Forks General Hospital needed some help, and Carlisle is very generous. He doesn't do it for the money. I didn't miss the admiration in his eyes as he mentioned his father.

Did YOU want to come here...? I asked. He pushed his lips to the side and glanced at me, very slowly shaking his head.

I became aware that Mr Banner was lecturing us on some biological nuisance - I caught the word 'lichen' a few times, and I knew I wasn't missing anything much. I was far too preoccupied with Edward.

I cocked my head to the side, frowning at him. He glanced back at Mr Banner, then began writing again.

Back at home, all the kids at school already knew I was a mute. They didn't like me but they didn't bother me. Coming here, I thought it would start all over again. I thought I'd have to deal with their prejudice again.

I bit my lip. Edward had been through a lot, and all for no reason. I reached out my hand and gently touched the back of his with my fingertips. The second our skin made contact a shock passed into my fingers, as if he had electrocuted me. I pulled my hand back, my eyes wide, at the same time as he moved his arm away sharply.

I looked down at the desk determinedly, my cheeks a dark red. The lesson passed painfully slowly, without another word spoken or another message written between us. However, when the bell rang, he pushed the notebook infront of me.

May I sit with you at lunch?

I glanced up at him and nodded quickly, handing him his notebook back and leaving the room quickly.