When the Day Met the Night

The One And Only.

“Excuse me.”

I looked away from where I was talking with my friend Gwen and my jaw dropped. Spencer Smith was standing there with Jon Walker. We had just seen Panic At The Disco and we were standing round the back of the venue while Gwen had a cigarette.

“Do either of you have a lighter?” Jon asked.

“Yeah sure.” Gwen got her one out of her pocket and gave it to Jon. He lit his cigarette and gave it back, thanking her.

“So, did you guys enjoy the gig?” Spencer asked us. Oh my God, was this actually happening to me? Spencer fucking Smith was talking to us?

“Yeah, it was awesome.” Gwen said. “We were right near the front, we got an amazing view.” She added.

“Glad you enjoyed it.” Jon grinned.

“I’m Gwen by the way, and this is Hannahh with a double H at the end.” Gwen told them.

“Hi, Hannahh with a double H at the end.” Spencer said, making me smile.

We spoke to them a little longer, talking about the gig and what we thought was the best part when there was some little fucking fan girl who screamed, “OH MY EFFING GOD, IT’S SPENCER AND JON!”

“Who the fuck says ‘effing’?” I mumbled.

“Sorry, we better get in, death by fan girl isn’t how I planned going out.” Jon said, throwing his cigarette butt on the floor. “Night girls.”

“Bye.” We chorused and the two of them closed the door just seconds before the fan girl parade arrived.

We decided to head back to the hotel after that. We were on a month vacation in America, Chicago to be precise, but we’d come all the way from England. The Panic gig was one of the reasons we’d come out here, it was so much better out here than in America, but the other reason was that we were moving to Chicago two months after we got back home. We were going to uni out there, so we decided we’d get an apartment together.

When we got to the hotel, Gwen wanted a cigarette before we went up to the room so we went round the back of the hotel, where it was more secluded, although when we got there, we got a shock.

“You two again. Didn’t expect that.” Jon smirked at us. He was standing there with Brendon. “B, these are the girls me and Spence were talking to earlier.”

“Oh, hey.” Brendon smiled at us. He took a drag of his cigarette and blew it upwards.

“Hey.” I said.

“British girls, nice.” Brendon nodded.

Gwen grinned. “We’re moving out here for university in a few months, so we’re checking out an apartment, and also we came for the gig tonight.”

Jon raised an eyebrow. “You travelled thousands of miles for us?” We nodded, grinning at them. “What number room are you?”

“328.” I replied. “Why?”

Brendon and Jon looked at each other. “No reason.” Jon said.

A few minutes later, the four of us head inside. Panic were on a different floor to us, so we got off first and said goodnight to them. We got inside and got ready to sleep. We were going out shopping the next day, so we needed all the sleep we could get.

When I woke up, I checked the time and saw it was 10. I yawned and went to the bathroom. When I came out, I noticed a note by the door, like it had been slid under. I picked it up, curious, and read it.

“Gwen! Gwennie! Wake up!” I said, poking her.

“Wha’afuck?” She grumbled. She looked at me through her bed hair.

“Listen to this.” I told her. “Gwen and Hannahh (double H at the end), come to our suite at 12 for lunch. It’s room 902. (: from SJRB.” We both looked at each other.

“Holy shit, they invited us?” She said. I just nodded excitedly. “Well in that case, I call bathroom first. We’ve got 2 hours to get ready.”

“Hey, bitch! I was up first!” I said as she ran in the bathroom.

She poked her head out. “Sorry, I called it first in my head.”

I grumbled as she closed the door.

Nearly 2 hours later, we got in the lift to head up to Panic’s room. We were kind of nervous, I mean, this awesome band had invited us to their suite for lunch, wouldn’t you be nervous?
We got there and knocked on the door. I heard shuffling behind the door before it opened. Spencer was standing there and he grinned when he saw us. “Hey girls, come on in.” We walked in and saw a large living area, where the rest of the guys were sitting.

“Hey there.” Jon grinned. “Nice to see you again.”

“Same here.” I said.

“Ry, this is Gwen and this is Hannahh.” Spencer introduced us. “And this is someone not worth mentioning.”

“Oh, fuck you Spin.” Ryan glared.

Lunch went fine, it was great talking to them and hanging out. They all said that they would be leaving in 2 days for the rest of their tour. They wondered if we wanted to hang out tomorrow as well, and of course, you just can’t turn down Brendon Urie’s pout.Or Spencer Smith’s hips but that was a completely different matter.

When they finally left for the rest of their tour, I got a random text from an unknown number. It said, hi its spencer I askdgwen fr ur numbr hpe u dnt mnd x.

I grinned, replying that it was perfectly fine for him to have my number. We kept texting each other for a few days before he gave me his email address. Then we were practically on AIM all the time.

I got on really well with him, and it was fun talking to him. He would say stupid things to make me giggle, half the time they were things that Brendon had said or done. Gwen kept teasing me about my ‘little crush’ but I just flipped her off every time. It wasn’t a little crush, he was a friend, that was it.

And honestly, the fact that he was gorgeous didn’t affect it in anyway, his personality was way too amazing.

When Gwen and I finally left to return home, we’d found an apartment, not too far from the college where we’d be going. As soon as we got home, I found an email from Spencer, asking how the trip home was. I replied that it had sucked, the movies were shit and I missed the American heat. He replied back that it was apparently terrible weather in Chicago, so we were better off where we were.

The two months passed really slowly. We got all of our things sorted and then finally, we were on the flight that would take us to our new home for the next few years. I’d told Spencer about our flight information, since he and the others wanted to meet up with us when we got back, and he said that he, Ryan and Brendon would be in Chicago for when we were back.

Gwen woke me up as we were landing, I’d slept most of the way there. We took ages going through customs but when we finally got our bags, most of our stuff had already been shipped and Jon had got it in storage for us, and walked out, we found the four of them standing there with a sign with our names on. They all had sunglasses on and were grinning the second they saw us.

“Hihihi!” Brendon said, hugging us both tightly. “Wow, you girls look great!”

“Hey Brendon.” Gwen said, hugging him back.

We both hugged them all in turn, then we went back to Jon’s apartment first. They were ordering take out, then they’d take us to our apartment. It turns out that our apartment was only a few blocks away from Jon’s, which was pretty cool.

And to think, if we had never met them, we probably would never have known we were living that close to him.

The first few months we were in Chicago were awesome. Spencer, Brendon and Ryan all left to go back to Vegas a week after we arrived, but we spoke to them all the time still. We saw Jon a lot too. And he’d asked us to look after Dylan and Marley for him when he was away touring, which we obviously accepted. Dylan seemed to love our apartment, curling up on the couch when the sun hit it and Marley just loved Gwen, she always paid him attention and he just lapped it up.

When it came to Christmas, we stayed in Chicago. Jon had invited us round to his parent’s place for the day and we accepted. It was a fun day, we got to meet his parents and his brothers, who were pretty cool. Then the day before New Years Eve, as we had planned, Spencer, Brendon and Ryan came to Chicago. Pete was throwing a party at Angels & Kings for his Decaydance ‘family’ (including Mikeyway and co) and he’d also invited us, since we were pretty close to Panic.

We’d met him a couple of times and he was nothing like the media thought he was. Ok, so he was loud and proud of that fact, but he was a genuine guy, he didn’t pretend to be someone he wasn’t, and I liked that about him. He was a great dad to Bronx too, who was an adorable baby. Ashlee was really nice too.

That night, we got to meet so many different people. Gabe and William were flirting with each other a little, but William spent most of the night with Christine, his wife. Out in the back, Bronx, Guinevere, William and Christine’s daughter who was just over a year older than Bronx, and Lena, Gerard and Lyn-Z’s daughter, were sleeping, Ashlee, Christine and Lyn-Z checking on them every 20 minutes.

I spent most of the night dancing with… everyone really, and singing along to all the songs. Then there was a slow song that I didn’t recognise that came on and Spencer walked up to me.

“Wanna dance?” He asked. I blushed and nodded. He took me out onto the dance floor and held me close as we danced. I looked around at the different couples who all danced around us. Pete and Ashlee, William and Christine, Gabe and Bianca, Travis and Katy (who had got back together a few months after breaking up) Mikey and Alicia, Gerard and Lyn-Z, Frank and Jamia, Jon and Gwen kissing? Well, can’t say I didn’t see that coming, they’d been flirting since day one.

It was almost midnight and the countdown was beginning. Spencer looked down at me and then whispered in my ear, “Wanna go out some time?” I looked up at him and grinned, nodding. He leant down to my ear again. “Can I kiss you?” He asked gently. I nodded again and he moved his lips gently onto mine, just as everyone around chanted “ONE! HAPPY NEW YEAR!”

We kissed for a few moments before we both pulled away. “Happy new year, Hannahh.” He said.

“Happy new year, Spence.” I grinned at him before kissing him again.

After that day, we started dating. It was hard for me at first, since we were so many miles away, but we made it work. Because of college, I couldn’t visit that often, but at holidays, I would fly to Vegas and spend all the time I could with Spencer.

When he was touring, we spoke to each other every day. Gwen was practically attached to her phone, always talking to Jon. As I thought, after new years eve, she said that they were seeing each other, as of the day Spencer got to Chicago after Christmas.

When they toured Chicago, we got backstage passes and were told that they were getting a car to pick us up and take us to the venue. When we got there, I practically jumped into Spencer’s arms, holding him close and kissing him with passion. It had been over a month without seeing him so I think I was entitled to do it.

I hated when we weren’t together, I always had from the start, but when you were dating a rock star, you had to appreciate that they would be touring a lot.

I knew that it was the end of the tour, so after tonight, he was staying in Chicago for 2 weeks with Jon, long enough for my birthday. And I knew that he was planning on taking me out somewhere. Ryan had accidentally told me that.

When it got to the day of my birthday, Spencer took me out to a great little restaurant. Then he had booked a hotel for after and that night, it was one of, if not, the best night of my life. He took things slow, but he was still so passionate, it made me bubble with something warm inside.

Over time, with college and Panic touring, we still stayed close. We didn’t let the distance get to us, we refused to let it happen. So many relationships with people in bands ended because of the distance.

3 years after moving to Chicago, Gwen and I were finally graduating. Spencer, Brendon and Ryan flew into town for our graduation ceremony and then Pete threw us a party at Angels & Kings.

That night was one of the best of my life, for one very good reason. And that reason involved the man who I had been in love with for 3 amazing years. Spencer took me away to one of the back rooms about 2 hours after the party started, but not before he blindfolded me. He walked me into a room and then I heard a door close behind me.

He removed my blindfold and I gasped when I saw the room. He had decorated it with rose petals and candles everywhere. I looked up at him with a smile on my face and tears in my eyes. It was absolutely beautiful and it was even more beautiful with Spencer in the room.

What happened next shocked me, but it shouldn’t have really. Spencer got down on one knee, pulling a box out of his jacket pocket. I put my hands to my mouth, not believing what was happening to me.

When he proposed to me, I had a feeling that even my family back in England could hear my screams of yes. But I didn’t care. All I cared about was Spencer and I and the two of us being together.

I was so happy to have the man of my dreams with me, to be marrying him. Everything seemed to have turned so perfect for me, nothing could ever make me unhappy ever again.

♠ ♠ ♠
Happy birthday Hannahh. I hope you liked it. And I expect a comment, lols!

And if everyone else other than the spannahh could just leave a comment too, I'd be forever grateful!

Much Love!

D!ATD xoxo