Status: Undecided on Whether to Continue

Whoever Said Angels Have No Reason to Cry Lied

Chapter 1: Past Life

I was always a pretty girl; it was one of the causes of my death. I was born in Denver, Colorado, on February 14, 1968; I grew up in a time of hippies and free love. When the 80’s rolled around I was just developing from a cute kid into an awkward preteen, then by age 15 I was known as the prettiest girl in school. My dark brown hair hung in wave past my shoulder blades, my gray eyes that resembled a cat’s had picked up a violet tinge to them over the years, my pink lips were full and always had a slight pout, my skin was the color of cream with pink undertones and was absolutely flawless, I was skinny but not to the point that my bones showed, and I had nice hips and 34C’s that made all the boys drool. I was pretty and I hated every minute. Boys were moron around me girls chose me to be the center of their cruelty; the only comfort I was allowed over those years was my music.

Ahh my music, it was what kept me going even during the darkest of times; I played over a dozen instruments, I was told I could sing like a angel ironic I know, and I wrote all my own songs. I had planned to move to L.A. the summer after of the year I died to see if I could become a professional with my 2 best friends as my band mates. My best friends in the entire world were Mike and Michelle Santiago or as I called them Mikey and Mitchie. I had grown up with the Mexican twins since they were 4 and I was 3 they lived 4 houses down from me which made it great for sleepovers or sneak outs.

My dad died when I was little and my mom remarried a man named Drake when I was 17. I hated Drake he would try and grope or kiss me when my mother wasn’t looking or wasn’t at home. I knew the only reason he had married her was to get closer to me and try and steal her money, but I kept my mouth shut because Drake made my mom happy. Any time Drake would try anything my immediate reaction was to race to the twins’ house cause there I knew I was safe while my mother was away. I would always stay in Mitchie’s bed and Mikey would sneak in once their parents had fallen asleep. We would giggle and play around until dawn when Mikey would sneak back to his own room. Of all the things I miss they are the biggest and those nights we had together that is what keep my living. It is so lonely no longer having the two most important people in my former life with me but I know eventually I will meet the once more and I will get to hear about the life’s they lived and the thing they did that I never had the chance to do. I miss them. OK back to the story.

One day during the summer I came home to grab clothes to bring to a concert I was going to with the twins. Drake had been home drinking all day. He saw me come in the front door and yelled “Sweet cheeks you have told me no for the last fucking time” He slurred as he raised a pistol. You now how they say you see you life flash before you eyes it is a lie you see your now nonexistent future flash before your eyes the first time you never got, the carrier you dreamt about since you could talk, the marriage that wont happen, and the non existent children and grandchildren. It all went zooming past my vision as the bullet went zooming through my heart. I collapsed to the floor I felt no pain but let one tear drop to the cold floor I was to die on as I saw the little girl I would never give birth to walking down the isle on her daddy’s arm, her daddy though was holding back tears as he looked at his happy little girl on her big day. I may not have seen her daddy’s face, but his smile made me melt and die happily on the cold hard ground that night.

My eyes fluttered open and my first thought was it was all a dream but then I saw I wasn’t in my room. In fact the room I awoke in was all white and I was dressed in a flowing white dress looked like a Marlin Monroe dress but just a bit shorter. I sat up and saw a young 20 or so blonde with blue eyes and the same dress, but she had huge pale blue wings spread from her back. “Hello Chris I am Susanna your mentor”

“Where am I?” I asked already know the answer

“Heaven” Susanna smiled

“Not as nice as I pictured” I smirked back causing her to laugh

“Ha ok now we need to get you your wings the assigned and sent to you soul” she said guiding me to a door

“Who will do that?”

“God” she said simply

“Oh” I thought to how you died as I walked out of the door way I said “THAT SON OF A BITCH KILLED ME!!!!!! I’m Going to Kill HIM!!!!!”

Susanna laughed said “Drake’s angel will be punished and he will be punished in addition I promise. Now come on the quicker you are assigned the quicker you get on with your time” I nodded dumbly and followed her throw the hallways outside of the doorway. Eventually we arrived at huge golden doors. Susanna swiftly pushed the doors open and led me inside the doorway and I saw a blinding white light. Then Susanna said with a smile “I’ve brought you one of the newest angels Dear Lord she needs to be assigned and given her wings”

“Ok first she will be assigned to Alex Gaskarth he was jut born in Maryland “ a booming voice thundered from the white light “Now the wings” Suddenly a wind began spinning around me blowing my hair and gently picking me up from the ground suspending me in the air. Suddenly tingling warmth spread from the center of my shoulders to all over my back. Suddenly huge Snow Whit wings softer than silk burst from my back and now they were holding me above the ground not the wind.

Susanna gasped and said “No angel in the history of the world has had snow white wings” as she gentle touched a snow whit feather on my right wing in awe. Snapping from her state of awe she blushed and stuttered “Lets take you to the portal to Earth”

On our way to the portal Susanna told me my job as a guardian angel and all the rules to being and angel. Once we were there Susanna turned to me and said “you will do amazing things as an angel your wings set you apart” Then she touched your shoulder and pointed towards the swirling rainbows of colors you assumed was the portal to Earth. I stepped through the portal and was transported to the hospital room where Alex was being born that was the day I was truly born and my life truly began.