Status: Undecided on Whether to Continue

Whoever Said Angels Have No Reason to Cry Lied

Chapter 2: Growing up Alex

I have guarded over Alex for his entire 21year life. I have guided him through his life since the day he was born. I saw him through stages of infancy to childhood to tennagerism to young adulthood. I was there for his first crush, his first date, his first kiss, and his first time. I was also there the first day he picked up a guitar, the first time her was in a band, the first real show they ever did and now I am here during his first show of ATL’s first three month summer tour.

As of now I’m floating back stage smiling happily I love Alex’s music I is some of my favorite from over the years. Over time I developed an attraction to Alex I would never admit to it though out of fear of what would happen. Now watching him jump around stage reminding me why I have developed such strong feelings for him. He can be so childish and excited especially on stage, but I’ve seen sides of him no other creature living or dead has seen before I’ve seen him cry, laugh, smile, and frown. I’ve seen all of him and every side of him and I wouldn’t change a thing he I perfect just the way he is. He is my Alex.

Alex had always been a ladies’ man and it hurt me and filled me with jealousy to know all those girls would get to be with him when they didn’t deserve him or truly know him like I did. Eventually I learned to float outside the wall while he was with a girl. I mean how a girl can only be crushed so many times right? Tonight would be no different some one night stand would get Alex while I was stuck hearing her moan his name and say how good he was. I sighed as Alex finished their set and walked back stage knowing what was coming next. After an hour of signing autographs and taking pictures Alex left the venue with some blonde bimbo with fake breasts attached hanging on his arm and headed to the hotel for the night. The girl’s name was Kelly although she looked more like a Barbie if you asked me.

They arrived at the hotel and went straight to the room where Alex was staying that night. The second the door to the room closed Kelly swiftly had Alex’s pants at his ankles as I turned to float away a saw Kelly smirk at Alex as she lowered herself down onto her knees. I heard Alex moan through the paper thin motel room wall then I heard something I had only dreamt about Alex moaned at the top of his lungs “CHRIS!!” I poked my head in to see a confused still being orally pleasured Alex. Kelly hadn’t even noticed my name leaving Alex’s perfect lip. I watched as Alex yanked Kelly up and threw her on the bed where he nearly ripped the clothing from her body. Alex swiftly put on a condom, one of the many influences I had on him always be safe, before plunging into that girl with a passion he I had never seen him use before. I would have been jealous beyond belief had it not been the murmured “Chris” coming from Alex’s mouth with each plunge into Kelly. Kelly didn’t even notice the wrong name or chose to ignore it but she definitely was moaning like a whore under Alex. Alex’s moans came to a quick crescendo. He came with a long extended moan/scream “Christabelle” he collapsed on a sweaty Kelly but quickly rolled off. After he regained his breath he said “You need to go if the guys find out in beyond screwed” Then he flashed he a trade mark smirk/smile and she nodded dumbly and got up to put her clothes back on. Alex slipped his boxers and walked Kelly to the door with a thoughtful look on his face.

Kelly pecked Alex’s lips then winked and said “Call me”

“Ok. Bye. Chris.” Alex said distractedly

“My name is Kelly” She said puzzled

“Oh God sorry I need to call my buddy Chris it is his birthday today” Alex smoothly lied.

I laughed as Kelly said “OK” she was eating every word of it as she quickly repacked his lips walked down the hallway. Alex shut the door and went to the bed while saying “Chris.” I know how much Alex appreciated the beds he hated sleeping on the cots while on tour, so it was unusual that he was having such a hard time going to sleep, but he was tossing and turning messing up the sheets un able to lay still for more than a few seconds. Suddenly he threw the covers and whispered “Christabelle” while his hand traveled down his bare chest. He reached his boxers and I noticed the large bulge his boxers grew as he moaned “Chris.” I floated closer to the bed until I would have been sitting on it were I not an angel. Alex slipped his boxers down and revealed his well built lower regions. He was quite large but not overly he was also quite smooth naturally. I breathlessly took the beauty that was Alex normally I left when he did this but his moaning my name keep my firmly where I was. He groaned in frustration not happy with his own hand. I carefully ran my pointer finger down his pulsating member knowing he wouldn’t feel it. Surprisingly he jerked and moaned while looking bewildered. Then I ran my finger in a spiral motion from the base of his shaft to circle repeatedly around the head causing him to buck wildly and moan obscene words mixed with my name. I relished the in the affect I was having on him. I lightly began fisting his member gradually gaining speed and pressure. Alex began to tremble then once again called out “Christabelle” as he spewed his load up into the air he laid for a minute completely still. I removed my hand from him and he whimpered “Chris” then pulled up his boxers and the covers before drifting to sleep and murmuring “I love you my Christabelle”

Then I leaned forward and placed my lips where I would have had I been solid and whispered for the first time “I love you too my Alex” suddenly time stopped there was a huge blinding flash and I appeared in front of the council and God himself. “Uh-Oh” I whispered