Status: Undecided on Whether to Continue

Whoever Said Angels Have No Reason to Cry Lied

CHapter 4: What do I smell?

Jack’s POV:

I drove on the dark road and thought about how distracted Alex had seemed all day. He had disappeared around nine to go to bed poor guy looked like he hadn’t sleep at all last night. I yawned despite it only being midnight and thought of how thankful I was the next venue was 3 hours away an Zack’s turn to drive was in half an hour. I had been driving for 2 and half hours now and was getting bored.

I slammed to a stop and gapped looking at the beautiful brunette in the middle of the road. I quickly jumped out of my seat and over a tangled Rian and Zack in the floor they had been playing guitar hero and now sat in a heap with two guitars glaring at me from the floor. I leapt out the door and ran to the girl. I cradled her in my arms and glanced over her body for major injuries seeing none I picked her up and carried her back into the bus. Rian and Zack looked ready to rip me apart but stopped short seeing the dirty unconscious girl in my arms “HELP!!” I shouted loudly. Rian scrambled to take the girl from me and held her more securely seeing as he was about twice my size.

“Put her in my bed it is the cleanest and I’ll take the pull out tonight after my turn to drive” Zack said watching the girl as Rian nodded. I turned on my heel to go back to the front to drive, but Zack caught me arm “I’ll drive why don’t you go watch her and wake up Alex so he will know who she is”

“Nah man he needs to sleep before he snaps I’ll watch her though just incase she wakes up” I smiled and Zack nodded patting me on the back before walking to the front of the bus. I walked toward the four bunks in the back as I opened the door I saw Rian scratching his head and looking at the unconscious girl in Zack’s bed

“Her dress is basically dirty rags.” He stated “Should we change her?” he blushed a touch as he spoke I count help but laugh he had seen dozens of girls naked and this one had him blushing. I looked at her innocent face and found my self blushing at the idea of stripping her in her vulnerable state

“Nah let’s leave her in the dress and she can change when she wakes up” I said looking at her face Rian nodded silently and walked toward the bathroom just past the bunks. I sat on the floor by the girl and let my head lull back before drifting to sleep.

Alex’s POV:

My head slammed into the wall as I heard the bus come to a screeching halt. I listened as Rian and Zack screamed profanities at Jack while the bus door clattered open loudly, but surprisingly he said nothing back. Suddenly I heard and eerie silence threw the bus the Jack screamed “HELP!!!”

My instincts made me sit up in bed ready to jump out and save one of my best friends until I heard Zack say “Put her in my bed it is the cleanest and I’ll take the pull out tonight after my turn to drive” I sighed no one was hurt then something clicked Her? Who is this her? I slowly peeked out my bunk curtain to see Rian slowly laying the girl down. I saw a beautiful body in a torn and dirty dress but I didn’t see her face Rian blocked my view of her face, but I was sure she was cute enough. They always were, but none were ever beautiful, hot maybe, cute some, ugly lots but never beautiful until her, My Christabelle. I listened as Rian clicked his tongue and murmured “You poor thing and your so gorgeous I wonder what has happened to you”

I heard the bunk area door open and watched Jack walk in I closed my eyes quickly scared of being caught snooping. Jack passes by my bunk and went to stand by Rian who was scratching his neck an looking down at the girl “Her dress is basically dirty rags” Rian stated “Should we change her?” he said blushing a bit I bite my tongue to keep from laughing

“Nah let’s leave her in the dress and she can change when she wakes up” Jack said nodding to Rian his cheeks a touch pink too. I watched as he sat down by the girl’s bed letting his he lull back and he fell fast asleep. I wanted to see the girl, but couldn’t see her face, despite that though she looked so familiar. I couldn’t place how I knew her. Her smooth wavy deep brown hair, her creamy pale skin, the curves of her body Maybe I bedded her before that must be it I thought rolling away from her and falling back to sleep

Christabelle’s POV:

I shot up in bed a stray scream leaving my lips. Suddenly a boy was next to me say ‘You’re fine you’re safe’ slowly it clicked I hadn’t been killed and I turned to see Jack’s worried face I nodded and whisper “Thanks”

“I’m Jack” he said softly “And you are?”

“Christabelle” I whispered just as Zack came in threw the bunk door and sat at the end of the bed he looked at me funny before smiling

“I’m Zack” I nodded and he said “Did you know that?”

I nodded again and chuckled “I’m a fan” I said my true attitude coming threw with my smirk.

I heard a loud chuckle followed by Rian coming forward he shrugged and said “I heard talking” then his eyes flicked to me and my still smirking face he returned my smirk before saying “So who am I?”

“Rian” I chuckled patting his head like a dog as he sat on the floor in between Zach and Jack “May I have some clothes anything will work” I said softly

“Jack your skinniest get the girl some clothes” Zack commanded “Where are you from?”

“Denver” I answered truthfully

“Do you know how you got here?” I shook my head “Do you remember anything?”

“I was having a dream” I blushed at the word knowing it was real to me, but a dream to him. I slowly formed my words hoping to not give away why I was here “Then I was in the middle of the street. I don’t remember anything”

“Does your family live in Denver?” Rian asked looking concerned for me

I shook my head “My family is completely gone” I whispered dragging my legs to my chest despite wearing a dress

Jack gasped and handed my a pair of tie plaid pajama pants and a wife beater I slid the pants quickly on and pulled the top over my dress. Before quickly slipping the dress off too “What do you mean gone?” Jack asked sitting in his old place and looking at me closely

“Dead” I whispered

“Oh Dear God” Zack said leaning over to hug me “You have no memory at all” I shook my head “Well can you remember your name and birthday at least”

“Of course silly” I smiled “I’m Christabelle but I prefer Chris and I was born on Valentine’s Day of” my voice went away

“Do you know how old you are?” Rian asked

“Nineteen” I answered immediately. I quickly did the math in my head “I was born in ’90. I had a brain fart sorry” I smiled at the boys. They shook their heads looking satisfied with my lie.

“Would you like to go take a shower while we finish making breakfast?” Zack asked

“What do I smell?” I said rolling my eyes with a smile “Nah that sounds great I’m sure I look nasty. Where is the shower?” I asked trying to sound as though I had never seen the bus before

“Back that way first door on the left” Zack said pointing to the hallway

“Ok” I nodded and stood up.

Alex’s POV:

I yawned stretching in my bunk I heard loud laughing coming form the front of the bus and the soft hum of the shower towards the back. I slowly climbed out of bed and stretched once again this time standing . yawning I walked into the kitchen snagging a toaster waffle as I sat down “What’s up?” I asked my mouth full

“We have a visitor and we need to discuss what we are going to do with her?” Jack said sounding halfway serious before adding “Dude she is one of the hottest girls I have ever seen” Jack said sounding like he had a crush

“She is really pretty” Rian added nodding

“Where did you find her?” I asked confused

“Middle of the road Jack almost hit her with the bus” Zack said chewing with his mouth stuffed full of food

“I need to pee I’m gonna go see if she is almost done in the bathroom” I said standing up

How pretty could this girl be if she got everyone so worked up? I thought grabbing my toothbrush on the way back towards the bathroom. Still thinking I raised my hand to knock on the door only for it to swing open and me to tumble slightly onto the girl “I’m so sor—“ My voice caught as I looked down into the grey violet tinted eyes that had haunted my dreams these past two nights “Chris?” I whispered standing up fully and scanning her whole body it was her the exact girl from my dreams

“Hi Alex” her voice whispered sweetly
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