Status: Undecided on Whether to Continue

Whoever Said Angels Have No Reason to Cry Lied

CHapter 5: What Are We Gonna Do With You?

Chapter 5:

Alex’s POV:

My breath caught in my throat and me heart pounded in my chest as I gazed at her “Christabelle” I mumbled looking her up and down I felt the urge to touch her and make sure she was real, but my fingers simply twitched.

She simple smiled radiantly and murmured “Hi”

“But, how?” I said shaking my head

“How what?” her voice was as soft and beautiful as I remembered, maybe more.

“How are you here?” I questioned in a near whisper standing so close to her was making my head spin. I glanced once more and saw her wearing some, of I assume Jack’s, clothes.

“Jack almost hit me with your bus” She giggled it sent my head spinning

I took a deep breath and stepped back “Nice to meet you” I murmured holding out my hand. Her eyes flashed an emotion before she gently set her tiny soft hand in my larger calloused hand. Her mere touch sent electricity threw my body.

I watched the same emotion flash in her eyes before she murmured “Nice meeting you too” I stood mesmerized her hand still held in mine and her eyes still boring into mine. Her giggle broke my trance as she murmured “Do you need the bathroom?”

I nodded and mumbled “Yeah” she smiled and slid past me barely touching my body but giving me chills

“All yours” she smiled and shook her hair.

Chris’s POV:

On wobbly knees I walked past Alex I heard him sigh and step into the bathroom. For some reason I was deeply upset he didn’t remember me or maybe he did. I don’t know but it bothered me. I took a deep breath and stepped into the kitchen area a loud grumble erupting from my stomach. I blushed, but I hadn’t eaten in over two decades what did they expect? Zack laughed and handed my a toaster waffle. I carefully sat next to him and began nibbling on the Eggo “So…” Zach’s voice said softly

“Christabelle, what are we gonna do with you?” Rian said smirking

I rolled my eyes and mumbled “I don’t have anywhere to go, so your guess is as good as mine”

“What do you mean?” Zach said wrapping his arms around me

I felt a couple tears slip down my cheeks “I don’t have a family and I can’t remember anything. I feel so lost” I cried. I only half way lied I did feel lost and I did have no family, but I remembered everything. I cried for a few minutes on Zach’s shoulder as he consoled me and the other to boys came over and reassured me. Suddenly the door to the bag was opened and Alex angrily said “I leave her with you all for five minutes and she is crying! Really?” I heard him walk over and I felt thin but muscular arms pick me up and set my in someone’s lap on the floor. I sniffled and looked around threw blurry eyes I giggled seeing the three half gapping half glaring boys as Alex rocked me back and forth.

“They didn’t do anything” I whispered softly “I just realized how lost and alone I truly am” I sniffled and whipped my eyes and glanced at Alex a soft grimace like smile on my face.

“You aren’t alone” Alex and Jack said at the same time glancing at one another with funny looks on their faces

“You have us” Zach said dropping onto the ground with Alex and I smiling brightly

“Yeah” Rian agreed sounding like he needed to add something. I laughed hysterically and leaned forward hugging Zach, but Alex’s arms remained glued around my hips making it hard for me to hug Zach and earning Alex some funny stares. I giggled and sat back taking a bit of the waffle

“So anybody got any idea on what state we are headed for?” I asked looking at the boys

“No, but we finally got a driver thank god” Jack sighed dramatically falling into the tiny hall with Zach Alex and I

“Where did the last one go?” I asked confused

“He had some big family emergency” Rian added flinging himself on top of us so now we all sat crammed in the three foot space between the booth and the kitchenette. I giggled and felt Alex’ arms tighten around me.

Jack crawled and laid his head in my lap saying “Can you play guitar hero?”

“I’ve never played” I smiled softly knowing the boys could play the game for hours and never get bored

“Well prepare to have fun” Rian said as he and Jack jumped up both taking one of my arms and lightly yanking me out of Alex’s hold. Alex glared and grunted at the two men as he and Zach remained on the ground. I made a face as the two guys drug me to the couch, which had a TV across from it with a Wii attached and began playing the very loud game.

Alex’s POV:

I could help the growl from erupting from my throat as I watched Jack and Rian drag Christabelle away from me. I glared so vicously I didn’t even notice Zach studying my face.

“You like her” He whisper yelled it wasn’t a question it was a statement

“No” I denied glaring lightly at him now “I just…” think she may be the girl of my dream and has to be the most gorgeous thing to ever grace this planet with her presence “she is hot” I answered no way was I saying the truth.

“It is something more” Zach mumbled looking at her I restrained myself from hurting him as his eyes scanned her from head to toe “She’s cute isn’t she. Bet she is good in bed, donttcha think?” He asked I couldn’t restrain myself from the growl that ripped threw my chest and the intense glare that was fixe don him “See” he said triumphantly “You like her. She isn’t a groupie slut you wanna fuck she is something more” he said pointing and accusing finger

“I think she likes Jack” I said trying to keep the pain from my voice and failing miserably

“You’ve known her for an hour. Alex something is up” Zack said shaking my roughly

“I think…” I trailed off as I looked at her longingly she was swaying and playing guitar hero her little fingers working the buttons perfectly.

“No” Zack said gasping I nodded “Are you sure?” he asked sounding doubtful

“I dreamt about her two nights ago” I mumbled his eyes were huge

“But she wasn’t with us two nights ago” he mumbled his eyes and mouth both forming perfect circles and i nodded I watched the cogs in his head turn as he gapped at me.

“I think…” I said again we both turned to look at her

“she is the one” he finished looking freaked out “this is odd” he said turning back to me

“Ya think” I scoffed my eyes still focused on her perfect swaying body “I need to get her out of my head” I said banging said head into the table on purpose.
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