Now and Forever.

Chapter One.

“Wow, I can’t believe were doing this!” Frank exhales with his cigarette smoke, over the quiet hum of the radio.

“Yeah, Totally, I can’t believe we’re finally…free.” Gerard adds taking another drag from his Marlboro Red.

The car ride is silent for a little while, about twenty minutes or so. Soft music fill the car as smoke drains out the fully opened windows. The smell of the great outdoors - the feeling of being out of the city and in a small unpolluted place.

It never crossed either of the boys’ minds that they actually could get away from the city.

“We’re finally done with high school. I can’t believe it.” Gerard nods at Frank’s comment and lights up another Marlboro. He offers Frank one, but Frank nods and pulls out his Newports.

“Yeah, except after this little road trip escapade I start Art school. I mean, I want too, but I mean we just got done with school, I want to take a break.”

“I know what ya mean man…but you got a scholarship and everything. You gotta go, yeah?”

“Yeah.” Gerard sighs and keeps looking forward, he keeps drifting off and swerving a little, while Frank has to nudge him or call his name.


“Want me to drive for a little?” Gerard yawns and nods and pulls off to the dirt shoulder. He and Frank both unbuckle in unison and get out. After about three minutes, they’re back on the road and the music is blaring.

Right as Gerard is about to surf through the stations, the Beastie Boys song “No Sleep Till Brooklyn”, starts to seep from the speakers. Frank and Gerard both smile and keep turning up the stereo, even though the radio keeps informing them that the speakers are up to the max.

“No sleep! Till Brookylnnnnn!” Frank and Gerard scream out in unison.

Frank is drumming along with the beat, and starts to drift into the other lane, the two are on a small country, two lane, dirt road.

“Fraaaank!” Gerard yells, pulling the steering wheel in his direction in order to avoid the collision of their shitty little car, and the red Ford truck, with the red-neck shaking his fists and screaming every curse word in the book.

He gives them the finger, before becoming a small dot on the horizon. Frank slows down to five miles an hour and pulls over.
♠ ♠ ♠
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