Now and Forever.

Chapter Two.

They both let out a deep exasperated breath/sigh and a small nervous laugh.

“Soo, I guess, I should drive?” Gerard adds, looking over. And with that they get out and switch places once again.

“Back on the road.” Frank sings and with that he’s already bouncing up and down.

“Can you just for five minutes, chill the fuck out?” Gerard laughs, taking one last drag from his cigg before tossing it out the window.

Frank looks back as the cigarette flies back then hits the ground. He sighs and turns back to the narrow road ahead.

“So…Like when do we get there?” Frank eagerly asks, hoping that Gerard won’t slip shit in two seconds.

“Well were going to Vegas, and so far we are just passing the Ohio state border.”

“Hmm, so a long fucking time, yeah?” Frank sighs and brings his feet up to the dash board.

“Yeah.” Gerard turns the wheel and pulls onto an even smaller street. If that’s possible. “We should actually stop at a Motel or something soon.”

“Totally I’m exhausted!” Frank mumbles while yawing. Gerard just looks over and gives Frank this smug ‘you gotta be kidding’ look.

“Yeah, you’re exhausted…”

“Whaat the Fuuuuck is going on?” As of that, Frank looked up to see that there is a small town carnival going on.

“Oooh! YAY! I LOVE carnivals!” Frank yells in Gerard’s ear, popping up and down in his seat like he has to take a serious piss.

“Absolutely Not.”

“C’mon Gerard! We never do anything this fun!”


“You are no fun what so ever.”

Another minute or so of silence and they’re pulling into Hotel Bella Muerte.

They both drowsily stumble into the lobby, greeted by a fake perky blonde in an ironed blue suit.

“Hello…Sirs, how may I be of assistance?” she smiles and slightly tilts her head.

“Yeah, um…we need a single room with two beds.” Gerard spits out, rubbing his nose and eyes.

“One moment please.” She looks over at the computer and begins typing faster then Frank can even begin to comprehend.

Frank is over by the free mints fiddling around with everything in sight. When he looks up Gerard is shooting him a death glare, mixed with a ‘are you just that fucking retarded’ glare.


“I’m sorry Sir, but it seems that all of our rooms are booked, and we only have the honey moon suite available.” She kirks her lip to the side. “But that shouldn’t be a problem should it?”

Frank smiles and Gerard looks blankly at him and then the receptionist.

“No, no, were not together…”

“Oh I’m sorry I only thoug-” Then the phone began to chirp loudly. “Excuse me one minute.” She smiles and reaches for the phone. (“Hello Bella Muerte Hotel, how may I be of assist-”)

Frank redirects his attention from the loud receptionist to Gerard. He kind of looks around and then looks directly at Gerard.

“So, um…you seem to take offence to when she thought that we were dating.”

“We are not having this conversation again, Frank.”

“Geez, I was just asking.” Frank took offence and begin to walk around.

“Frank, c’mon. I was just saying.” Frank continues to ignore Gerard and walk around.

“Fine, we can go to the Fair.” Gerard mumbles and Frank shrieks loudly in Gerard’s ear.

“REALLY?!?” Frank runs over and throws his body into Gerard.

“Excuse me sir, but would you like the room?” Her perkiness is now gone, and her tone is almost annoyed.

“We’ll take it!” Frank shouted, passing the uptight blonde his Visa.

“Frank, you don’t have to pay for this.”

“Naw, its fine. Let me get this one.”

“Okay sir, that will be One hundred and ten, ninety-nine charged to your card.”

“Yeah, that’s fine, whatever.” Frank adds turning back to Gerard just missing her rolling her eyes. “We can really go, Gee?”

“Yes Frankie, we can go.” Gerard adds in an almost a baby voice.

“Saa-whee-tt!” Frank jumps throwing his small fist into the air.

“Calm down, Frank. Now lets go get our stuff.”

They go out and pull the car from the drop-off loop to a parking space, and grab their bags and head up to the top floor. The honey moon suite.

Gerard is carrying all the bags as they make it down the dimmed light hallway. Mumbling to himself why he always has to carry the heavy stuff.

They come to the end of the hallway, one big set of French doors with white lacy shades pulled. Frank pulls out this big golden ‘Alice In Wonderland’ key like it’s a fucking Willy Wonka golden ticket.

He carefully places the key into the unique shaped keyhole and slowly turns the key and places two hands on the two door knobs.

“Frank…C’mon.” Frank ignores Gerard eagerness and continues. “This shit is heavy” He mumbles to himself.

He slowly turns the knobs and opens the doors.

“Jesus Christ.” Gerard drops the bags where he standing and is gaping at the sight.
♠ ♠ ♠
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