Believe In The Impossible

Chapter 6 : Denial

"We have another member of the pack. You were right. It was near by.Very close by." He said calmly, seriously.
"Ok so how did he react? better or worse than peter?" He said winking at peter who replyed with a fake laugh.
"She was better. We had to chase her but she took less persuation to follow us." the way he emphasised the word 'she' made me shift a little and an uncomfortable wine escaped my lips.
"She?" The man asked shocked.
"Yeah. the new member of the pack. It's a she." He said as he turned to me. The man turned in the direction Alex did and he stood up. Alex followed.
"How? Thats impossible!" he said as he walked over to me. I stood up on all fours and took a few steps back. He kneeled down infront of me and raised his hand. Extending it towards me. My lips pulled back over my teeth slightly and a small growl escaped. My eyes darted to Alex for an explanation. I was so scared. What the hell was happening?
"It's ok Katie. This is cheif." He said walking towards me. I turned my head to look behind me, but before i could turn back i felt a tug on the skin on the back of my neck. I tensed up and pulled against it. But it was too strong. It dragged me inside. I growled louder and louder, warning who ever it was to get off. I was inside the house now and the door was closed behind me. The cheif walked so that iwas in his veiw and then whoever was holding me let me go. I darted for the door only to realise it was closed. I backed into the corner and watched them as they stared at me.
"Whats her name?" The chief asked as he looked at Alex stil confused
"Katie." He said taking a few steps forward and then sitting on the floor, crossing his legs. I really wanted to go up to him. Just for comfort. I felt safe with him.
"And your sure?" The cheif said as he rubbed his forhead.
"Nah , he's just a very girly guy" Peter said from leaning over the back of the sofa.
They both turned to look at him as he and the other two started laughing. I growled feircly. They stopped laughing imediatly and they all turned to look at me, shocked.
"Possitive." Alex said as he looked at me. I looked back, he could tell by my eyes i was terrified. The cheif walked away, towards a phone.
"What are you doing?" Alex said as i lyed down and crawled slightly towards Alex.
"I need to tell the others. This is serious Alex it doesn't just stop with us." He said dialing a number.
"Stop! you can't!" Alex shouted. I was right behind Alex now, keeping my eyes on the cheif. Who was now watching me. I sat up and cuddled as close as i could against his back. I made sure i could still see the cheif. He raised his eye brows as Alex turned to look at me.
"Ok Katie." Alex said as he smothed my head. "We have to explain things first." He said turning back to the chief. he nodded and then put the phone down and walked back towards me. I tensed again and Alex felt it.
"It's allright Katie. Maybe she'd feel better if she wasn't like this. " He said turning back to the Chief.
"yeah, take her upstairs and find something." He said as Alex stood. He walked towards the stairs. I stood now but was bent low to the ground not sure what to do. My tail between my legs. I looked from Alex to the cheif to the others who were now watching me.
"Comeon" He said. I hesitated, taking a step forward but then back. I decided that it was better to be with Alex so i quickly ran after him. It was strange but i trusted him. I've known him what? 2 days. And i trusted him. He was at the top of the stairs now. It took me longer than i thaught to catch up to him because I kept falling over my front feet as i ran up the stairs.I stood in the doorway and looked around. After making sure it was safe I walked through the door to were Alex stood next to a cupbourd. I leant against his leg and looked into the cupbourd.
"Theres no girl stuff here but there are some jumpers and a pair of tracksuit trousers i think'd fit you." He said picking up somethings from the cupbourd and throwing them on the bed. He turned and knelt infront of me.
"You need to relax. Calm you heart rate down." Then he got up and walked over to a sterio leant against the right wall underneath a huge window. He turned it on and a beautifull noise filled the room. It was someone playing a piano. It was beautifull. He covered me with a blanket as i listened to the notes.
"i'll be outside the door." He said walking towards the door. He closed it but i didn't hear him go downstairs. I sat there not sure what he wanted me to do, so i just listened to the music. I felt sudden numbness spread through my body. I felt a chill go up my spine and i shivered. My rib cage was getting tight and i could feel coldness go through my body , from head to toe as though someone was tipping water over my head. I felt some aching in my muscles and my gums hurt. My breathing became rapid again and i started to shake. My body flung itself back with a lod thump untill i was lying on my back on the floor. I closed my eyes and waited. The numbness began to go and the shaking stopped. I felt awkward. I opened my eyes and i gasped. I was back. I looked at my hands and felt my face. It was deffinatly me again. I had a slight scratch on my cheek and my hands were dirty. I quickly rapped the blacnket around me as i got up, i suddenly realised i was completly naked. I walked hesitantly towards the bed and picked up the jumper. It was navy and had a hood on the back. I put it on quickly and then reached for the trousers. They were long black tracksuit bottoms. They looked new. I put them on. They were alot longer than my legs were so i had to fold them up at the bottm. I tied the string around the waist to make them stay up and then turned and sat on the end of the bed. What the hell was going on?
I don't know how long i sat there for but i heard some shifting outside that made me look up just as the door opened.
"Katie?" Alex said hesitantly.
I stood up quickly and stared at him. He relaxed when he saw me and smiled a little.
"Has she changed?" A croaky voice came from downstairs. He turned slightly to reply.
"Yeah." He said and then turned back to me extending his hand. "Comeon. We'll explain everything." Then he hesitated. "up to a point" he said as i took his hand and he lead me out of the room. We walked down the stairs in silence. The only noise i could hear was the sound of the simpsons on the Tv. Alex saw my confused expression and laughed.
"Hey cheif arn't you a bit old for The simpsons?" He said as we turned the corner. I stood as close as i could to Alex, keeping hold of his hand. I heard a few chuckles as we walked towards the table. They were all sitting on the sofa.
"It's not for me!" He shouted with a smile on his face. "The boys wanted to watch it." He said pointing to three grinning boys who turned to look at us. Alex shook his head laughing and then turned back to chief who was now sitting on a chair. He lead me to the table and told me to sit on the chair to the right of the one that he sat down on. I sat down and stared at my hands nervously. There was no sound. Cheif breathed in heavily and then put his hands on the table.
"Right. This is differant. Were do we start?" He asked. Alex looked at me and then turned back to the cheif.
"well, lets start the way we normally do." I looked up to see the cheif nod.
"well ,i've already told her that it's genetic and that your the Alpha from the last pack. I've also told her that you and the other chiefs keep in contact." He continued.
"Ah, that reminds me. After this i must call them." Alex ground and shifted in his seat.
"See, i don't think that'd be a good idea. Atleast not yet." Im sick of this, why don't they just get on with explaining it! I need to know what the hell is going on. This isn't supposed to be real. I mean i've read books and watched films on things like these but they're all fictional!
"Hello?" i shouted as i raised both my arms in the air. "Your supposed to be explaining this stuff to me!" I said looking from one of them to the other.
"She's got a temper on her doesn't she" The cheif said turning to Alex and smiling.
"Yeah. Ok yes we should be explaining, sorry." He turned to me and watched me for a bit, he looked like he was trying to decided were to start. I folded my arms and waited patiently.
"Ok, well what do you know about......werewolves?" He said watching me. i laughed and jumped up knocking the chair over by accident.
"This is rediculous. Theres no such thing as werewolves." I shouted. He stood up and walked towards me.
"Well, no but it could help us explain." He put his hand on my shoulder and pushed me onto his chair. Standing behind me.
"Fine. Well..." I hesitated trying to remember all of the things i'd watched or read.
"I know that they only change with a full moon. They can't remember who they are. and well. You can only get infected if your bitten" I turned to look at him.
"Ok well. As you can probably tell. We don't need a full moon. We only phase when our heart beats go beyond a certain pace, At the beginning. After some practice, you can phase by choice." I nodded. Trying to believe everything he was telling me. It was hard. It all seemed like utter rubbish. Like a made up story. The chief started now.
" We keep our minds when we phase although sometimes the instincts take over. The line goes back decades. And it's genetic. We have no choise. We don't play a huge part in society. Thats why you havn't heard of us. You can't tell anyone!" He said the last part so seriously i looked up, to watch him.
"We look out for the place were we live. Theres packs in every place across the world.But...." he hesitated and frowned. "Some packs try to take over other places. Some packs controle more than one place. They attack others and if the Alpha is killed then the original pack joins the oppositions. There are differant sized packs everywere. Theres one in Cardiff thats got 9 members in it. All males." He stopped looking up to meet eye contact with me.
"Which brings us to you." Alex said squeezing my shoulder. He walked around me and picked up the chair from the floor, swinging it round and sitting on it backwards. Resting his arms on the back of it.
"what about me?" I asked timidly. They looked at eachother. The chief nodded at Alex and then they both turned back to me.
"well, theres books about us. We have loads upstairs. Theres never been any mension of a..." He hesitated looking back to chief and then to me. "Of a female." He said watching me carefully as i processed the information. "We don't know how your one of us and in reality. You can't be." I laughed out loud and they all jumped.
"Reality? your saying that in reality a female shouldn't exist in a pack of guys who can turn into wolves by choice." I laughed again as i got up. "This is crap. This is utter shit!" I shouted as i backed towards the door.
"Were are you going?" Alex shouted after me as he got up.
"Im getting away from here." I said turning for the door. Everyone stood up now.
"Katie stop! You can't just run from this." The chief shouted as i stepped outside. I was shaking. My hands hitting violently against my sides.
"Katie you need us!" Alex shouted grabbing my arm and pulling me around to look at him.
"I don't need anyone!" I screamed at him and ripped my arm out of his grip.
"Alex leave her. She needs time to process what we've told her." The chief called from behind me. I was running by then. Running in the direction i asumed we'd come. I didn't stop running untill i felt the sudden shake in my body that was beginning to get so familiar. I stopped and held my breathe. I closed my eyes and consuntrated. Trying to remember the beautifull noise of the piano back at the house. The shaking slowed and i opened my eyes. See, i'd controled it. I didn't need them. I walked slowly. I could see the gate just infront of me, beyond the grass. I walked up to it and heaved myself over it. I slipped on one of the bars as i was getting off and fell to the floor. I clambered up and brushed the gravel off my legs and back. I walked slowly to my house. I was alot more comfortable now that i knew were i was. It'd probably been about an hour since i'd been in that house with the chief. It had only taken a few minutes to get there but it's taken so much longer to get back. I walked up my drive and lifted my hand to open the door but stopped. My hand hesitating on the handle. I can't just walk in now. He probably thinks im in my room. I looked up at my bedroom window. There was a pipe going down one side of it, connecting it to another pipe on the roof. I walked over to it and pulled to see if it'd take my weight. It didn't move, didn't even creak. I pushed my foot against the wall and clutched the pipe. Pulling myself up it. I clambered onto the window sill and pushed against my window. It slid open in a slight wispered squeel. I clibed through and fell onto my bed. I closed my eyes.

I was running through a forest, i could hear someone crying out in the distance. I felt adrenaline push me forward and i could hear voices in my head telling me to stop. Asking me what i was doing. I ignored them. The twigs snapping underneath my heavy paws and the branches wipping my face as i ran into them. I dug my nails into the ground and pushed myself faster. The crying was getting nearer, there were more than one footsteps running. they were running towards me and then there was rusteling and a thump. One of them had fallen. The others were gaining on the person lying on the floor. Get up i begged, get up. There was no movement. I could smell the scent that made my stomache churn and made my instincts flare. Blood. My feet pounded the ground harder and harder. I burst through the trees in time to see a group of people hovering over someone on the floor. And then i woke up. Screaming. My dad turned the light on and came running over to me
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