My Chemical Life

When I'm Gone.

March 15th, 2008.
Dear thingy,
Ha-ha. I didn’t write for while again. Well today, or should I say tonight because I just decided to do this at nine at night, is the last concert. Yeah, this was a short tour. Right now we’ve done sound check, in our pajamas and we should be going on stage soon. We decided to all stay in our pajamas today, until the show. That’d be funny, playing in our pajamas. Anyways, Frank and the guys still haven’t found out its us. I find it pretty sad but a big relief. We’ve actually become friends with them. Me and the guys are now thinking of it this way. Raven, Pandora, Edward #2, and Psych are new alter egos. We can hang out with the guys as long as we’re The Grounded. Well I better go. We have to get ready. Buh-bye!


“Get your ass in the bathroom Lexi before I let Jessie in there!” Edward yelled from the front. My eyes got wide before I jumped out of my bunk and into the bathroom, my duffle bag already inside. You see, Jessie can take hours in the bathroom. I pulled out my outfit and then tossed my pajamas into the duffle bag. Well, I can’t forget anything. I straightened my hair (yeah, it changes again) before tossing that into my messenger bag too. I tossed in all my bathroom stuff before actually pulling on my clothes. The silver studded one rest of my hips while the pink and black one goes on an angle.

“Lexi! Are you ready yet?!” Jessie yelled through the door while banging on it.

“Yeah!” I called back, zipping up my duffle bag. I stepped out to see Jessie already dressed in her own clothes.

“Wait. Your already done?” I asked in disbelief.

“Yeah, why?” she asked, confused.

DAMNIT EDWARD!” I yelled out. Jessie started laughing at me as I grumbled angrily. I walked off the bus and put my duffle bag and suitcase into a black van. Our manager was sending our clothes and stuff ahead of us to California since we were getting a flight home from Jersey. Yeah, we stopped the tour in Jersey. I mean it is My Chem’s head tour, not our’s.

“Did you get everything off the bus?” Keith asked as we walked up next to me, tossing in his own luggage.

“Not yet,” I replied, feeling my face get a little warm. I’ve been having more of a thing for Keith since about two weeks ago at a photoshoot. Let’s have a flashback, shall we?

Two Weeks Ago.

“Hey Psych, Rae. Can I ask you guys something?” the camera guy asked as we all were heading to go change into normal clothes. We shrugged before heading over to him.

“Yeah, what’s up dude?” Keith asked.

“A lot of fans have been going around thinking your dating. The crew, your manager, and I was wondering if you two would be willing to do a shoot, just the two of you?” I looked at Keith with a questioning stare. He just shrugged which basically meant ‘if-you-don’t-mind-I-don’t-care’.

“Sure. Why not?” We were soon getting ushered around. About fourty-five minutes of pictures and Edward and Jessie making kissing faces at us later, we had finished.

“Aww. You guys look so cute together,” Jessie cooed to me as we both looked over the final product. I rolled my eyes at her before heading to my changing room.

….She’s right though….

See? I still have a copy of every picture from there. They’re hiding in the-

“Oh shit!” I yelled, running full speed onto the bus, leaving a confused Keith and Edward at the van. As I neared the bathroom I could hear Jessie giggling. When I was in the doorway I saw Jessie looking at them with an ‘aww’ face.

“Jessie! Give them!” I demanded, trying to snatch them. She held them above her head and stood on her tippy toes.

“But I love these,” she said, pouting her bottom lip.

“So? Give em!” I restated. She sighed heavily before handing them over. I ran to my bunk and slid them behind my laptop in my backpack. I slid that over my shoulder before leaving the bus.

“See ya guys,” Greg said, smiling at us from the driver’s cabin.

“Text us Greg. We’ll see you next time,” I called. We all said our goodbyes before he pulled out of the venue and down the highway, the van following closely behind. We were bringing our carry on luggage and Edward, Jessie, and I would bring our instruments.

“Well let’s go guys. We have one last show,” Keith announced. We all nodded before making our way to the arena.

~*~Fast forward to after the band’s last song~*~

As the final notes from my guitar faded, cheers erupted throughout the arena.

“I’m sorry guys but that was our final song for the tour,” I announced sadly. Many boo’s boomed out but Keith quieted them down.

“Guys, I have something I wish to say.” It got eerie quiet and I looked at him curiously as he came out from behind the drums, his drumsticks shoved in the back pocket of his skinny jeans.

“Rae. We’ve known each other a long time, right?” I nodded, confusion covering my features.

“Well I was wondering. Would you go out with me?” My jaw dropped and I heard cheers from everywhere, including Edward and Jessie. I just nodded, knowing my voice wouldn’t come in handy. He grinned before I jumped up, wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. Good thing I had put my guitar down. He kissed me on my lips which made the cheers louderif they could. He carried me to the side of the stage where he set me down, standing behind me with his arms wrapped around my shoulders.

“Yes! Finally!” Jessie squealed as she stepped off stage. I rolled my eyes at her and giggled. We ended up watching My Chem’s set, especially since the stagehands said that they wanted us to.

“Well this is our last song. You guys want The Grounded to come back out here?” I heard Gerard asked. Cheers erupted and the guys motioned for us to come on stage. We all had our instruments minus Keith but another drum kit was now getting set up next to Bob’s.

“Yo! What’s up guys?!” I yelled into the mic I was given. For the next two minutes we went over what everyone would play and, in my case, sing. Soon we were ready to start.

“Let’s go! This is the very last song!” Gerard yelled.

“Let’s get rockin’!” Jessie, Frank, Mikey, and I yelled.

((A/N: Normal is Gerard, bold is Lexi, and italics is both))

Well if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say.
I never want to let you down or have you go, it's better off this way.
For all the dirty looks, the photographs your boyfriend took,
Remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor?

I'm not okay
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
You wear me out

What will it take to show you that it's not the life it seems?
(I'm not okay)
I told you time and time again you sing the words but don't know what it means
(I'm not okay)
To be a joke and look, another line without a hook
I held you close as we both shook for the last time take a good hard look!

I'm not okay
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
You wear me out

Forget about the dirty looks
The photographs your boyfriend took
You said you read me like a book, but the pages are all torn and frayed

I'm okay
I'm okay!
I'm okay, now
(I'm okay, now)

But you really need to listen to me
Because I'm telling you the truth
I mean this, I'm okay!
(Trust Me)

I'm not okay
I'm not okay

Well, I'm not okay
I'm not o-fucking-kay
I'm not okay
I'm not okay

~*~Third Person P.O.V.~*~

Cheers and screams erupted throughout the arena as the two bands started to hug each other goodbye. The Grounded started to chat as they walked off stage, the three with instruments putting them up. As the left, Lexi was so busy laughing and cuddling with her new boyfriend that she didn’t notice her prized necklace had fallen on the side of the stage.

“Guys, what’s this?” Ray asked, leaning down to pick up something red off the ground. Frank took it and looked at the L on the front.

“Hey that’s Rae’s. She said it was a present from her mom in an interview I watched,” Gerard said thoughtfully. Frank’s eyebrows stitched in confusion as it seemed familiar to him. He let out a gasp as he turned it over.

“It’s not Rae’s,” Frank whispered, almost inaudibly.

“Huh?” the other four men chorused, turning to look at their shorter friend.

“G.W., F.I., M.W., R.T. and B.B.,” he whispered. Bob took it from his shaky hands and saw it himself.

“It’s our initials. This is Lexi’s,” Bob said in shock. Soon Frank dashed out the back door and into the cold Jersey air. Snow was falling but Frank had no time to look in amazement.

“LEXI!” he yelled at the top of his lungs at the yellow taxi van which held the teenagers. They, however, couldn’t hear due to the fact that they were all talking and had gotten the (very awesome and young) taxi cab driver to play Five Finger Death Punch.

“LEXI!” he tried again. When there was no sign of a response, he pulled out his phone. He tried calling the number for ‘Rae’.

The number you are trying to call is not a working phone-” He threw his phone at a brick wall just as his friends and band members exited the building.

“Frank?! Calm down!” Gerard cooed, bringing his boyfriend into a hug.

“I had her Gerard. I had her for two months and couldn’t tell it was her. Damn it! I was so close to finding my baby,” the shorter of the two cried. The old one just hugged him tighter and watched as the taxi disappeared into the Jersey landscape.
♠ ♠ ♠
Song Credit:
Title: I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
Artist: My Chemical Romance

<3 Tina Terror