My Chemical Life

I'm Just A Kid.

“Lexi. Lexi! Get the fuck up!” someone yelled into my ear after taking out one of my iPod’s earphones. I glared at Jessie as she slammed close her door, hopping out and following Edward up to the house. I looked out of my window and saw that none of the guy’s cars were there, I guess they went to Johnny’s (a restaurant) or something since it was about lunch time. Suddenly Keith appeared out of nowhere and I smiled a tired grin.

“Good afternoon beautiful. Sleep well?” he asked as he opened my door and helped me out.

“Yes actually,” I replied, taking my bag from the floor. I looked up and smiled to see our house in front of me. Believe me, I love tour and all but it’s nice to be back home instead on a cramped bus. Keith laced his hand that wasn’t holding my guitar with mine. I smiled before we walked up the pathway to the front door. We were soon greeted with the sounds of Jessie and Edward arguing if they should watch Viva La Bam or Rad Girls. I rolled my eyes before Keith led me up the stairs. We were soon in the hallway with all our rooms and bathrooms in it. ((A/n: Here’s how both pictures go. Top row from left to right: Keith, Jessie. Bottom row from left to right: Lexi, Edward. On the right of the hall is Jessie‘s room and then Lexi‘s. On the left is Edward‘s then Keith‘s.))

“Well I’m gonna go unpack and shower. See you in a while,” I announced, giving Keith a peck on the lips and taking my guitar in one motion. He just smiled and nodded before walking across the hall to his room. I walked into my room and smiled at the familiar surroundings. Suddenly mewing was heard and I saw my cat Cameo coming out of the bathroom.

“Hey there baby. Did Johnny take good care of you?” I cooed to her as I pet her head. A meow was my reply and I giggled before putting my guitar case on the table at the foot of my bed and placing my bag on the floor next to it. Cameo jumped onto to my bed and curled up on top of my blanket. I skipped into my bathroom before filling up the bathtub. Since nothing’s going to be important, I’ll skip the showering stuff and skip right to getting dressed again.

“Damn! Where’s that fucking shirt?” I said out loud as I tightened my grip on the towel around my body as I searched for the tee I couldn’t find. I sighed in annoyance and just pulled out a black polo, finally finishing my outfit. I quickly pulled everything on, tossing my already dry hair into a ponytail. I took my phone before shoving it into my pocket and walking out my door, leaving it open for Cameo. I came out the same time Jessie came upstairs, dressed in something besides pajamas.

“Ah, good. Your dressed. Come on, Matt and the guys want us to come over,” she said, grabbing my hand and walking down the stairs, me in tow.

“We just got here,” I whined as my tiredness was starting to catch up to me. I had only slept for about six hours in total the last two nights.

“Too bad. Jimmy said if I didn’t bring you over now he’d come and carry you over himself,” Jessie explained as she tossed a random shoe on the ground at Edward who’s back was to us watching TV.

“Ow! What the hell?! That was a fucking steel toe boot!” Edward complained, rubbing his now probably sore head.

“I told you to turn off that damn thing five minutes ago. Serves you right. Now get your ass up and let’s go. Matt and the guys want us to hang out,” Jessie commanded. Edward muttered something about having Satan’s daughter as a cousin as he shut off the TV. We walked out onto the back porch where Keith was sitting. He soon stood and followed us out onto the beach before we stepped onto the guys’ back porch.

“Oh Mattie-kins!” I sang out with a slight skip in my step. Suddenly a human blur ran at me, tackling me into a hug.

“How could you leave me with these four! They won’t stop picking on me!” Johnny cried dramatically. I rolled my eyes, shoving him off me and onto the ground.

“Well that’s cuz you’re an easy target,” I retorted, making him pout.

MUNCHKINS!” Four full grown men yelled together. My eyes grew wide, along with the others I’m sure, and the thought of running really fast came to mind. Then again, these guys had long legs. Shit. Suddenly I was being hugged too tightly by none other than Brian Elwin Haner Jr..

“Bri…can’t..breath!” I wheezed out. Suddenly he was pulled off and Jimmy gave me a hug, much softer than Brian’s.

“I missed you buddy!” Jimmy shouted. I laughed and hugged him back. This was repeated twice more and I watched with amusement as Jessie clung to Zacky, screaming something about missing her lover. I don’t know what‘s she‘s talking about, I never pay attention to her.

“What are you on and can I have some?” I asked her with a straight face.

“I have no more,” she shrugged, getting her death grip off Zacky.

“Oh my god! She sold it all!” I screeched, hands on my cheeks with my mouth wide with fake shock. Everyone started to laugh as Edward fake yelled at her for not saving any for him.

“So what are we going to do today boys?” Keith asked, trying to be uninterested.

“We want to hang out with you guys. We haven’t seen you in over two months. We have to spend time together,” Brian said, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards outside.

“Where the hell are we going then?” Edward asked. I turned slightly and saw him over Matt’s shoulder. I started to laugh until Brian tossed me over his shoulder.

“What the fuck?” I asked.

“You walk slow,” he answered, shrugging slightly. I rolled my eyes and watched aswe they walked through our backdoor (Jessie was over Zacky’s shoulder and Keith over Jimmy’s shoulder) and then to the living room. He plopped me down on the floor like the rest of the guys to did to everyone else. They scooted the coffee table out of the way so we could all sit in a weird circle.

“We wanted to come over because we’ve been at our house too much these past months. Need new scenery,” Jimmy explained as everybody got comfortable. I turned with my back to the circle before falling backwards, laying on my back.

“Tired?” Jessie asked, an evil grin on her face.

“Fuck off bitch,” I muttered, closing my eyes. Suddenly a hoodie landed on my face and I ripped it off, glaring at the innocent looking Jessie, or what she wanted to be innocent. I held up the hoodie and squealed when I saw it was my Slipknot one. I quickly pulled it on before following my actions from earlier but with my hood up. As we started to talk sleep slowly took over before I fell into unconsciousness.

~*~No One’s P.O.V.~*~

“What do you think about the hat Lexi?” Zacky asked. Everyone was arguing if Brian’s new red fedora looked good or not. When no reply was heard everyone turned to the teen on the floor.

“Lexi?” Jimmy asked, poking her slightly. She muttered something before light breathing escaped between her lips again.

“Awww,” everyone chorused. The younger four started to laugh at the thought of Avenged Sevenfold awing. Suddenly Brian’s phone went off playing Linkin Park’s “In The End”.

“Synyster here,” Brian said, not bothering to look at the ID. If anything a fan somehow got his number but in all honesty, he didn’t give a damn.

Hey Brian, it’s Gerard.” At the sound of his voice Brian put it on speaker, holding a finger to his lips.

“Yeah. Hey dude. What’s up?”

This is gunna sound weird, but do you have Rae and the guys’ numbers? I had a question to ask them but we must have got their numbers mixed up. They talked about you on an interview or two so I figured you must have them,” Gerard replied.

“I can’t say we do dude. I think Rae’s phone must have broke or something, we can’t get them either. Are you alright? You sound a little out of it,” Matt asked, curiosity lacing his every word. The rest of The Grounded that was awake had their heads tilted in confusion.

Yeah, I’m good. Do you have the number to their manager or anyone? I really need to get a hold of them.”

“Sorry man but we don’t have anything,” Zacky pitched in.

Oh. Well thanks anyways guys. Talk to ya later.” He didn’t wait for a reply before he hung up. Brian hung up his phone before looking at the group with a confused face.

“I wonder what’s up with him.” Everyone shrugged before they started to talk about random things.
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<3 Tina Terror