My Chemical Life


The next time I woke up I was on something much softer than the hardwood floor in our living room. Further investigated showed I was in my room. I rubbed my eyes before looking at the clock on my bedside table. 2:48. The little dot afterwards showed that it was in the P.M. side. Suddenly Cameo came up next to my face, mewing.

“Okay baby. I’ll get you some food,” I said tiredly, zombie walking into the bathroom to fill up her bowl. Once that was finished I looked in the mirror and winced. I looked as if a tornado had flown through my room and attacked me. I lazily took out the earrings before placing them, my tongue stud, and my arm warmers onto the counter. Tearing off my hoodie, I made my hair look even worse. I took it out of the ponytail before brushing through it and leaving it down. I kicked my shoes blindly into my room as I went towards my closet. I pressed the play button on my stereo and Paramore’s “Fences” came from the speakers. I started to sing along as I searched for a new outfit.

“You up?” Keith called through my door.

“Duh. Why else would my stereo be turned on?” I asked with a roll of my eyes, pulling out an outift and putting it on my bed.

“Do you wanna go downtown? The guys, Edward, Jessie, and I want to go and mess around for a while. Want to come along?” he asked, cracking open the door enough to peek in his head.

“Sure. I’ll be down in a few.” He nodded before shutting my door and his footsteps faded away. I pulled on my clothes before sitting on my bed and shoving the font of my jeans behind the tongue of my shoes. I put a corner of the bandanna into the back right pocket of my jeans before walking into my bathroom. I put on some thin eyeliner above and below my eyes before repainting my nails black. I quickly placed in two lip rings and a black tongue stud. Soon “Grow Up” by Simple Plan starting to blast out of my stereo and I screamed along with the lyrics. Suddenly the door slammed open and Jessie, Johnny, and Zacky all burst in screaming along too.

I don’t wanna be told to grow! And I don’t wanna change, I just wanna have fun!” They all sang. I just blinked twice before falling to the ground laughing my ass off. Soon the music was shut off and Brian, Matt, and Keith were circled around me with confused faces.

“Are you okay?” Matt asked. I just nodded before Brian pulled me to my feet.

“Hey Lexi, I’ve been wondering. What happened to that necklace with the L on it?” Keith asked, confused. I froze and all color faded from my face.

“Oh my god! Where is it?!” I yelled, jumping on and over my bed to land right in front of my closet. I started to toss clothes and jewelry over my shoulder searching for it. I got pissed and tossed one of my lamps at a wall, almost hitting Johnny with it. My eyes went wide with rage and I breathed heavily out my nose, nostrils flaring.

“Lexi, Lexi. Calm. Down,” Brian said, looking straight into my eyes. My eyes softened and I slowed my breathing. I shut my eyes tight before reopening them.

“Sorry,” I muttered, staring at the floor.

“It’s okay,” Brian replied, pulling me into a hug. As we stood everyone started to walk down the stairs. Right before I went through, I stopped. Brian, Keith, and Johnny all stopped to look at me.

“I really rather not go. I just want to stay here, okay?” I asked, my suddenly hyper mood gone.

“Are you sure? I could stay,” Keith replied, holding my hands in his. I nodded and smile a weak one.

“Yeah. You guys have fun for me. And bring back lots of mountain dew,” I replied, laughing slightly. They nodded before each gave me a hug and kiss on the forehead, Keith shutting the door behind him. I sighed and walked into the living room, laying down on one of the leather couches. As the world would have it, right when I got comfy the doorbell rang throughout the house.

“God damnit. Coming!” I yelled the second part as I stood and shuffled towards the door. As soon as I pulled it open, I gasped.


“Hey babe,” he replied with an evil smirk. I tried to slam the door on him put he put his foot between the door and door frame to stop it.

“Is that anyway to greet me?” he asked, shoving open the door. I hit him to where my ammo bracelet hit him right on the left cheek. He hissed out and I tried to run off but he grabbed my arms and slammed me against the door, also closing it in the process. I was definitely gonna have a bruise from that.

“Let me go and get the fuck out of here!” I yelled, thrashing and trying to get out of his grasp. He punched me in my jaw and I froze on the spot. He tossed away the bracelet, probably making sure I won’t do that move again.

“How about you shut the fuck up already?” he said in a threatening voice right next to my ear. I whimpered and I could hear the smirk on his lips. Suddenly he tossed me over his shoulder and locked the dead bolt on the door.

“No! Put me down!” I cried out, kicking wildly while trying to get down. He held my legs down and grunted as he tried to walk up the stairs. Soon he kicked open a door which ended up being mine. How the hell did he guess that?

“Shut up!” he hissed as he tossed me on the bed and locked my door shut. I tried to get up and run to my window but he pushed me onto the bed and straddled my waist, pinning my hands above my head. He literally ripped off my necklace and shoes, figuring they were an obstacle.

“Please. Let me go,” I cried, cringing under him as I saw that evil smirk still playing on his lips.

“I stayed with for two months. I think I deserve a reward,” he snapped, ripping off my shirt and wristband. My eyes widened as I saw my shirt was in shreds and Alex held a pocket knife.

“Please. Please Don’t do this,” I sobbed, tears streaming down my face. He wiped away my tears and kissed me roughly.

“Don’t worry babe. You’ll love this,” he whispered, slowly running his knife down my collarbone to my bra. A shiver went down my shine as the cold blade slid across my skin. It only cut when he make my bra split. I whimpered as he unbuckled my belt before tossing off my jeans. He quickly tied my wrist together before unbuckling his own belt and pulling down his pants and boxers.

“This is gonna hurt. Try to enjoy yourself. I know I will,” Alex said evilly before shoving himself into me, making me cry out in pain.

~*~Thirty Minutes Later~*~

I was in a curled up in a ball on my bed. Alex had just left after saying it was ‘nice knowing me’ before he left me as a broken, bloody mess. I let out a sob before slowly lifting my bruised body and scuffling into the bathroom. I looked away from the mirror as my reflection disgusted me. I picked up my cell from the floor (not sure how it got there) and shakily dialed Johnny’s number.

~*~Johnny’s P.O.V.~*~

I laughed as Edward and Keith were in a heated game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Keith cursed out as he lost another round and Edward started to dance around the playground. Yeah, we ended up going to a park instead. No one really wanted to get mobbed by kids at the mall. Suddenly my phone started to ring and I fished it out of my back pocket. ‘Lexi’ flashed on the ID and I figured she got bored staying home.

“Ello. What’s up?” I answered, putting the phone to my ear.

Johnny?” I head Lexi sob out.

“Whoa. Lexi, what’s the matter?” Everyone stopped in the middle of their movements to look over at me.

J-Johnny. H-H-He was here. He t-t-took-” She couldn’t finish before she burst into tears.

“Lexi, Lexi honey, calm down. Now who is it?” I asked, trying to get her to speak.

P-Please give the phone to Je-Jessie,” she begged. I motioned Jessie over and she quickly took it.

“Lexi, hun. What’s wrong?” After a minute her eyes grew wide.

“Lexi. I want you to calm down. I will call Val and tell her and Gena and Lacey to come over since they’re home. I am going to have Brian call the police and we’ll be back soon. Kay? Go take a shower if you want alright? Bye sweetie.” By the time Jessie had hung up Brian was already holding his phone to his ear, talking with the cops.

“What’s going on?” Matt demanded. Jessie ignored him and tossed my phone at me.

“Call Val and tell her to get Gena and Lacey over there. Lexi needs ‘girl’ help now. And give me that!” she snapped at the babbling and slowly getting aggravated Brian. I quickly followed her instructions and Jessie motioned for us to run with her to the van.

“No! Shut up! I need the cops not the fucking fire department! I have a rapist on the lose you fuckers!” Jessie yelled at the person. My heart stopped along with my feet.

Lexi was rapped?

“Get your asses in the fucking van!” Jessie yelled. Keith, Brian, Edward, Matt, and I jumped in. Zacky and Jimmy took Zacky’s mustang. Jessie sped down the streets while talking to the cops.

“Yeah. Name is Alexander Redford. He’s seventeen, about five foot eight inches tall, black hair, has snake bites, and a bullring. Yes those are piercings you dib shit! You need to get your asses out there before I find him myself and you have to arrest me.” She shut it quickly and tossed it at Brian who sat next to her.

“It was Alex who pulled this shit?!” Edward yelled/asked angrily. Edward apparently heard all about him and was pissed since Lexi was like a little sister to him. Jessie stayed silent and everyone’s hands curled into fists. That fucker is so dead! As soon as we pulled to a stop, Keith, Jessie, and I were the first ones out. Keith led the way to her room where Val and Gena sat on either side of a freshly wet Lexi. She sat in basketball shorts and a baggy, black hoodie that cover over her knees.

“G-guys,” Lexi sobbed, her bottom lip trembling. Keith scooped her up into a hug and cradled her in his arms while whispering sweet nothings into her ear. She clung to him for dear life as she cried into his chest. That broke my heart, seeing her this depressed.

Alexander Redford just made it to the top of my Must Kill list.
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<3 Tina Terror