My Chemical Life

Trashed and Scattered.

~*~Next Day~*~

I woke up and stretched in my bed, letting out some noise I didn’t even know what it was. I got out of bed and slipped into my slippers (Hahaha!). I walked down the hall and down the stairs, taking two at a time. Once I was at the bottom I smiled into the living room where Gerard and Frank were curled up together on the couch. I walked to the front door and stepped outside to get the mail only to run back in.

“Holy fucking shit!” I yelled hugging myself. I heard a thud before Frank appeared at the living room doorway.

“What’s the matter Lexi!?” he asked frantically as a sleepy Gerard emerged from the darkness rubbing his eyes.

“How the hell is it so damn cold in March in Huntington?! You‘d think we were in Jersey!” I exclaimed, rubbing my hands up and down my arms. Tank tops and shorts are not meant to deal with coldness. Frank laughed before walking into the kitchen, Gerard following like a puppy from his tired state. I walked up the stairs back to my room, deciding to get dressed before getting my mail.

“What was all that yelling about?” Keith asked, a yawn escaping his mouth at the end.

“Nothing. Just get dressed for the cold today,” I replied as I shut my door. I petted Cameo who sat staring at me from my bed before walking to my closet. I picked out my outfit, quickly slipped it on, and shoved my phone into my pocket. I then headed down the stairs, taking two at a time. I finally reached the bottom only to fall flat on my face.

“What the hell?” I muttered, pushing myself up with my hands. As I stood I saw what looked like coffee spilled on the ground.

“Gerard! Calm the fuck down!” Frank shouting, laughing.

“One of you better clean this up!” I yelled towards the kitchen. I kept my eyes forward as I walked to the front door. I’d rather not know what our kitchen now looked like. As I stepped outside I sighed as it felt much better now. I jogged down the walk to the mail box and pulled out the mail.

“Junk mail, junk mail, bill, bill, bill, junk,” I muttered, flipping through the envelopes on the way back to the house. Once inside I tossed the junk mail into the trash by the door and the bills in a basket for Matt to help us take care of.

“Oi! You guys awake?!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. I heard three thuds and started to laugh my ass off as I continued to sort through the mail. I raised an eyebrow when I saw a letter addressed to me at the bottom.

“Was that really necessary?” I heard Jessie ask a few seconds later as she stood at the top of the stairs brushing her hair.

“Yes. Did I wake you up?”

“No. But you did wake up Edward, Ray, Bob, Mikey, and Keith. Edward, Keith, and Mikey fell so you know,” she replied, tossing her brush in her room then walking down the stairs.

“But Keith was up when I went to get mail,” I told her.

“Well you know Keith, he goes back to sleep,” she replied shrugging.

“Wait, how did you know it was those three that fell?” I questioned, eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

“Well I heard Mikey and Edward cuss and Keith crawled out his room muttering ‘I fucking hate Thursdays’,” Jessie replied as she reached the bottom step.

“But it’s Sunday.” We busted out laughing as we walked into the kitchen. My jaw dropped open and I’m pretty sure Jessie’s did too.

“Haha. Um. It was a tornado?” Frank offered weakly. The floor had been covered in syrup, coffee, and sugar. Sugar and syrup was also all over Frank and Gerard both. The only spots that were clean was right in the area Jessie and I stood and the ceiling. Oh, take that back. There’s a spot of syrup up there. I rubbed my hands up and down my face, sighing heavily.

“I am going to go next door for the next three hours. If I come back and see one drop of syrup or coffee or one speck of sugar, I’m going to kick your asses all the way back to Jersey. You can trick the rest of the guys into helping you if you want. Me and Jessie, however, are not going to,” I said lowly before turning on my heels and heading to the backdoor.

“LEXI!” I was suddenly tackled to the cold sand with Johnny hugging me for dear life.

“Christ! Get the fuck off!” I shouted, freezing as my jacket had slipped off quite a bit. Jessie kicked him off and pulled me up. I quickly zipped up my hoodie as the rest of the guys came up to us.

“What are you guys up to?” Brian asked, giving me a hug.

“Getting out while the others deal with the kitchen,” Jessie replied as we all started towards Avenged’s house.

“What do you mean?” Jimmy questioned.

“You don’t want to know,” I sighed.

~*~Three Hours Later~*~

Me and Jessie headed back over, stumbling along the way. No, we’re not drunk. We’re just laughing too hard. We walked into the backdoor and was greeted with the sent of cleaning supplies.

“Hi Lexi and Jessie!” Keith said while waving. He had his hair held back by a bandana, had an apron wrapped around his waist, and rubber gloves on. He did not help our laughing fit. We literally fell down laughing, clutching our stomachs.

“Oi! That’s not funny!” he whined, tossing off the apron and rubber gloves.

“You’re right! It’s fucking hilarious!” I hollered, my stomach killing me from all the laughing. He growled and stomped off to the living room and Edward peeked out.

“I told you, you looked funny!” Edward yelled as he turned around and disappeared.

FUCK YOU!” Was the only reply I heard. A minute or so me and Jessie calmed down and stood up. I hesitantly went into the kitchen and gasped when I saw it. Everything was literally sparkling.

“Holy shit dude,” Jessie said after whistling.

“Yeah. We only suckered Keith into doing it,” Frank announced as he wiped sweat from his forehead as he tossed his gloves into the trash.

“I’m impressed,” I told him, nodding my head in agreement. Yeah, I just agreed with myself. Fuck. Off.

“Oh, that reminds me…somehow,” Frank started before running into the living room. Not even a minute later he was back and held his hand out to me. I held up a hand, palm upwards, and he dropped the “L” necklace into my hand. I gasped and hugged him tightly, quickly letting go.

“Ew! You smell!” I whined, plugging my nose.

“Oh shush!” Suddenly a honk was heard outside and Mikey walked to the door.

“Guys! The moving truck’s here!” He yelled out before I heard the door shut.

“Why’s a moving truck here?” I asked out loud.

“Well we’re getting a vacation house to the other side of you guys,” Gerard replied grinning and walking towards the front.

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<3 Tina Terror